Lights out - Chapter 12 - 00Midnight00 - 名探偵コナン | Detective Conan (2024)

Chapter Text


After witnessing Owl's gruesome murder, Conan is exhausted. He misses school, and spends the day resting at home. Unfortunately, sleeping causes nightmares. As he turns to reading, he uses his mobile to check on the data Akai acquired on Spider. Conan then reaches to a conclusion: that Hakuba's intel on Spider is more complete than that of the FBI. Yet asking him is out of the question. Conan knows Hakuba has started to suspect him, to a point, he already succeeded in following him the night before. A situation that is becoming all the more risky with him finding out about his relation with the FBI.

Conan then calls Heiji. He gives him an update, and gets scolded for his recklessness.

At Owl's lab, a deep search is taking place. There's no sign of RoboKid, yet there's enough equipment to further investigate the Cult. Amongst other things to analyse upon, there is Owl's corpse. An autopsy is made but they lack a proper environment to preserve the body. Additionally, the FBI would get in trouble if the General found out they acted on their own. In the end, James decides to relocate Owl’s corpse for the Tokyo police to find and anonymously help advance in their investigation.

At the TMP, Nakamori finds out that Kid will be facing a trial, and that they have one day to prepare. Not quite a ‘standard trial’ due the unclarity of his background, but an ‘extraordinary one’ to have Interpol gather and properly discuss whether it’s in their best interest to have Kid relocate into another country. The Cult being a prominent threat against the investigation of Kid's identity is one reason for it, but also because it's implied Kid knows information on other top rated criminals that he’s unwilling to share, thus hinting to explore alternative methods that would help persuade him.

At Ekoda high school, Hakuba informs Aoko and Keiko of the current situation. He tells them that two of the cultists (the Doppelganger and Masahiro Nagumo, infiltrated spy) died. These news do nothing but stir the girls’ uneasiness, especially Aoko’s, who has her father to worry about as well as Kid. She wishes to help, yet with the Cult plotting around, doubts Kid would ever truly lower his mask. Thus, she convinces the others to pay him another visit, his inner self at stake.

Back at Owl's lab, Akai is fast to reunite with Jodie. He lends her Conan's bowtie, then explains how to use it in order to gain control over the robots' mind. They also confirm the detective badge they used to track RoboKid’s position can no longer be used to their advantage, because they managed to find it ingrounds. Lastly, Akai reveals to Jodie one last piece of information Conan managed to pick up. That is Snake's real name: Dan'emon Atsushi.

Back to Conan, Yukiko is lively intent on having a family chat: she sneaks into the agency, puts Kogoro to sleep, and gives Conan the scare of his life. Later, they greet Yusaku on the Kudo manor where they end up discussing several matters, including the character Spider or the young Hakuba suspecting him. Yusaku disagrees with having Hakuba join the team due his father being a valid BO boss suspect. And while there is no sign to actually prove that, he’s all in favour of being cautious. Thus, in order to solve these issues, Yukiko agrees to come up with a plan; one where they would manage to obtain the latest intel Hakuba has on Spider and dissuade the suspicion he has on Conan. There is one other subject to discuss though, and that is revolving Kid. Conan wants the FBI to fully consider Kid to join their side, thus already convinced James to make an evaluation of his own, to which he’s waiting for his decision to come. Yukiko is worried, but Conan convinces her not to. Sharing more of his thoughts, Conan defends Kid as an escape artist and considers ‘helping’ could cause him more harm than good.

At Kid's cell, Akako pays him another visit, to which Kaito goes over the plan one last time. This means pulling the final details: reviewing the building's blueprints, well known interpol figures, and having confirmation on their alternative plans. In summary, it is explained that PLAN A = the helicopter escape, PLAN B = a backup car escape, and PLAN C = their last resort. In the end, they end their discussion by agreeing their preparations reached their final stage.

Back to Conan, Yukiko safely returned him to the agency. The time is after school hours. Due to him 'being sick', the shonen tantei deviate from usual plans to go visit him, and Ai takes this chance to give Conan his new mobile.

Hakuba joins his father at Kamagasaki, a poor district in Tokyo, where Owl's corpse has been spotted. They search for clues, yet find almost nothing. However, Hakuba learns that a suspect for the second spy has gone missing, thus hinting this spy-woman fled away anticipating the police would get to her. Also, Hakuba takes this chance to confide in his father. He inquires about the FBI as he intends to find more information on Jodie, she being the woman who intercepted him in his quest to follow Conan. However, the mere fact he brought them up causes the General to become suspicious, simply due the fact that the FBI also happened to contact him just moments ago. The coincidence is untimely. This hints to them that there is something weird going on.

At Nakamori's office, there’s much agitation going on due to the reveal of Owl's death. Along the team is Kid. He tags in with the investigation group that was already in charge of investigating Masahiro's murderer to provide glimpses of extra knowledge. In contrast to his initial reticence, the events prior to the three detectives visiting him have him reconsider his approach, choosing to be rather supportive on the people that are already invested in ending the Cult. He reveals the fact he can identify Masahiro's murderer from the clues left at the sight (Salamander), but keeps the part on Owl’s death to himself (who, based on the signs left at the murder scene, leads to Snake as a prime suspect).

After a while, the meeting ends. Aoko and Keiko use this moment to approach him and even tease him, Aoko visibly pleased at him starting to confide in them. Keiko however is more composed and asks him about the meeting's purpose. Kaito informs them, yet is unfortunately reminded of Snake. His sorrow becomes noticeable, and it’s at this moment that Aoko flames up. She shouts 'Bakaito' at him, has him find out about her mop attacks, and basically has him forget whatever issues he has. Yet Kaito is happy to fall for the diversion fast. Sadly, Kaito too realizes this to be a bubble about to blow up, and with a trial/escape to happen the next day, it would make this their last meeting. Nonetheless, the moment the girls find out, Aoko’s reaction is one to make Kid laugh. In the end, he manages to be at ease with himself, and part away with a smile.

Tuesday ends…

… And it is now wednesday morning:

Nakamori drives Kid to the Palace of Justice, and proceeds to take him to his lawyer. The preparation comes short, and not before long, the timing is up. Kaito manages to pull a cool Kid front and presents himself before the lot of Interpol agents gathered there. However, much unexpectedly, Kid finds out there are three FBI agents mixed in the audience as well. Despite their presence being unplanned for, Kaito is fully aware there is no option to back away now. Kid then proceeds to fake interest in the trial.

Everything is well at the start. Kid, while anxious, manages to stand his ground. All is well until, suddenly, a court guard breaches out of protocol, interrupts the session, then makes himself noticed. His next words would stun the audience, and he himself with it: the reveal of an apprehended woman suspected of being Kid's assistant.

Kaito is speechless. He is frozen and terrified at the implication. He knows this 'woman' can only refer to Akako or his mother, thus tries to redirect the audience's attention. His hard work hardly serves to gain time until two new arrivals show up: Spider, and the self proclaimed Leader of the Cult, Phoenix. Their appearance brings along a rare form of distress. For Kid, this happens when the Leader proclaims to have captured Jii. As for the others, it would be when Spider attempts an attack on Hakuba. Luckily for Hakuba, Phoenix has him sparred. The same however can’t be said for Kid.

Out of nowhere, Phoenix pulls out a gun and shoots at him.



"Say, Kaito. What would you say is the best way to surprise an audience?"

The smell of late summer.

Countless cherry trees sweeping across the landscape.

And in the middle, a single hidden stone path highlighted by numerous lanterns.

Around them, nothing but peace and quiet ensued. And for little six year old Kaito, who had been anticipating the Cherry Blossom Festival, his reaction was one of pure joy.

"That's an easy one, Dad!" Yukata-boy voltered around. His voice pumped in confidence as his teeth became sharp. Unlike the typical riddle, this one felt like a question he could respond with ease: "To do the unexpected!!!"

"Mmph. A very valid answer." The answer held much truth in it, yet was still lacking. Unconvinced, Toichi decided to go deeper, allowing his son a second chance that could earn him a full approval. "Then, according to you, how does a person 'achieve the unexpected'?"

Much like before, his hyperactive son did not think twice:

"Through real effort!!! By pulling off amazing, mesmerizing magic, like none have ever seen before!!! Obtained by everyday, well earned, experience!!!" Little Kaito was not dissuaded. Rather, he had to refrain himself from snickering out loud, the answer much too obvious in comparison of those encryptic puzzles of other lectures. "All of your tricks are amazing, Dad! There is no way you would not impress!"

“Is that truly enough, though?” Kaito widened his eyes. With a mere flick of his tone, Toichi had managed to rebound the answer right back at him, emphasizing his point while never missing a beat. “Is effort alone enough to satisfy the expectations of any crowd?”

It was a challenge.

His father eyed him expectantly, yet Kaito felt at a loss of words. Although the insinuation was meant for him to say ‘no’, up until now, he felt that the answer to that question had been nothing but ‘yes’.

Thus, the six year old did not dare voice an honest reply.

“Listen, Kaito. Out there, you'll find there are many types of audiences. All of which, you are to never underestimate any of them. To learn how to identify them; to predict how best entertain them; that is the biggest mystery you will ever have to face. And, if you truly wish to follow my steps, that is something you will have to come across sooner or later." Being the world famous thief magician Kaitou Kid, Toichi provided unique advice that was versatil enough to include the different kinds of audiences he had to face, ranging those which were within the most typical standards, from those who continuously had him challenge himself to maintain the upper hand within his heists. “I want you to memorize that.”

“What do you mean? It makes no sense!” Kaito crossed his eyebrows. To lose the sight of people, to perceive them all as ‘pumpkins’, that had been an early advice his father had given him when he’d been too nervous to openly perform his very first trick. This however, contradicted that very same principle. “Crowds are no different from one another; I’ve attended enough of your performances to know. No matter who attends your shows, in the end, they always react the same. They always applaud so loud!”

“Indeed they do. But, can you tell why?” Responded Toichi with a twinkle in his eyes. Lowering his tone, pursing his lips, he delivered this well kept secret: “It is not them who change, but I who do.”

“... Huh?”


The six year old stopped in his tracks.

A gust of wind chose that precise moment to blast his bangs away.

It was of no use. While Kaito felt at a loss, his father remained the same.

His eyes, smile, voice… nothing betrayed any significant difference from the man he was now, than the one that performed on stage. Always confident with himself. Always in control.

But if it wasn’t the ‘outer’ him who changed, then--!!

“Are you saying... you are capable of... adapting your magic?”

Toichi’s lips widened to reveal a secretive smile.

This top notch revelation Kaito had just undergone was called adapting to a situation in order to overcome it.

“Entertainment comes in many ways and forms. What is your goal behind each performance? To cause laughter? Awe? First and before all, you must figure that out.” The magician circled his son around, making him uneasy, forcing him to think, to determine exactly what goal it was that he wanted to achieve. “Escapism acts are to attract crowds that wish to experience thrill and suspense. For mimes, the all appeal consists in the art of dramatizing their own bodies. For you, Kaito, what is it you want to do? Is your sole purpose is to make people laugh? If so, then becoming a comedian is a more suited match for you. No magic needs to be involved.”

