Grammy J's Zucchini Bread Recipe | CC and Mike | Design Blog (2024)

Per your requests we are posting Grammy J’s Zucchini bread recipe! We hope you are all staying at home and staying healthy. I don’t know about you but we have been enjoying some serious time in the kitchen together as a family. If you missed our stories last night, Emmy came up with an idea for a Hibachi grill all on her own. It was honestly so delicious and we had so much fun together! Easton make Baked Ziti two nights ago and with all the time

I know these times are difficult for so many and we want you to know our thoughts and prayers are with you. We hope these recipes bring a bit of joy to your lives while you are homebound with your families!

Without further ado, I give you Grammy J’s zucchini recipe. Oh yes, and I totally think this bread recipe counts as a serving ofvegetabledue to that two cups of zucchini,ESPECIALLY during the Corona Quarantine. Happy Baking everyone! Don’t forget to share and tag us (@ccandmikecreative on insta or CC and MIKE on Facebook) if you make this! We absolutely love seeing all of you across the country and even all over the world staying at home and making these #ccandmikerecipes.

STEP ONE: Get your cute little kitchen helper to get all the ingredients together and grate the zucchini for you!

Grammy J's Zucchini Bread Recipe | CC and Mike | Design Blog (1)


3 eggs

2 cups grated zucchini, grated and unpeeled

5 tsp cinnamon (we us FIVE because we like it extra cinnamon)

2 cup flour

1/2 tsp baking powder

2 cups sugar

1 cup oil

3 tsp vanilla

1 tsp soda

1 tsp salt

1 cup nuts (optional, we prefer no nuts; sometimes I do one batch with nuts and then one batch with 1/2 cup pecans)

2 bread loaf baking pans

Grammy J's Zucchini Bread Recipe | CC and Mike | Design Blog (2)

STEP 2: Mix together wet ingredients in this order — eggs, sugar, oil and vanilla; then mix that well and add in the zucchini

Grammy J's Zucchini Bread Recipe | CC and Mike | Design Blog (3)

STEP 3: Sift the dry ingredients together

I have a confession. I’m a rule breaker by nature which means I feel that sifting is more of a suggestion. I just put all the dry ingredients together and mix them up well with a fork. but if you’re a rule follower by all means, get out that sifter and use it!

Grammy J's Zucchini Bread Recipe | CC and Mike | Design Blog (4)

STEP 4: Pour Dry ingredients into bowl with wet ingredients and mix well then pour into a floured and sugared baking pan.

OK, I did not get a photo of this but side note on how to flour and sugar a baking pan…I spray cooking spray all over the pan then put about 1 tbsp of flour in the pan and knock it all around until the flour coats the pan. After that, I put about 1 to 2 tsp of sugar in the pan and do the same thing. It gives the zucchini bread a slight sugary coating all over and I think is so yummy.

Also, THIS RECIPE MAKES TWO loaves so you will need two loaf pans. Unfortunately we could not locate one of ours and since we are home bound during the Corona-19 pandemic, we just had to make do with one loaf pan and bake two different rounds.

Grammy J's Zucchini Bread Recipe | CC and Mike | Design Blog (5)

STEP 5: Sprinkle a little sugar on top before you bake (1 tsp approximately) then bake at 325 degrees for 1 hour.

I usually check it at 50 minutes. You want it to be cooked all the way through and not “jiggly” in the middle. But don’t overcook! That is usually around 55 minutes at 325 degrees in our oven. Stick a toothpick in the center and when it comes out clean its ready to come out!

You can see in the photo below how the zucchini bread comes out with a nice and pretty sugary coating if you sprinkle just a little bit of sugar on it before you bake!