“What?! NO!!!” Toichi’s shows were a mix that engloved them all; raw emotions. Unprecedented illusions. Enviable grace. Kaito wished to conquer them all. To reach a level where he felt proud of himself. To become a respectable man that, one day, would be capable of walking by his father’s side. “You can’t just know every person without meeting them! Their preferences, you can’t know them! You can’t tell who will come by in a show that you have yet to perform! So… to meet every one of their expectations… how are you able to do that?!”

“By keeping my eyes open.” Toichi turned towards him, then at the landscape before them. The cherry trees that were blossoming at full. The countless pink petals that, shifting in turns, chose to dance around them without caring where to go and when to fall. Completely free of all bounds. “There’s a wide world out there. You’ll never know who you’ll meet; not their backgrounds, not even their thoughts. But as a performer, what you will know is that it will be your duty to mesmerize them. And for that, you’ll have to be best prepared, take a risk and perform something extraordinary. An out of schedule trick meant just for them; just to impress them. Do you understand what I mean?” Choosing a single petal from the lot, reached a hand flat and waited for it to land, anticipating it’s every move. The pattern was not one easy to figure out. The wind kept changing directions the more it blew. Most likely, there was no way it would reach his hand at all. And yet, as if fate itself made its decision known, Kaito was once again impressed by an achievement only his father would be capable of pulling. “See? That is what you must do as well. Become someone who can read an audience. Become a magician that will anticipate them. That will notice them. That will make them forget what worries they have, and will make them smile.”

"Is that why your shows are so unique?" Kaito leaped forward, smile wide. "Why your seats are always full? Why you never fail to impress?"

“It is important to always keep extra tricks inside your sleeves, yes. But most importantly: it is important you understand that there will always be harsh critics ready to harm you. To accept that reality, to anticipate that future, that means to be ready at all times. Because you see, Kaito: being prepared is the key to success."

Kaito beamed. Goosebumps chose that very moment to circle his back.

He understood that his father had advised him on something good, and with pride, decided to cherish that.

“Is that going to be today’s lesson?”

No longer would he perform the same tricks on his classmates. No longer would he risk becoming a monotone, low class, predictable magician.

This mistake would be one he would never perform again.

"That 's right. And for that, I will resume it in a few sentences.” Toichi reached down, caressing wild locks while transmitting his praise. “As a magician, you can't allow yourself to underestimate your audience. You must always anticipate their every move. And you must perform with one particular goal. Because a single mistake in any of these three may be the difference between unanimous appraisal...

... or a most unfortunate end."







-- … stunned silence.

The laid down form of an infamous thief.

Followed by the sight of droplets joining a puddle of red.

Hell broke loose.

For spectators around, that single realization that the Kaitou Kid had been shot and red vivid blood was dripping down from his lower chest, caused panic to spread.

Disbelieve was on the table of order. Confusion, an unanimous response. In fact, the shock appeared so much the crowd never noticed the criminals from leaving. A missing duo in which both, Phoenix and Spider, vanished-- in what suddenly became an outbreak of glass.

“--the f*ck?!”

“Какого черта они сделали с потолком*” (*What the hell did they do to the ceiling?!)

Every fluorescent that held hanging, shattered. Every far end window, cloaked in a spray of ink.

Whatever single light source, whatever minor detail, it was all covered in an unprecedented black.

Leaving the concerned adults in a pit of darkness.

“Забудьте о потолке! Они уходят*” (*Forget about the ceiling! They are getting away!!)

“Du willst Lichter? Wir haben Telefone !! Nach ihnen!!*” (*You want lights? We’ve got phones!! After them!!)

Disbelief condemned their prideful selves. For allowing this to happen, humiliation ensued. And yet, it was the feeling of action outrage that got them moving; all the sequential action, speeding to happen.

And yet, in the middle of such chaos, a bleeding Kid remained.

Laying down with a pained expression, he alone had been the only one who refused to move. He was too busy fighting a lone battle to care for others, already in line for whatever plans the future had in store for him. And it was there, as ceiling lights fade, that Ginzo came out to reach him:

“... oi. Oi, OI!! Hang in there, Kid!!”

The inspector kneeled down, parting the two men who had been shielding him away.

While laying a hand over Kid's shoulder. By pressing him gently, he noticed he wasn't bulging. The teen that was Kid was already too busy focused on clutching his stomach to pay any proper attention to him. However, what Kid did manage to do was to blink his eyes open and strengthen his grip. A well suited response that was sufficient enough to keep Ginzo going:

"T-this… exactly. Yes. You're doing great the way you are. Just keep adding pressure and we'll get you to the hospital in no time. You'll see--"


The inspector was rudely interrupted when a palish hand suddenly pushed him off. A firm hand that, as indicated by the reflection of a screenlight, belonged nonetheless to that authoritative figure that was Norman Lange.


The foreigner ignored Nakamori completely, tossing any 'interference' away:

Leaving no room for explanations, he moved forward; laid a pair of fingers on Kid's jugular vein, then closed his eyes.

*Badoom badoom badoom Badoom Badoom*

'... six, seven, eight, nine…'

Famous escape artists would use any situation in order to escape. And for the elusive phantom thief, this situation too could be used as an advantage. So long the bullet did not penetrate anywhere critical, the adrenalin rush alone could tempt the thief to aid his comrade while setting aside the inconveniences of pain.

To feign an increased heart beat to simulate major blood loss however, was a demonstration that raised the entire script.

Certain things could not be faked.

"His pulsations are weird. It hasn’t even been a minute, yet the speed is rash. It means he's losing blood at too much of an alarming rate. If we don't move fast, he'll be dead before we know it."


Palpable shock; horrified expressions.

Wide eyes soon followed by an avalanche of fears.

Beside them, they each felt the excess heat that emanated from the thief’s body. And still, against the tight grip Kid held on his liver area, Norman forced his arm apart, tearing through his formal wear to secure a steady knot:

"There's also the possibility that Phoenix used a special bullet to aggravate the wound. If we take that into consideration, it would be best to call the hospital in advance and request a team to be ready for when we arrive. As well as warn them with everything we know.” Over the knot, Kid crawled on his wound all over again in the same position as before; only this time, Norman allowed it to happen. Confiding in the notes that were described in the initial japanese report, he contemplated the fact that this wasn’t the first time Kid had been shot, nor would react in a way that would possibly aggravate the wound. “Confirm me: according to the medical check up performed on the first day, his blood type is declared B, isn’t it? No; we can reminisce this kind of detail along the way. Come. Let's waste no time." Norman then approached his attention to the two closest to him, Yamabuki and Takao, still frozen at the scene unfold. "You two. Let's get him to the parking lot. A drive to the hospital with one of your cars will be faster than waiting for an ambulance to come. I believe either one of you knows how to drive?"


“S-sir! We both do!”

The neutrality of this man was astounding, yet the question was impository enough to snap them out of it.

Before the still reluctant Takao, Yamabuki was the one that took the lead:

“I know this neighborhood well, mister Lange! The closest clinic would be Funbaru Hospital, ten blocks afar. All I need are keys!”

“You can use mine! I’m going too!” Nakamori said. He heard Norman wording some form of protest, yet the inspector paid him no mind. He was too busy tampering with the use of his phone to acknowledge what he was saying. Sadly, the action proved pointless as the signal was all jammed. "… sh*t. sh*t! sh*t! There's no way to contact the hospital beforehand. Did those f*ckers plan on screwing us up on this as well?!"

The Head of Criminal Investigation was forced to call his attention again, and this time, the words got through.

Words which only served to enrage him.

"Are you messing with me?! I DARE YOU repeat that!"

“I will repeat it as many times as I need to, inspector. But, with all due respect: you're not going with us."

"And for what f*cking reason should I listen to you?!"

"Look around us. Of all the people reunited here, you're the only man who is in full capability of leading a team that, by all means, just happens to be present in the right place and time. The size of it is precisely what we need now." Norman was the voice of reason. Frigid. Strict. And cold as himself. "Make no mistake: your battle is here and here alone. You should focus this time to order your men around; check for updates later."

“That doesn’t mean another can’t lead!" Nakamori snapped back as he considered the man mad. Did he truly believe he was about to leave now? With Kid shot, in a situation when he needed support the most? There was no way he would do it. "Chaki is here! And the General! He--!”

“Are we really going to waste time on this?” Norman’s eyes briefly shifted from the thief down low, to meet with the man in question, General Hakuba, Japan's famed strategist and top man in charge of the whole police structure. Unfortunately, right now, the man had made it his priority to check on his son before anything else, being the one single individual that had been targeted by Spider as well as the one who had impacted down from such a high performance. In the end, the situation would be determined by those who acted fastest. “It’s your choice.”

“TSK!!!” Nakamori turned his head to notice this too. The multitude that formed made it obvious what decision needed to be made. While Saguru showed signs of receiving little injury at the fall, the distance that separated them made it obvious it would still take him some minutes to arrive. And with Chaki absent from view, no other superior came close to be accounted for. In the end, acknowledging Kid’s state was what made him decide: "FINE, THEN! But, make sure to increase your numbers. With Phoenix and Spider gone, I won't be able to do a proper cover. If we don't know where those bastards fled to, it will risk you following in the same path. The least thing we need is more of you getting hurt."

"No need for that. We'll go through here." Norman then pointed a finger towards the discreet door the four of them had used to make their entry at the trial, a door exclusive for few and extremely handy for shortcuts. "Phoenix and Spider have both disappeared too quickly for them to have used anything but the main doors. If we go using this route, we should be safe.”

"... here, let me help."

The 'torch role' fell onto Norman, who tapped his phone fast.

Reading each other's minds, Nakamori recoiled and observed Yamabuki crouch. Then Takao lifted Kid and made sure to place him as gently as possible on the other's back, where Yamabuki made sure to secure him strong so he wouldn’t fall.

About the thief himself, no resistance was made. With his fingers barely flinching, the boy was hardly moving.

Kid had officially lost consciousness.

"Inspector. Communication is vital. Make it a priority to search for those annoying jammers, and have as many of them destroyed as possible." Norman directed one last glance at him before they left, it being an important request to follow. "We'll stay in touch."

"Ah… y-yes."

Kid’s feebleness couldn’t escape him.

Visibly unnerved, Nakamori had to repress a shudder all the while ensuring his hold.

As the three left, he rationalized he was in good hands, with nothing left for him to do.

Not in that regard at least.

If he could not be near Kid in a situation where he'd been injured then, at the very least, he'd focus his effort to prevent the recently captured assistant from suffering the same fate.

With his determination renewed, he was quick to clear up his thoughts in order to call up his men. Yet advancing two steps, it was only then he came to the inevitable awareness of the sticky sole that followed his steps. A feeling that much expectedly proceeded from under his feet, a sickening evidence which gave away the location the bullet reached.

"Wait, Saguru!"

"Let me through!"

The inspector was able to easily pinpoint Saguru's location in between all the shouts. Only, he wasn’t alone; the rest of the team made sure to follow behind, with the least fit General being last. Nonetheless, arriving a tad too late.

"Inspector. How bad is he?!"

“He’s not here.”

“Was he moved?!”

"I think I recognized Yamabuki-san carrying him up."

“We need a better light source than this.”

“Takao isn’t here either.”

"Did they leave for the hospital?!"

“Yes they did. His state… he was not looking good. That is to say-- ...”

The inspector knew what he wanted to say, but wasn’t prepared. Ten years seemed to have been added on to him. And really? He was not ready to pay the toll.

“Listen; I’ll be frank. Norman Lange managed a first basic diagnosis. And according to him, the place where he was shot, there’s a possibility that he might… bleed out before he makes it to the hospital. HOWEVER--” And here Nakamori took a firm grip from Saguru’s hand; holding him in place, ready to leave before anybody else. “THAT IS ONLY THE WORST CASE SCENARIO! No matter how serious his condition may be, you HAVE to maintain the thought that HIS WOUND IS STILL MANAGEABLE. In fact, that’s the whole reason Yamabuki and Takao are amiss; exactly as some have you have guessed, they’re already in the way for help. Not just the two of them, but with Norman joining too. His first aid skills alone are already better than ours. That has me convinced he’ll provide good care.”

“... Are you sure about this, Keibu?”

“Yes. I mean… we don’t even know that man. Can we really trust him?”

“Tsk; have a bit of faith in me, will you? It was not an easy choice.” The dim lights of their phones accentuated the shadows on their expressions while giving some sort of tetric effect, yet ignoring whatever unspoken fears they had, Nakamori forced himself to carry things on: “I single-handedly picked you all into our team, didn’t I? And no spy, no bad blood whatsoever. I’m good at figuring people out, if anything else.”

Conviction aside, the inspector knew that to put the whole group together, he would need to convey reason. Unity, more than ever, being something they really needed right now:

"It’s a bit rushed, I admit. But it’s precisely because he managed to react so fast that I managed to trust him. Enough so I know Norman will be the one to take the lead and inform us if anything goes wrong. But before that, he too entrusted a job to me, and that is that we will have to reestablish communications. Because, in case you haven’t heard me, it seems like those f*ckers have taken our network into account. Which means, we need to WAKE UP and START MOVING OUR BUTTS, NOW!!"


"You too, Hakuba-kun. We need you with us." During the whole speech, Saguru said nothing. Rather, his eyes found it more important to follow the direction Kid was last seen. That was because if Nakamori hadn’t grabbed him, he would've moved right past him. "I’m sorry, but with Spider involved, we’ll need your insight more than ever. What’s more, the fact Kid's assistant got himself involved raises the chance other cultists got themselves involved. We can both check on Kid later: right now, this is where we need to focus. That is… of course, if you both agree to it."

The last part was directed to both his superiors.

Superintendent Chaki, the man who has been listening all along, nodded his approval:

“Yes; that, as well as to set a perimeter outside the building, both seem to be the best course of action. Well done, Nakamori. As per what we should inform those other groups… perhaps it should be best for the General to make the final decision.”

Truthfully enough, what were Interpol doing?

Excluding the fastest runners who'd rushed to persecute the intruders through the main doors, the others did not seem to be organizing themselves better, forming circles to chat in a similar fashion to what they were doing themselves.

It seemed like it would still take a while for them to all stay at the same page.

“That won’t be necessary.”

Finally, it was the General’s chance to interject.

His tone suggested that he wanted to be added into the conversation with a calm approach, or rather would have, had the situation not been so tense.

“Appearances aside, our situation is not as bad as it seems. At the very least, I’m certain this position is one where we can regain control.”

“What...? You’re joking, right?”

“General, sir! Don’t you realize what situation we’re in?!”

“Two cultists infiltrated the place!! Hell, there could be more of them for all that we know!!”

“Not to mention, the Phoenix guy threatening us with TATP explosives!!”

“Should you really be so calm??!!”

In between a sea of anxious faces, a blond boy appeared as the only one to actually consider his words.

“ ‘Not as bad…’?”

From the tiles he was standing on, Saguru repeated the words quietly while tracing the man for clues. Even to him, the way his father’s brain behaved was a mystery. A well entrailed one, at that.

As for what could have possibly lead his father to believe this--


‘No way.’

--the most minuscule of leads came by before his very eyes.

Saguru cursed and dropped to his knees, palping the darkness, rapidly searching for an attestment to prove his thoughts wrong.

He disagreed with himself.

He had to be mistaken.

Otherwise, how could’ve he not seen any of this coming?!

*Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Flop.*


Suddenly, Saguru felt the urgentness to flinch.

Without receiving any warning, the random spots in which he’d allowed his hands to search had finally made contact with the puddled blood, having him shudder from the vile contact.

Which was precisely the evidence he came to notice.

“The hell, Hakuba?! What are you doing?!”

More flashlights were pointed down his way. And this time… he didn’t stay silent:

“Your tie pin, inspector. You decided to wear one today, did you not? What do you think happened to it?”

“… Huh? My tie pin?” Ginzo pressed a hand against his chest, not having even realized that it’d been gone due its insignificance at the time being, and the generalized darkness of the surroundings. "What does that have to do with anything?! Wait a minute… You wouldn't be suggesting that--!!"

Hakuba nodded, and lifted his hand as an unequivocal answer.

It was only when he’d touched the sticky wet substance that he found proof of what he’d been searching for, the warm-like temperature which should be made out of being unrealistically cool.

“It 's fake.”




Their sweat ran cold.

All at once. Exactly at the same time.

Rejecting the idea. Refusing the statement.

Until slowly, one after the other…

… they unified their objections at once:

“No… It can’t be…!!”

“A performance?”

“Impossible!! We supervised him 24/7!!”

“There’s no way he could’ve plotted anything under our watch!!”

“We ourselves did not know there would be a trial until just yesterday!!”

“Not to mention, Kid only has one assistant!!”

“That, that! An assistant who can’t disguise, nor perform!!”

“It’s true. Otherwise we would have known.”

“What we witnessed just nowm was Spider’s magic first hand!! Speak up, Hakuba-kun!! It was you who got picked!!”

“Agreed!! I mean--, if what you’re saying is true... then-- unlikely. How could he possibly--?!”

Hakuba shook his head.

“Then… how do you explain it?”

He himself was the first who refused to give credit to it. And yet, the sticky cold evidence laid disgusting as it felt: restless in his palm.

It was at this point that Hakuba Saguru came to realize 3 major points.

The first one was that Kid had willingly faked his injury to help spread panic. The second one was that for that first reason, this attack wasn't orchestrated by the Cult. And because of those two conclusions, the third one was that this was an unmistakable rescue attempt. And that meant--

"Kid… since when?"

He felt at a loss.

How long had he been planning this?

He had no idea.

Contacting with the outside?

Ridiculous. Hardly possible to process.

It didn’t make sense. But if there was something he could make clear on top of this… it was the fact that Kid couldn't get away now.

This was the closest they had ever gotten to figuring him out. If successful in his current escape attempt, then Kid would very well disappear forever.

Leaving nothing but a shadow to follow.

“If he’s decided to go serious on us, then… all we need to do is go serious on him too.”

It was hard. Not everyone perceives matters the same.

However, standing tall, the General held an unreadable look.

Even more so when, turning around, the courtroom’s state was that of a massive mess.

“Inspector, you’ve got good lungs. Could you do me a favour and call out everyone that is gathered here?”

“... Ah? Eh… everyone?” Nakamori-keibu followed, he himself frowning at the stirring sea of mobile-powered light gleams. “I can… but, is that really a wise choice? Things… do not exactly add up. What exactly are you going to tell them?”

“The facts as we know them.”

Plain and simple.

Just by that, the General succeeded to catch all the attention of the second division, bringing confused expressions together while having them act as one.

Hardening his expression, forcing his chin out, he was the man that stood most confident before the chaos dismayed. Yet what caught their attention was not that but the action that followed yet a sight rarely seen by others. The sizing up and sharpening edge of his usually gentle shut eyes, to uphold a new bargain chip that promised results. An authoritative form in which he took a deep breath intake that would inevitably disrupt their upcoming fate:

"But before that, there’s a confession I need to make."


Takao lead the way.

Yamabuki held Kid tight.

And Norman followed behind.

Working as a team of three, the group moved in synchronicity, running through a varied set of passages until eventually meeting their turn to the main hallway. Twenty seconds later, the main lifts were sighted at the very end, the one positioned in the center already greeting them with it’s doors opened.

They did not think twice.

Without a single interference or sight of anyone blocking their way, they jumped in, fastly instructing the single command that would lead them to the parking floor.

The doors were then shut.

“Come on… come on… come on...”

Takao crossed his arms.

Yamabuki tightened his grip.

And Norman corrected his stance.

Too soon, too unsightly, tension threatened to break.

It was hard to grasp a situation becoming so bad so fast, and at the pressure built, a single sweat drop splashing down would have been enough to disrupt their silence, making them flinch.

Which was exactly what happened the moment gas started filling the tank.

“WHAT THE--?!”



No time to think. Barely any to react.

Norman was the first to move as he shoved himself backwards, covering his mouth to shout these instructions while instinctively seeking a way out.

Using his free hand, he slammed at the remaining floor numbers that showed on the panel next to him, each button lightening up as the colors indicated the successful notice of heading into its next stop.

Only, it did not come quite as nicely.

Another hand had moved to do the same, while ironically, pressing onto the wrong button. Because while Norman had intentionally seeked to fasten their escape into their next floor, the activation of the emergency stop was entirely out of his plans, doing nothing but sentence their fate, no fresh oxygen making it to their lungs.

Of course, this alarming realization did nothing but deepen itself as he realized to whom said arm belonged. An ‘unresponsive’ thief that, by all means, should not be moving, nor playing around.

Least of all, handcuff free and with a tie pin sticking out of his mouth.

"NO!!! You…!!!"

Kid did not smile.

He did not taunt him nor conduct himself in any sort of pointless provocation.

Without so much as ever looking down at him, he retrieved his arm back, and made use of the other’s blind spot to make preparations for his next move.

Taking advantage of the back that was keeping him shielded from Konno’s vision, Kid intercepted both hands and forced Konno’s hands down, making it impossible for him to protect his face while also provoking a gasp of surprise.

It proved to be his worst mistake.

Gasping air cost him to inhale and succumb to the effects of the sleeping gas earlier than the others, having his vision blur and weaken his stance, noticing the effects of the sedative penetrating his system.

Two seconds later, Kid pressed himself further onto Yamabuki’s back. It standed without question that the one in charge of carrying him would also be the one that would end up most exposed. Sensing the older man lose focus, he felt the grip on his legs wibbler and witnessed up close the signs of his body weaken, still resisting to bulge.

It would not do.

For the remaining two, Kid could see it was a lost battle. At such a small containing chamber, it would not do.

Such were the consequences of holding one’s breath without previous notice; it made the lung supply limited from the start.

And that was the opportunity that got him going.

The moment Norman fell over, Yamabuki followed with one knee down.

Kid used the back still supporting him as leverage to jump over, grasp his shoulder and reach for the top where the emergency trap door resided. Because up there, exactly where the trap door was meant to be, an empty path had opened to reveal a pair of glinting eyes inside.

Narrow and dark, it was uninviting and cold, yet from within the shadows, an arm lurked down to meet him.

There was no need for words.

He clutched her hand.

She pulled him up.

And just like that, he felt fresh air fill his lungs.



A fulfilled encounter.

The cherished reunion between mother and son, printed forever for memories to come.