Grammy J's Zucchini Bread Recipe | CC and Mike | Design Blog (6)

HOLY YUM! Like I said, it will taste like dessert but it counts as a serving of vegetable. You can’t beat that! And just look at that pretty sugary coating on top that glistens. This recipe is something that is great for just at-home cooking, special events, wedding and baby showers, and anything else you are hosting! It’s always a hit. It also works well for family get togethers and holidays and I love to set it out on a pretty display dish for people to grab and eat!

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With Love, CC and Mike (and the crew)

Grammy J's Zucchini Bread Recipe | CC and Mike | Design Blog (8)

Grammy J's Zucchini Bread Recipe | CC and Mike | Design Blog (9)

Grammy J's Zucchini Bread Recipe

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STEP 1: Mix together wet ingredients in this order — eggs, sugar, oil and vanilla; then mix that well and add in the zucchiniSTEP 2: Sift the dry ingredients togetherSTEP 3: Pour Dry ingredients into bowl with wet ingredients and mix wellSTEP 4: FLOUR AND SUGAR TWO BAKING PANS - I spray cooking spray all over the pan then put about 1 tbsp of flour in the pan and knock it all around until the flour coats the pan. After that, I put about 1 to 2 tsp of sugar in the pan and do the same thing. It gives the zucchini bread a slight sugary coating all over and I think is so yummy. then pour into a floured and sugared baking pan.STEP 5: Sprinkle a little sugar on top before you bake (1 tsp approximately) then bake at 325 degrees for 1 hour. I usually check it at 50 minutes. You want it to be cooked all the way through and not "jiggly" in the middle. But don't overcook! That is usually around 55 minutes at 325 degrees in our oven. Stick a toothpick in the center and when it comes out clean its ready to come out!

  • CourseBreakfast, Dessert
Servings Prep Time
2 loaves 15 min
Cook Time
50 minutes
Servings Prep Time
2 loaves 15 min
Cook Time
50 minutes

Grammy J's Zucchini Bread Recipe | CC and Mike | Design Blog (10)

Grammy J's Zucchini Bread Recipe

Print Recipe

STEP 1: Mix together wet ingredients in this order — eggs, sugar, oil and vanilla; then mix that well and add in the zucchiniSTEP 2: Sift the dry ingredients togetherSTEP 3: Pour Dry ingredients into bowl with wet ingredients and mix wellSTEP 4: FLOUR AND SUGAR TWO BAKING PANS - I spray cooking spray all over the pan then put about 1 tbsp of flour in the pan and knock it all around until the flour coats the pan. After that, I put about 1 to 2 tsp of sugar in the pan and do the same thing. It gives the zucchini bread a slight sugary coating all over and I think is so yummy. then pour into a floured and sugared baking pan.STEP 5: Sprinkle a little sugar on top before you bake (1 tsp approximately) then bake at 325 degrees for 1 hour. I usually check it at 50 minutes. You want it to be cooked all the way through and not "jiggly" in the middle. But don't overcook! That is usually around 55 minutes at 325 degrees in our oven. Stick a toothpick in the center and when it comes out clean its ready to come out!

  • CourseBreakfast, Dessert
Servings Prep Time
2 loaves 15 min
Cook Time
50 minutes
Servings Prep Time
2 loaves 15 min
Cook Time
50 minutes


  • 3 whole eggs
  • 2 cups zucchini, grated and peeled
  • 5 tsp cinnamon
  • 2 cups flour
  • 1/2 tsp baking powder
  • 2 cups sugar
  • 1 cup oil
  • 3 tsp vanilla
  • 1 tsp soda
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 1/2 cup nuts or raisins (optiona) we prefer no nuts but sometimes in the second loaf we will put 1/2 cup pecans

Servings: loaves


  1. Grammy J's Zucchini Bread Recipe | CC and Mike | Design Blog (11)

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Grammy J's Zucchini Bread Recipe | CC and Mike | Design Blog (2024)


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Name: Foster Heidenreich CPA

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Introduction: My name is Foster Heidenreich CPA, I am a delightful, quaint, glorious, quaint, faithful, enchanting, fine person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.