"Don't you ever do that to me again." A blurr imprinted his vision, and two arms clenched his back. His mother embraced him only to ensure they’d never find their way apart. "Ever. You hear me?”

"Yes…" Embraced in between the warmths of his dear mother, Kaito felt his body relax, his eyes watering up. Leaning closer, taking her scent in, he took in the comfort that he’d longed for, having dreamed this moment would come. "I'm sorry I've worried you."

Kaito felt tears fall on his neck, and this time he realized they weren’t his own. Because as the tremor of her body rubbed against his own, he felt this was a front she could no longer uphold, the love she felt for him too upbeating to contain.

A feeling so intense it resumed in a desperate clutch to his being, the contact alone making it so it ensured he was safe and sound within her arms.

“It’s okay, I made it back. See? I’m here.” Hugging her tight, Kaito loosened his heart, feeling stupid for ever thinking of witholding back. With no one to hold him back, nor any secrets to hide, there was no need for him to keep his mask intact, much less pretend she hadn’t been missed. Because honestly, how could he have gone so long without the comfort of her presence nor the others whom he cherished so much? “You should know better than anyone. It’s not that easy to get rid of Kaito-sama, you know?”

Hiccupping at the lame joke, Chikage parted, yet glowed. By swiping her tears, she hid the strains that conflicted with her insides to take in the sight of a goofy Kaito. A kind spirited soul who, even now, possessed the brightest of smiles.

“... How are you feeling? Is there anything to be concerned about?" Despite the blissful encounter, Kaito’s closeness was enough to alert her that his body temperature was warm; hot enough to reach a fever. A predictable kind of warmth that came from ingesting a one of a kind pill, developed intentionally with the only purpose to instantly increase a person’s heart beat for a ‘short’ period of time. “You’re not experiencing some sort of second effect, are you?”

“What? No, I don’t think so... Not that I can tell of, at least.” Kaito did a quick test to reassure himself. He rested a hand against his chest, the unusual rhythm within his heart beat strong enough for it to resonate against his palm. An action that was immediately followed by his mother’s own: “Heh… It’s okay. Hot flashes are to be expected. And according to Akako, the experience Enma has in brewing potions is good enough to even surpass hers. So… let’s not bother about it too much, yeah?”

“Aha~. I can see that. You’re always perfectly fine, aren’t you?”

Kaito inwardly smiled. Unsurprisingly enough, maternal instinct was far too strong for it to be dissuaded by mere words.

Or was it simple that the women around him knew him too well?

“Speaking of Akako-- What happened? We’re hours before schedule!” Kaito narrowed his eyes. The fright in the Courtroom was too much of a deal to pass off lightly, less pretend it had never occured. How could he, when the very beginning of their show was never intended to start over like that? “Is it true? Did either of you get caught? They mentioned a woman being found out! When I heard one of you had been captured, I feared the worst. And yet, seeing you show up, I understood the plan was still in motion. Just as if nothing had ever happened. It’s unsettling! A part I can’t understand at all. Because if neither of you were captured, then what the heck was that guard going on about?!”

“We have no idea what that was about either. But I assure you, she’s fine. Being on your own, we realized there was a high risk you’d respond the wrong way. We could no longer postpone our plan any longer. That’s why we rushed to disable the security control floor before the appointed time, and chose to make our move.”

“And a good thing you did too. I admit… that was one hell of a nasty fright.” Kaito clenched his fists, the action pointless in calming his nerves. “At that point I could only hope to buy time.”

“It was a good move. Great for saving us time. Really well done.”

“Was that comment regarding Jii necessary, though? I know he’s nowhere close to the building, therefore had no chance of being captured, but you still gave a pretty accurate description of him. Won’t that give us trouble?”

“Doubtedly; any information given will be deemed useless as soon as they figure it was all an act. Not to mention, the information I gave was too generic anyways. Considering the predicament you were going through, it was more important to give you the leverage to help you perform easier.”

“At least that explains it. Moreover, I--”


A majestic form.

The sudden intrusion of a captivating beauty.

Crimson strands of hair fluttered around her head. Foreign tanned skin adorned her delicate features (1). And all in all, the breathtaking girl that had chosen this moment to land beside them winned over their hearts, pleasing them both with an amazing display of power.

Quite literally, in fact, as thanks to her exclusive witch powers, she had quite easily managed to step down into the top of the lift compartment they stood, flying all the way down.

Akako Koizumi had officially made her entrance.

“I left a trail that should keep them busy.” Was the saluting speech she decided to grant. Collecting her hair, she hid whatever loose locks she had under a police cap, ensuring the male cop disguise would work its best. “We should get going.”

“The hell of a best friend are you, Akako?! No ‘Hello’, no nothing?” Kaito poked at her, the distant demeanor in Akako’s behavior frigid enough to have him sulk. “Nope. I disapprove of it! Unfaaair~!”

A raise of an eyebrow, and a smirk.

Immediately preceded by Akako holding back a laugh.

Stuck in a male police uniform, the evidence of her latest disguise leaked through the form of tanned skin, Spider’s distinguishable dark tone making her form much easier to spot. And by her side, the one that had helped cover out for the illusion had been Chikage herself, taking advantage over an ‘unknown Leader’ to form up a fiable disguise. One whose mask would prevent others from realizing her double voice impersonation, and playback synchronicity of Akako playing the image of a man she’d never in fact met before.

“If you have time to joke around, then it’s proof that you are doing just fine.” Akako posed, her know-it-all attitude seemingly sufficient to what she considered an adequate way to pay her salutes. Or at least, for this moment of crisis where focusing on the group of men that lied below held more importance, the priority being to hide their bodies: “No more loafing and help me out, will you?”

“Yeah, yeah...”

Forming a circle around the trap door, three heads hovered over it’s opening, staring towards the three men below. Noticing their sleeping expressions, the red witch wasted no time in applying her flight magic at them. It was only then that, by having them float into reaching the hole, she permitted Chikage to take over, having her manoeuvre their limbs to fit through the compartment and move closer to Kaito.

“Isn’t it odd that they chose only three to accompany you?” Chikage spoke as she slouched. Working with much prominent expercy, her action was fast to repeat itself until the total of occupants made a sum of 6, soon ending the task. “I can’t get my head over how they were too easy to let you out of sight.”

“They were worried. Plain and simple.” Kaito responded with a dry expression, focusing on the task at hand. Moving through different strips of his mother’s supplied rope, he made sure to secure the three men into a strong grip, easily ensuring their restraint while evenly taking into account their well being. “The second division have gained plenty of experience chasing me. However, it’s not like me to make performances like this. A realistic wound inflicted by realistic enemies? Keibu and the others were worried sick. That’s why it was so effective.”

Kaito’s tone of voice said everything. On the other hand, Chikage reproached nothing.

Reaching over a small stock of self supplied items, she threw a police uniform at him, taking into account the size he fit while already moving onto the next step.

It was Akako who blushed then. By having front view of Kaito changing, she was caught off guard at the speed he went, already done by the time she blinked. A fact that, by chance, was able to go unnoticed:

“That 's okay, Kaito. Terror based shows aren’t meant for everyone. And while it’s true they happen to be my signature move, it doesn’t necessarily mean you have to like them. That doesn’t mean you can’t learn from them.”

“It’s not that I don’t appreciate your style… but more that it’s not quite as I imagined. This type of acquired adrenaline is not something I can feel proud of. Nor is as elegant as I hope to strive for.”

"Your father said the same the first time we met ♡~. Only, he admitted to have been impressed by it first. Having indisputably witnessed an admirable performance.” Chikage leaned in, sighing contently as a fond smile formed onto her lips. Closing her eyes, she embraced together the memories that followed from that encounter, Toichi’s charm enough to make her reminiscent of old times. “What can I say? Favoritism aside, he is your role model after all. Yet, cruel as it may seem, I don’t think we had much of a choice. Underestimating them would have been tricky. These aren’t ordinary folk we are dealing with, after all."

“Yeah… and in fact, for what it’s worth, I’m sure Dad would have agreed to it too.” Kaito clenched his fist, helding it a few seconds, then softening it up. No matter which way he were to approach it, the truth remained undeniable. There was no part of him that could not help but agree to that statement. “Do you remember? One of the lessons he used to give. ‘A magician’s worth is valued by the people. Against a skeptical audience, have volunteers warm up the stage. You’ll find the best approach will always be that. To demonstrate your skill while having those troublemakers fill in a gap.’ … Judging from that, in this case, having someone show up was well within expectation. And the approach of a trusted man like Norman, all the more so. So, to have this first audience member seriously check into my health, fell directly in our best line of interest. Having him unknowingly become an ally, was the right way to go.”

Chikage smiled.

Three elaborate restraints later, the sticky tape used to cover their mouths was eventually placed as final touch.

And well none of them preserved the same amount of dignity they originally held, the fact none were stripped off of their clothes, proved for a nice change.

It was finally safe for them to go.

“2 minutes, 43 seconds.” Yes. So far, their timing was good. While not much, this should give them enough lead in the chase that was about to ensue. “Akako-chan. Kaito. You two ready?”

‘44… 45… 46...’



Akako and Kaito both smirked from the floor below. That time she’d used to check on the watch, they’d used to sneak to the lift’s inside. And as such, they were already holding their breaths, the risky side effect of filling the compartment with gas making it a whole lot wiser to reply with a thumbs up instead.

It was a good enough response to get her going.


A press on a button, and the sequential movement of the compartment.

Jii’s lift remote control panel had been activated.

But while the lift had resumed the direction it had been intentionally intended, and followed the path down that headed towards the parking, Kaito’s reaction was that of lifting his shirt against his mouth and shield himself from the air:

“Mom, wait! The lift… why is it going down? Aren’t we supposed to be going up?” Kaito’s eyebrows crossed, thoroughly confused. He observed his mother imitate their way down, only to relocate the trapdoor just before her drop. “I thought the intention was to go up, grab a copter, and escape. Wasn’t that what ‘Plan A’ meant?”

“That was only if we could approach and confirm them as a safe approach, remember? The plan becomes useless when, for some nonsensical reason, the helicopters leave. As in literally, drop off the passengers and go, even after confirming the identity of those pilots to be members of that second department of yours that will attend the trial later. Rather bizarre, don’t you think?” Chikage was quick to mimic Kaito as she packed Jii’s device away. By replacing it with his characteristic cardgun, she ensured the part of having him reequipped with his basic tools, small trinkets as cards and bombs soon to follow. “Yesterday’s focus was on the airport, so that can only mean a new security plan was implemented last moment. But don’t worry. Backup plans are made precisely for that. By the time they manage to follow us down, we’ll be far ahead.”

“Wait. The helicopters all left? Wait, wait! What does that mean?!” Kaito stressed as the news fell down on him. It was worrisome. As in, a lot. Was he the only one worried? This was certainly something to be worried about, right?! “Jii would know!! No matter the occasion, the helicopters always remained. Doesn’t that hint to the fact there is more stuff going on?! If the pilots are here, then all the more reason!! We should think carefully about what caused that to happen.”



A drop of movement, and the opening of doors.

It was the visual image equivalent of their time running out.

In one second, Phantom Lady’s infamous battle axe was instantly summoned. Chikage sprinted forward as Kaito lifted up his cardgun to pull off instant shots. In the flick of an eye, the security guards on the patrol border were confronted, and the cameras disabled.

Taken out off guard, it took Chikage a mere three ‘hits’ to convince the men they had been dismembered, and one last brutal swing to sprinkle the fake blood around the ‘corpses’.

Two seconds later, the three of them were already running forward with Akako proceeding the talk:

“Now, remember: upon stealing a car, you are to disguise yourself. Chikage-san’s objective will be to take us to the First Avenue Tokyo Station. If anything happens, this neighborhood has more than 36 thousand commercial establishments for us to choose from. Upon reaching the Stati--”


Chikage pulled up an arm.

Akako forced her mouth shut as the three stopped themselves from running any further. The reason behind it was the opening scene of the parking lot, greeting them three with a most unexpected scenery.

“Something is wrong.”

Akako shifted nervously as Kaito swallowed.

Feeling their sweat run cold, their simultaneous reaction was to hesitate upon having lost track of their vehicle to follow.

Meaning to refer to every single one of them.

"... where are the cars?"

Empty slots.

Incongruous spaces.

The expectation had been to see police cars, foreign cars, police motorbikes, incognito vehicles and police vans. And instead, it was an entire level lacking of any form of vehicle suiting the room’s purpose, demonstrating the horror that not only flying forms of transportation had chosen to abandon their spots, but also the land ones.

All the while insinuating the very worst.


What had happened, exactly?

Under the police cap Chikage held, her eyes hardened under a stern glance. To move this many cars, it would take time. To take them by surprise, the ones responsible would not have gone far. And similar to what happened with the helicopters, it would imply this had all been portrayed under an unexpected twist.

Thus, she found it important to locate the responsible few:

“We know you’re there.”


Before Akako or Kaito could say anything, she already moved forward, doing her best to gather the most attention while convey them into a relaxing stance:

“Hide all you want; standing behind pillars won’t do much to dissipate any of your shadows. So, why don’t you show yourselves?”


Chikage could not appear less appalled had she wanted to. Bearing the most experienced, she pulled it onto herself to serve as an example and prompted the ones responsible to come out.

It was the same for Akako and Kaito. A reinsert of his poker face was enough to do the bidding, while in Akako’s case, furious red eyes managed to fill the spot.

At least, for as long as it was to be required of them.

“... indeed.” Said a unforseen profound voice.

*Step. Step. Step.*

All at once.

The diverse presence of other division cops revealed themselves from their hiding space, standard uniform in line, one after the other.

The most noticeable one being the eldest; a tall man in his fifties. Scar in face, somewhat recognizable, yet unfamiliar all the same. A man Kaito slowly recognized to be Chaki’s higher up. A senior Superintendent, rank 4, of the police organization:

“Kiyonaga Matsumoto-keishisei.”

Upon being recognized the man frowned, staring directly into the obscured faces of the wannabe escapees that intended to run. All except for Kid himself who, being the precarious target that he was, served no purpose in pretending to be someone else.

“It would seem like the General had a good reason to be precautious, after all.” He decided to state instead, revealing there and then the orchestrator behind this magistral foresight. “Save your excuses, Kid. This was a very idiotic move, and you couldn’t have possibly picked a worst timing. Just what exactly did you hope to accomplish?”

Kaito swallowed.

The pace in which the senior superintendent chose to ride them off… he was striving to stretch time. They could tell.

By stepping sideways, the plenty of columns the parking lot had to offer made it easier for the opponent force to distance themselves in order to surround them. Enabling the option to surprise any trespassers meeting their way, or in this case, set the perfect ambush for them intruders pretenders to be cops.

“Is it on yet?”

“Give me one moment. I swear I managed to hear something just now.”

*static noises*

“ -- ...recving m… --FSHHH-- ...Hel… lo? I’m.... tlkng… ere?”

The effect upon hearing those was immediate:

Three pairs of eyes twitched as the significance of that static sinked deep, the so-called ‘distraction’ the jammers presented meaningless against the evidence of the signal returning.

No doubt, the result of a huge teamwork working together to already start retrieving them from their hidden places, alongside the fact of communication devices coming up and running.

*fshh* --out you, M...umoto? Can you h...r me as I'm … --lo?” A sign of the signal getting clearer. A most distinct tone of voice representing the highest figure in the TMP; the most top notch force that is to be the General. “Mmph. Can you hear me better now? … … Oh, that’s good, very good! What ab...t volume? Somewhere near reasonable? Great! Then, what knews do you bring me?”

The set up seemed printed straight out of some sort of sick joke.

General Hakuba, easily recognizable through his light baritone, exchanged queries and feels with the man up front. Uplifting and calm. Depicted illusion of control. The image it gave was of the older more experienced man joining the encounter through an incorporeal state.

Which appeared all the more violating as their conversation evolved to address them:

“… no, it’s fine. Even if their faces are hidden, it remains a question of time. Kid’s demonstrated loyalty proves it is his close assistant whom you have most likely cornered here. While on the other hand, the clues that point directly towards the second one leave no doubt as to this being a most unexpected guest. And, wouldn’t you say you’re all excited at the privilege? After all, we’d be talking here of a dismissive character whom we’d thought had banished from this line of work years ago. Making it in fact… almost two decades? Ever since her last appearance. Which is all the more exciting for us to meet up today;”

It was utter nonsense.

A turnover revealing deduction, grasped over at the span of mere minutes, succeeding yet in real time events.

With only three secluded individuals grasping the truth beforehand.

“Wouldn’t you agree as well…~?”

Around them, the majority of the surrounding men flinched.

Despite Kid’s enforced self control and Akako’s efforts, it had been Chikage herself who allowed her cover to blow, the murderous aura speaking for her own.

Her glare, one that crushed the bravery of the well committed force.

“... miss Phantom Lady?”



Back to the courtroom, a wide circle had formed.

The increase of the external lights allowed many the opportunity to take awareness of their surroundings.

For the wilder lot who left, this translated to a blind persecution through the inner building. And for the calmer bunch who approached the top of the staircase in a slower manner, it allowed them to further notice the two corpses Phoenix and Spider had left behind.

That is to say, would have been corpses, had the steady pulse and missing wounds not deterred them from believing otherwise.

Had the cultist’s appearance been a diversion? The evidence provided made it appear so. And the implication it led to, one most troublesome to consider at.

Would it make sense for real cultists to pull off a show, merely to settle them off? If not, it would hint towards the idea of them having two new unaccounted factors to take care of. Impersonators who, having no proved association with the cultists, set the diversion with another idea in mind. The question was, what idea was that?

The answer seemed to present itself in the form of a missing thief.





The fatal conclusion never got to dwell deep.

Instead of allowing impulse to take action, it was the distinct pitch of a potent lunged whistle what drove them into a stop.

A high-pitched sound that, travelling far and instantaneous in speed, reached all the way into their ears, brains, minds; further on, until settling in whatever corner's ends. So admittedly sharp, brute, fierce, anyone would admit at that point of time, it would have been impossible to ignore.

Tracking their attention directly to the japanese filled task force on the floor below.

It was sighted then that the General caught the most eyes, such being the fame that preceded him.

The speech that followed, an attestment for his excentrics.

To which followed the backlash he was currently facing:




The claim was as nonsensical as it was outrageous.

The collaborative setting in which multiple parties had gathered together to meet a common goal was, instead, slapped into reality at the reveal of Kid disappearing out of their sight. A successful escape which caused them all into becoming pawns of an unwilling game of tag.

Or at least, that was to be the impression of the first short-tempered few who, stubbornly defiant, found themselves stuck in an instinctual form of denial. Until the General, through the help of the still present translator, dismissed them:

"Ho ho ho. No, no, of course not~!" Without cutting himself some slack, the General pulled off a well-intentioned laugh. It was not that he intended to mock them, but that even for him they were outstretching things too much: "I'm no mind reader! How could I have known? All I've said is that I set countermeasures to prevent it. Because, aren’t I in charge of the security while you’re all here in this country? Any rescue attempts would prove awful. More terrifying, the thought of any assistant to be running loose."


“... ‘rescue attempt’?”

"It's confirmed then!! They weren't cultists!! In truth, those two posers are Kid's allies!!"

"That means the real purpose of that distraction was with the only intention of aiding in Kid's escape!!"

“No way!! Is this true, General, sir?!”

"Most likely, yes. The only purpose an act such as shooting Kid could serve would be to have him gain distance from us. Else, they would have attacked sooner. Although, I must say, watching my son suddenly fly had me entirely thrown off. Did magic shows really advance so far? What an amazing display that was!" In contrast to the long faces, the general pulled off one vibrant laugh in which, accompanied by clapping, he demonstrated himself impressed by this most unexpected tactic. "Nevertheless, the reality such a breach could happen within our parameters is a reason for all to be concerned. The possibility this breakout would turn out to become real, would happen so well, and would in fact take place at such an important meeting however is one of the main reasons why I decided to come prepared. After all, I was the one who promised to watch over your stay. I’d be the first to know how much is in stake here."

“Oh, really?! Because, with all due respect: I don’t think you do!" Within the multitude, it were various individuals who decided to snap out loud. "How can you be laughing while knowing THESE INTRUDERS CAME IN, and are successfully running while ON THEIR WAY OUT?!”

“Are they, really?” The General smiled, the thrilling challenge this situation presented nothing upsetting for them to cry. “They can run all they want; in the end, they won’t be getting far. Because, unbeknownst to them, all exits have been secured.”


"All of them?"

“For real?!”

“That’s right!! Don’t you remember?! That guard from earlier made a similar statement as well!!”

“Yeah!! Didn’t he say that Kid’s assistant had been caught up already?!”

“Then… it’s all under control?”

Fearing their accusation had been misplaced, the over exalted people began to calm down.

They were mistaken. Their primal instinct had motioned them to jump at the wrong conclusion, causing the clever General to manage the situation on his own. A realization that was starting to gain up on them.

“Hear me out. Before we lose any more time, it is essential we work together. You’re misunderstanding me if you think the work is done: so far, all I’ve managed to do is prevent anyone from leaving this building.” The General did not, in fact, blame Kid for trying. The reputation gained of being an escape artist would only tempt him to try at least once. And the desperation of knowing he’d be unable to reunite with his loved ones made it all more likely for him to attempt so. That was something he could empathize with. And had he been stuck in the same situation, God knew what he would have done himself. That however did not deny he had a position to uphold: “For that reason, the first step to regain control would be to unite forces in search of the jammers hidden in this floor that are misdirecting our signals. And from there, close up rooms into eventually having them cornered. Only then, would our guests truly grasp their underestimation on taking us all together, yes?”


Altogether, their chain response was to lighten up.

As the fellow listeners followed in accordance to his words, others moved to act like matches, becoming the translating voice for teams to follow and the reason to spark up the flame.

“The hidden jammers… yes. It shouldn’t be too much work considering our numbers, right?” Unlike heavily decorated rooms, a simple decorated courtroom would make any search easy upon its participants, the furniture merely reduced to seats, tables, a witness stand, and a couple of plants. That would make anything that stood out easily spottable. “Hell. This room alone may take us two minutes!”

“Here!! Under this seat!! I already found one!!”

“And there’s a suspicious bulge on this pot plant too. Should we split to check other rooms?”

It was a once in a lifetime chance to catch three rats at once.

Rather than falling victim to the intruder’s diversion, the fast reaction the General imposed ensured a domino effect on fellow Interpol members, despite their initial carelessness, taking advantage of what they thought was an opportunity unlike any other.

All in order to set things right.

“ -- … nngh… --FSHHH-- ...rghh....”

*static noises*

“… --FSHHH-- thdd… re?”

Curious glanced landed upon the General.

In one simple gesture, the calm man reached his hand into an inner pocket to pull out a receiver, the simple black piece of mass produced ingenierie making it easy so it would remain identical to that of other members.

“Is it working already?” General Hakuba raised his eyebrows. His inner clock already seemed to point out the fruits of their well succeeding teamwork, considering over the initial mess, well over a record time. “I suppose that if any escapees were to reach the parking lot, that would be around now... I assume they must’ve pulled off a pretty good job then, as well.”

‘They’…? Whom are you referring to exactly, General?”

“Shhh! Go call the others, will you? Tell them anyone who’s finished searching, they are free to join us. Whatever conversation we manage, it will be highly relevant in the persecution to follow. Okay?”

The statement seemed to bring some curious glances.

To the exception of the lot who had decided to abandon the room, the remaining few decided now to be a good time to accept the invitation, standing up and approaching in to close distance with the experienced man.

Despite the twinkle in his eyes, it was however observed he expected them to be quiet. And while other parties did not enjoy to be silenced, the expertise within their profession demonstrated this not to be the time to argue.

“It’s starting to clear up…? Yes, I seem to be receiving you weakly. How about you, Matsumoto? Can you hear me as I'm talking? Hello?” Static on the other side. Nothing worth mentioning. However, as seconds went by, the signal improved as the noises got better, making it successful for them to eventually distinguish the voices from the other side. “Mmph. Can you hear me better now? … … Oh, that’s good, very good! What about volume? Somewhere near reasonable? Great! Then, what knews do you bring me?” More voices. The confirmation of the superintend where he affirmed to have surrounded Kid alongside two intruders, their identities hidden beneath cop disguises. “… no, it’s fine. Even if their faces are hidden, it remains a question of time. Kid’s demonstrated loyalty proves it is his close assistant whom you have most likely cornered here. While on the other hand, the clues that point directly towards the second one leave no doubt as to this being a most unexpected guest. And, wouldn’t you say you’re all excited at the privilege? After all, we’d be talking here of a dismissive character whom we’d thought had banished from this line of work years ago. Making it in fact… almost two decades? Ever since her last appearance. Which is all the more exciting for us to meet up today; Wouldn’t you agree as well…~?




… miss Phantom Lady?


Matsumoto twitched.

The stern-looking men alongside him, perturbedly so.

Of the expressions surfaced upon hearing the name ‘Phantom Lady’, many reacted over the top. Because, whether the actions transcurred had led them by chance or not, if the words the General spoke were to be true it would mean themselves caught in the presence of yet another legendary criminal.

The highly mysterious figure that reigned over the terrors as well as the original Kid’s supposed predecessor.

A terrifying woman who's sparked other's to follow.

That Phantom Lady.

HUSH!!!” Exclaimed the senior superintendent.

In contrast to the three criminals that appeared ready for battle, he felt the whole unit lose their composure, and worried to lose their advantage.

Instead, he sparked their motivation on, forcing a wake up call while tensing his posture.

"None of you are to try anything funny!"

Distant words seemed to resonate in them like that of a distant echo.

Fit beneath those cop disguises, it was hard to determine whether any of the two subjects that accompanied Kid were male or female.

However, what Matsumoto did know was that he had a responsibility to fulfill:

"You are to take two steps from one another! Lie down! And extend each arm where we can see th--!"

Matsumoto never got to finish.

The very second he uttered his sentence, the individual on Kid's left had already completed ‘his’ move.

And what an insanely brilliant move it was.

The sort none of them could have ever predicted.

In a flow that came as natural as breathing, the individual in question grabbed onto his upper arm, only to pull it off in one effortless move. Thus, ridding ‘himself' of the hindrance that was 'his' own flesh weighing ‘him’ down.

‘He’ then swung it forward, sprinkling them in blood.

Not only that.

He threw said arm towards them, having the limb roll in a gruesome mess, only to have it rest in plain view.

“What the--??!!”

“No way… That guy just pulled off his arm!!

“Y-you…!!” Matsumoto cursed. How to process what had just happened? There was no logical explanation behind it. Not other, unless the sudden act of self harm displayed no further purpose than to unnerve them. “It 's true!! It really is her!! The one on the right: Phantom Lady in disguise!!” It made even more sense at the fact he expected it to be fake blood what splashed over them: “Some of you may not know of it, but inflicting terror is her modus operandi!! Which means this is one of her tricks!! None of you fall for her --!!”


The detached limb reacted in a way that was almost supernatural.

Demonstrating it’s artificial state, the fake skin covering it then started to both ‘crack’ and ‘dissolve’ in a steady pace. Beneath it, many black dots started moving one beside the other, carrying an unsettling sound to behold.

Unbeknownst to them, the effect of said limb springing to ‘life’ again forced their attention to shift, stepping back before horror crossed their very eyes.

That was the horror of dealing with countless hornets suddenly spreading and, all at once, flying towards them. Instantly, persecuting them.



“... off. Get them OFF!!!

Distracted as they’d been by the sight of the fake arm, none had noticed the sweet smell that hid itself mixed in within the fake blood, no doubt a tempting treat to the hidden and already enraged insects inside. A diversion that not only got to create panic, but also blocked their line of vision. Which was exactly the kind of gain Chikage had been planning to gain:

"Let's go!!"

No hesitation.

No drawbacks.

With the guns pointing at them no more, Kaito used his smoke bombs to add into the confusion the policemen already felt.

And spreading her fingers into the inner darkness, it was Akako who then pushed aside the human obstacles that stood in their way, using her magic into pinning them into the walls.

"Where to?!"

At the speed they were going, they were already halfway to the lifts.

With the parking lot no longer being an option, pulling back was their only hope, and yet, it was likely that retracing their exact steps would lead them to trouble.

"The court cell rooms. They won't expect us there."

Chikage clearly intended on using reverse psychology.

The very core of this building. The most centered location to be ridden. And a dead end for sure.

For most, anyways:

"Our grand act may have been foiled, but despite everything, I still managed to plant it. An illusory diversion. As an emergency getaway, it will have to do.”

“What?! Don’t tell me you had time to prepare anything!!”

“I agree with Kaito. I know you said to leave diversions to you, Chikage-san, but that was in consideration of the time. And besides, weren’t you in charge of the helicopters?”

“That’s precisely why I did. Seeing them flee was not part of the plan. And other tricks like wiring the staircases were meant to be done after the start of the trial, to avoid being spotted. Which is why it was... more convenient… to secure us a spot in the middle.”

It was either that, or having no hiding place at all.

With their faces facing a lift that was already in sight, the two of them nodded.

An action that soon proceeded with the three of them running away.


Hakuba scribbled within his notebook.

A grand scale search party had officially started.

To organize themselves better, his father along with many others had decided to leave the courtroom.

For others like him, staying proved more profitable.

In front of him, an unmotivated Nakamori finished narrating his recent experience in the professional addressment which was meant to be expected.

Adding a light here on there on the things that had turned out, as well as the reasoning behind the ‘why’ and the ‘how’:

“Are you sure? Kid’s body was burning up?”

“You heard me! And his heartbeat was irregular too! Way increased the normal rate.”

“Mmn. I imagine that he must’ve taken serious consideration of how to get away from the crowd. Normal acting just wouldn’t do it. That would limit the choices that, afterwards, would have him resort to other methods...”

“LOOK!!! I don’t know what it was! What I know, I just explained to you. That is why, to fake all that… I did not think… --SH*T!!! I just find it... hard to believe.

“... I see.”

A grunt and a dismissal frown.

Nakamori reached the end of his speech.

But while it was a difficult subject to prey upon, it was still important for Saguru to get the facts straight:

“Then, according to your statement, Norman Lange chose that specific moment to show up. Where he would instantly demonstrate the high level of reliability many have accounted him capable of, true enough to rightfully assess any situation; it stands to no surprise.” More scribbles. A complete annotation of all the points discussed. “Thank you, inspector. Now that I have gained the full picture, it stands to my opinion that you made the right decision. In fact, I would not like you to blame yourself for that.”

“Thanks, but I don’t need you to take pity on me. Even I can tell it was a mess up.” Was the inspector’s response. “I’m someone that gets constantly tricked by him, am I not? Enough times that I have already lost count. The point remains: I should have been more skeptic.”

‘You and everyone.’

The blond shook his head.

“Think what you may; I from my side can assure you Spider’s magic felt extremely real, even when produced by a fake. No shame nor merit in denying it.”

“Tch.” The inspector pulled back. Around him, he saw no signs of any of his busy superiors. “If that was all, I’ll be taking my leave. I’m sure Chaki will be requesting me any moment now… as soon as he’s done.”


Hakuba nodded.

In a simple bow, he managed to turn his thanks into his goodbyes.

He had no purpose in following the man anyways; other interests picked out his mind.

The man who happened to be in his next line of thought just seemed to be in the same room too, it seemed, as right around on a higher corner he could perceive his silhouette just fine. So, to interrogate him next, all he had to do was--


‘What the--??’

Hakuba forced a halt on his footsteps.

A momentaneous glance to his left in the succession of a second, was all it took to get him to hesitate.

It was confusing. It was incoherent. All in all…

What were they doing?


Hakuba whispered those three letters as he caught sight of them, soon pretending to stare elsewhere. Not for nothing, the three foreigners being ‘guests’ in which his father had requested him to be careful about.

That was the whole point to have the group join the session, after all.

Having no clue of the sort of mindset a group of FBI agents would have in Japan, all they could do was take an approach that would most suit them, leaving a door open to gain the most access while allowing them to act ‘freely’ under their discreet watch.

At least, that’s what his father said to do as he entrusted this task to him. He who he believed would be easier to pay attention to, at the same time, remained inconspicuous for being the young figure that he was. Much less recognizable than his father, at least.

And while he had crossed his fingers for it to work, being the son of the big shot himself, Hakuba in all honesty held his doubts.

That’s why this particular reaction the FBI seemed to have felt so interesting to him.

This being the fact that they were doing absolutely nothing.

‘ Aren’t they going to cooperate with the chase at all?’

For them to be here, it meant Kid must’ve interested them at least up to a certain level.

Then all the more reason to be caught up into the persecution. This was an emergency call back, was it not? A once in a time gathering where three top-wanted criminals would be caught, yet were still at risk of getting away.

So why were they doing nothing?

‘Are they being cautious not to attract any attention? Is it the fact that acting might get them into trouble? What is it they’re waiting for?’

He did not know what to do. Be suspicious about it? Get out of his way to pay a deeper watch?

“... no, I don’t have time for this!

If that’s how they wanted it to be, then that was how they’d have it.

Right now, his priority was somewhere else. His best line of interest was to move fast to stop Kid, and gather the necessary information that would help him to do so.

Nothing else reached the same scale. Whatever this was, he would deal with it in another moment.

And so, he set up his mind:

“Excuse me! May you help me?”

He raised his pen and notebook once more.

“I would like to ask you a few questions, if you don’t mind.”



Another hornet, another stain.

Matsumoto moved fast as he pressed his shoe hard against the floor.

It made for yet another addition in a floor already covered in a filthy mess. One with countless dead bugs, plenty which laid unresponsive, the rest of them twitching in a disgusting manner as they flickered their wings to run away.

Thanks to the quick reactions he and his team held, this frigid-mind reaction managed to get most of the problem sorted out. This regarding their side, at least.

As for the other, the negligence within pointed to a whole other matter.

“... you all plan on sticking against the wall for much longer? WHAT THE F*CK DO YOU THINK YOU’RE DOING?!”

“A-apologies, sir!!”

“We don’t understand what happened ourselves!!”

“We weren’t d-daydreaming, I swear!! It’s just-- we c-couldn’t move!! Neither my arms nor legs were responding!!”

“They must have used some sort of trick. Luckily, it seems like it was only temporary. Apologies Matsumoto-keishisei; we’ll go after them right now.”



Senior superintendent Matsumoto grunted to himself, visibly displeased. This was not only due the fact the surrounding men had allowed all three intruders to escape, but mainly due the image they gave, almost willingly surrendering to their cause. How else could he explain the sight of them all pressing against the wall instead of blocking their path or following their steps?

Obviously, the confusion had been shared. No mere illusion could be held responsible for it. Especially not, a compelling force strong enough to drive them away, all despite the fact no physical contact had been enforced at them at any given time.

However, they did take into consideration that Kid was amongst them, being the magician he was, an explanation that sorta explained things.

Which nonetheless remained to be thought after.

“You caught that all, General? Embarrassing as it is, the situation is just that. The three of them managed to escape.”

“There’s no need to be harsh on yourself, Matsumoto. It’s only thanks to your cooperation that Kid and the others were prevented from leaving the building. More importantly, you were able to shed light onto our situation, and that is to verify Kid’s act as a voluntary escape, and verify that Phantom Lady truly is working alongside Kid. This being set, we’ll now be able to level up our game.”

“That… is true, sir. And if we consider the state of the security guards in the patrol border, that just reaffirms it: only Phantom Lady would perform such gorish attacks while having their lives spared.”

Many nods succeeded in agreement. And although they weren’t seen, the sentiment was shared.

Through a thoughtful expression, the General rubbed his moustache gently, taking into consideration every twist and challenge that would no doubt affect any strategy, all for the sake of choosing the most successful path.

First of all, we’re going to ignore those TATP explosives, and likewise, attempt to capture them while ignoring the use of our fire power. Now that we have confirmed their identities, we know these criminals won’t hurt us. After all, if there’s something that we know for sure about them, it’s that they have no intention of becoming murderers.” Not only had no blood shed ever shown in their past histories, but also today when they decided to ‘spare’ Saguru and those on the last row; that right there proved it would be safe to treat them as the fake decoys they were. “Second of all, we'll use our numbers against them. This is all of us, versus the three of them. Their tricks and stunts will only delay us for so long; the more nervous they get, the more they'll search for a way out, the more they'll tire. Additionally, them withholding from fire weapons will make it all the much easier for us. We’ve been presented with the best opportunity yet; I say we do not waste it.”






“Got it!!”





“Can anyone tell me who this Phantom Lady is?”

Foreign to the confronting events taking place, the secluded team that was the FBI observed their surroundings with personal intake. They who, neither good or bad, proceeded over their cover, with self interest in mind.

There, stricken by the apprehension that naming had caused, Lena voiced her confusion aloud.

Again and again, she had taken to observing her surroundings at the Courtroom in hopes to catch up, yet as much as she tried, the older and more experienced people making it seem like she were out of place.

Still, it did not deter her.

Being the type to ask many questions, she tilted her head towards her work partner, the brilliant criminologist making it certain he’d be able to answer:

“Say, Neeeil~! Help me out, will you? It’s my first time hearing about her. Is she famous or something?”

“You could say that.” A simple nod. Neil crossed his arms as he took his time to respond. “She used to be a well known thief that targeted corrupt companies and individuals, stealing their riches and delivering them to the police. Because of that, she gained a good reputation amongst civilians, and fans along the way. Her first appearance happened 25 years ago, in Paris, the same city where some say the original Kid made his debut. And at the same time, ever since his first appearance, it is said that she went missing. Thus, it is theorized to be the original Kid’s predecessor.”

“Oh~? So, it’s like that, huh? A huge shot?” Lena smiled and turned back to where the ‘action’ was fixed, the loud attendants there making it easy for her to follow. However, not even then did she fully understand the extent of Lady’s fame, the mysterious thief being important enough for others to quiet solely to focus on the General’s words. “Mmmnnn. I don’t get what exactly is going on but… this Kid guy is pretty amazing, isn’t he? To have connections like that.” Not only had his first impression been great, but now, he’d also managed to make Interpol stir this easily. This was the sort of trump card that they needed. A polivalent guy proficient enough to reach placed where they could not, and still come out on top. “Sweet! That’s probably why Conan-kun wanted us to recruit him.”

“He’s a weird criminal, that’s for sure. He does not match with any of the thieves we’ve dealt before. Not that the FBI cares much for those...” Switching on to a whispering tone, Neil mimicked Lena as they took to discussing the real state of affairs, their private settings being good enough to ensure no one else would notice. “In any case, shouldn’t we pretend to be a little bit distressed? Everyone’s in the middle of a chase. At the very least, we should offer to assist. Or are we just going to stay here and watch?”

“Depends! Would letting him escape benefit us or not? Because if he succeeds, we would have it easier for him to join us. And yet, if he were to be caught, it would hint the BO to be too much of a fish to catch. In the end, the decision would fall onto James… though in my opinion, I say he’d make a profitable ally.”

James nodded, likewise summersed in his own thoughts.

It was not easy making crucial decisions like that; especially not, one that would end up affecting the BO mission which was the sole purpose of.

Would this be the right decision or not? Would people die because of this decision, or would they rather be saved?

“And what about you, Neil? Do you think he should join?”

“... I’m not sure.” Neil frowned, reminiscent of the last radical debate of integrants joining their team. At that particular time, he’d visibly protested against the idea of following the ideas that a seven year old had come up with… yet, in the end, it’d all turned out to be for the best. For that reason, he wasn’t assertive enough to be as narrow minded as before: “From what I’ve seen so far, the problem is not with him, but rather his assistant. Remember? Before Kid pulled the act, those guards from earlier announced they had managed to apprehend someone at the front hall. A suspect in the form of a woman.” Neil shook his head. An ally such as that would not do. If they truly were to cooperate with each other, it would have to be with the condition on him cutting ties with them. “What now? Will they take turns in rescuing each other as they improve their way out? That won’t do any good. Against Them, it’s certain she won’t measure up. So unless we take her out of--”

James interrupted him right there:

“I don’t think those guards ever caught anybody, Neil.”




Both FBI partners blinked.

Lena with a dumbstruck expression; Neil with a confused glance.

As the pause carried on, James took this chance to explain himself:

“You do not know the General as well as I do, so I understand why you’d say that. But all General Hakuba ever said was to search for the jammers, and then the intruders. See how he cleverly averted this particular part?” Upon observing the younger two swallow, James enlarged his smile, causing them to reflect over this particular misconception for themselves. “That man is too clever to not have something like that work in his favour. Much less show zero interest. Do you get me? That can only mean one thing. And that is, that it was all a setup that he devised himself.”


“... if that is true, then I certainly didn’t notice.” Neil’s eyes shifted to the General Hakuba’s back, the goofy-looking man, one who withhold much hidden talent. “Just how much did that man anticipate?”

“Well, it’s not like we can gain an understanding given our recent involvement. All we know is something must have happened to set a response like that. A trivial little ‘something’ that would have gone ahead of anyone else’s head, had it not been him.” His guess? Either Kid had a slip in his confinement, or one of his allies did. A word or minor action that made him worry about events to come. Like a hint on him having more than one ally moving around. “It matters not. Even if you were to ask, he’d just respond with something clever. But from now on, I want you to be even more on the lookout for anything we say or do. Else, it will be us who he notices is up to something, and will go up against.”

“Yeeesh! Terrifying~!”

“... understood. We’ll make sure to raise the bar up to your expectation.”

James said nothing but instead made it his turn to stare at the man in question.

A man who, most disturbingly, had reentered the courtroom, then regained his attention towards them as well. Bringing forth an expression that was all but too serious and formal for his liking.

James smirked.

It was not the first time he’d seen the man react like that.

And just like the first time they’d met, the exchange was enough to give him chills.

“Say. You’re not going to give us any more trouble than you already have, will you, ...

... Hakuba Rainer?”


“*Hah* *hah* *hah* *hah*”

Kaito laid back, a hand to his temple.

Just beside, Akako sat down, their shoulders touching by.

As Chikage worked, she made sure to prevent themselves from being spotted, the number of tracks behind ensured to be zero.

The joint of many torso-sized acrylic plaques into a full scale surface was what occupied her attention now. By placing one alongside the other into a makeshift door, her fingers flew as she concealed discreet-like edges into becoming the neat surface that was intended, the overall reflection from the resulting mirror being the key that would protect their hide.

When finished and rotated into a dissuasori angle, that is.

“*Hah* *hah* *hah* *hah*”

Kaito resumed his usual practise.

He closed his eyes, performed a countdown, and put his muscles to rest.

He knew this to be the perfect opportunity for him to regain his composure, and so, gorged into the ironic feeling of ‘safety’ placed within the cell at the back. Specifically, at a hidden spot placed behind the fabricated mirror Chikage was on about, as well as the one whose reflection camouflaged them from sight by the replicated image offered by fellow stalls.

Not the most ideal of ‘rooms’, but still wide enough for them to use. To fit, stop, regain their breaths, and go unnoticed for as long as they could get.

In exchange, the downside meant they’d have to keep quiet the moment anyone came in. Not to mention, gas unconscious the unfortunate soul who drew itself close enough to figure the trick, the risk in this one individual spreading the truth, nothing short of a checkmate.

“*Hah* *hah* *hah...*”

Kaito tightened his jaw as the pounding got worse.

A neverending pumping within his eardrums threatened him into madness. Added with the overbearing heat, accumulated dizziness, with the urge to throw up.... a not so great start for their evasive maneuver.

How had things turned out so bad?


Patience thinned out.

Chikage finally revolted from her standing position into dropping down to their level.

Only to curse at the top of her lungs.


Now that the clarity was back, realization took ground.

Akako did so by remaining tense, she too centered on her breathing. Of the three, Chikage was by far the only one who remained immune to the overexerting sprint they made. The reason being that body-wise, Akako’s capabilities stood on a level of an average highschool girl. So, be it because she didn’t waste time in a physical routine, or because she disliked the idea of feeling sweaty, the fact that she recovered second was nothing but an accomplishment on its own.

Which hardly explained how she recovered second:

“What… *hah* the hell… *hah* was THAT?!” Akako’s tone showed rage. Unlike her partners, she did not excel in any athletical form: a condition that was visibly present in her mood. “What were all of those men doing there??!!

“The General saw us coming. There is no other explanation.” Was the crude response Chiaki made. Beyond the deceptive surface she kept together, furious eyes betrayed the true emotion she portrayed within: “You saw the others' expressions. That man alone showed confidence unlike any other; aside from a mere tactical plot, one beyond anything I’ve seen. Thus, our answer is there. We won’t be able to get away unless we get through him first.”

“What?! No! We are not deviating from any of our plans! That was the whole point of making them! If plan A and B are no longer valid… all we can do is proceed with C as our last bet. And this time, ensure that it works.”

“That would ensure Jii’s collaboration, which would derange from our original intentions to keep him on the sideline. What is to say the General isn’t luring us to a place where he predicted him specifically in mind?” More than either of them, the General had to have studied Jii. The way Jii gained access to stuff, or the way Jii had aided Kaito in his heists... Hell! What even stopped that man from deducing this Jii wasn’t the same assistant which had aided Toichi in the past? There was no room for error here. “Forget it. He’s too cunning. He’ll foresee anything we do unless we get him out of the picture first.”

An aggression conducted by at the implied use of sleeping gas, of course.

“A plan where real magic is the actual deal?! How can an ordinary man predict my powers, Chikage?! Tell me!!” Hysterics made Akako raise her voice more than necessary. A mistake she was more than assertive to correct; “No… I mean, I’m not totally against the idea of getting him out of the way... But, think of it. Picture exactly the words that he said. The General claims he knows you’re here, yet made the mistake of thinking I’m Jii. That means he doesn’t have all the pieces together. Or even if he lied to convince us of this being the case, it won’t serve to his advantage. Because where in possibilities or depths, he’d never be able to grasp how my being here truly affects us.”

“Perhaps so. Sadly, plan C depends on many things. It means we’re going to have to be careful you don’t overexert yourself to the point of passing out, and at the same time, that we’re going to have to prolong our stay in order to gain time on Jii’s arrival. And seeing how fast they were able to recover, time is precisely what will cost us most.” A nervous tapping of her own fingers got interrupted by a sudden shift by her side. Chikage paused her thoughts in order to focus her attention back to her son. “Kaito, are you feeling okay? You have yet to say a word.”

“Mmn y-yeah... *hah* Just... give me a moment.” Pretend master Kaito forced a smile into his lips. Regaining his breath was taking him a little harder than what he was used to, but being the actor he was, he was fully persistent in his attempt to hide it. “I’m a ti~ny bit out of p-practise, is all. Running like that... *hah* I just… n-need to catch my b-breath.”

Chikage didn’t buy it.

She’d been married to a trickster, and helped raise another.

Not to mention, when it came to those two, she held a record for having lied more years than both of them combined.

She wasn’t the only one.

Akako’s eyes landed towards him upon hearing it be pointed out, reaching to the same conclusion of Kaito being tired to a point of having overexerted himself. A condition that, in truth, made perfect sense.

A pill that sped the heartbeat to fake troublesome symptoms, in a way, consisted in tricking the human body of it truly undergoing through that troublesome process. Additionally, to produce these symptoms the pill had to be in a state where it had already been diluted into the inner body, making it impossible to expel through any immediate ways.

That left ‘waiting’ the only remaining option, this being the conclusion Chikage had already reached herself.

“... Akako-chan. As far as my understanding goes, you have the ability to directly affect others within reach. Would that power extend to anyone entering this room, despite you not being here?"

“Are you saying you want me to scout ahead?”

“I think Kaito needs some minutes to recover. Minutes which we can use to properly inspect our surroundings, find out what they’re up to, and reflect whether to take down the General or not. However, I’m not fond of the idea of leaving him alone in this state...” Chikage turned her head down towards her son, Kaito startled and shocked, all the while annoyed and angsty. “How about it? Can you think of something that would work?”

“Wait! I d-don’t… *hah* consent to this.”

“It’s our only choice, Kaito. If we all just stay here, the moment we get out we’ll most likely fall into another trap. Figuring their plans is thus our only option.”

“You don’t understand! It’s not j-just them… *hah*. There are other t-things that make no s-sense! *hah* The FBI are here as well!”

“What; FBI?! Why on Earth would they be here?”

“FBI?! It… It makes no sense… Are you sure about that, Kaito?”

“Yes… and while I don’t know what they’re up to, I can at least affirm I managed to spot three of them.”

Akako instantly fumed.

Her conscious mind drifted away as her fingernails pressed against the hardened floor.

First the announcement, then the blockage, and now this? What would be next?!

Having seer abilities meant nothing when things like this happened beyond control. And literal snow blocking her crystal ball had no explanation whatsoever. Thus, how could something so insignificant pose so much of a threat?

She needed to think.

What changed? When was it that any of them started?

Months ago, her magic ball had worked just fine, granting her the opportunity to locate Pandora.

Ten days ago, the success crystal ball functioned the same when enabling her to locate Kaito.

Why then, the recent misfall from barely two days ago?

Why then, did she receive this sudden interference?


Part of this result had succeeded out of her own actions?

Part of the fault resided on Kaito, consequence of her predicting his future, appearing while saying something he shouldn’t have known?

No other reasoning made sense. But if something drastic changed within these last two days, then her only explanation was that the misuse of her mirror spell most likely being the trigger for this.

A simple law of cause and effect from ‘something’ being done, which had altered the original timeline that had once upon had been planted.

… and which triggered the apparition of snow in return.

“Just listen to me, Mom!”

“You’re being stubborn, Kaito! FBI or not, we still need to get going. Besides, it’s not like the FBI are any worse than Interpol; the bar is already raised as high as it gets. It changes nothing!”

“It changes everything! What’s the point of… *hah* studying things out… *hah* when so many things are amiss?!”

“If new obstacles face our way, we just need to carry on and fight! Exactly as we always have!”

“This isn’t like those other times! *Hah*... Can’t you see that?!”

“Kaito…” Having heard enough, Akako chose this moment to step in, a pained expression crossing by. “... Do you think we can’t hold our own?”

The discussion rebounded back and forth more than enough times.

Adding her cent was the only way to break up the balance.

“Do you even realize how selfish you sound? Just how bad this makes us look? You always do this! Even in situations when I ask you not to go; even when odds are against you, you never listen. You do everything on your own!”

“What? It’s not like that! All those-- *hah* …other times, I had tools at my disposal! People ready to supplant! *Hah...* Diversions waiting to be used! Or Jii-chan planted in a careful spot beforehand!”

“Then why is it that when we decide to do something on our own, then it’s suddenly too risky? Chikage-san is stating facts as they are. By staying here, we manage to take matters into our hands while you get a well deserved rest. I mean, think with your head for a moment here; This is supposed to be a rescue! Don’t you think you’ve already pushed yourself enough?! We all deserve our little moments of weakness! At least, let us pamper you a little!!”


Kaito held his tongue as Akako drew a reality check.

Opening his mouth, then closing it back shut, he stood quiet a moment before reassessing his mother in her well-characteristic imposing demeanor. Challenging enough to have him avert his eyes:

“I just think we would stand a better chance… *hah*, only if you awaited my recovery for a while. Only for… *hah* just a few minutes. Until my head feels in place again.”

“And we respect that. But we don’t know for certain how long that’ll take. As such, the two of us have voted against it, and so, you too must join the same ride.”

A sigh.

The subsequent image of Kaito sulking, crossing his limbs, and very ‘maturely’ ditching her gaze.

“Fine! *Hah*. Have it your way!”

“Not so fast! If you get it already, then help me get rid of this makeup. We all know you’re better at it than Chikage-san.” Pressing her front, Akako tapped into her cheek and rubbed part of it’s dye, the leftovers of Spider’s still present dark skin tone currently imposing over her sex appeal factor. “For me to be useful, I’ll first need to restore my looks. That way, I’ll make sure to seduce any outstanding candidate in a succulent position, into telling us everything we need. Of course that, we’ll first have to make sure we cross paths first.”

Kaito stared down at a multitasking kit from which Chikage laid down for him, expressively brought for rearranging appearances. Meanwhile, a double take onto her current self had him hesitate, this being something that would reflect his work:

“It’s only your skin that worries you? Because the last thing we need is you exposing your face too much. I’d rather do you a makeover.”

“Skin, eyes, smell… of course, my voice and body language helps as well. But basically, the way it works is that my whole being has an effect on people. The closer of them witnessing the more of me, the better. I of course realize exposing too much of myself is risky, but being a one-day debut, I do not intend to leave a long-term impression. Worst case scenario, teaming alongside you, we could always pass my appearance as a disguise.”


The sight of cotton swabs and liquid spray had Akako raising her chin while closing her eyes.

Kaito forbidding her talking pushed Chikage into a one sided standalone:

“The General would probably be very hard to reach. We should probably improvise targets depending on whom we see alone.”

“It doesn’t matter if they’re in groups either.” Affirmed Kaito. “In class, the number of drooling idiots make it more than apparent. From what Akako just said, I think the important factor would be for there to be nothing to interfere with her line of sight.”

“I’m sure Akako-chan never bothered to test the range of her influence, thought Your class would have around 15 males? That would deem approaching any group larger than that unproductive. Oh! But then, confronting a woman at all would pose a threat? Rather avoid any females at all, then.”

Please.” Akako scoffed then, mildly offended. “Heart magic has no distinction over gender. If I so much as wished for it, I could target whomever I want. Men just happen to suit my preference, is all.”

“Hush, Akako; no talking. I’m not done yet.”


Chikage nodded assertively at the helpful information.

Rather than the ripping of a mask, the use of a make-up remover proved more time-consuming than the first.

Nonetheless, the reiteration of moves resulted in things done.

And in the end, that resulted in the exposure of her palish white skin, free of imperfections, temptingly smooth at the touch.

“Good. *Hah*. Now lend me that lipstick and eyeliner… oh, and that eyeshadow too.”

“Just tell me how you want it, it’ll be faster. You wish me to mimic those other times you visited me while in your witch persona?”

“Just make it misleading. Mature enough to have them desire me without worrying about unnecessary thoughts… as well as increase the gap that would otherwise point out to my highschool self.”

“Ha! Enticing and mysterious? Same as Kid, then.”

What were the odds?

Destiny had a curious way to gather up people with similar grounds, it seemed.

And while it had worked for Toichi and her to meet into forming a family, seeing them interact now, Chikage wondered what kind of future the two would grasp in the end. Whether together or not.

Not that this was the right moment to ponder about it...

And so, with each of them finished and eventually reaching for a communication device, they finally decided to end the meeting for good ends:

Confirming their goodbyes.

“We’ll be back as soon as we can, Kaito. Don’t leave even if you recover; as our only safe spot, we’ll have to regroup here for sure.”

“And whatever you need, don’t hesitate to call us. That’s what the transmitters are for.”

“The same to you both. *Hah*. Just make sure not to underestimate any of them; this... won’t take long.”

A nod, and a smile.

As well as a hug from his mother.

Kaito eyed their parting forms with an aching heart.

Alone in the dark, back to where he’d started, there was nothing left to do but hope for their safety.

And pray for the best of his abilities, nothing would go wrong.


“General, sir! What are we to do now?”

"Four of the main stairs are blocked! There appears to be some sort of boobytrapped wire covering the entire staircase!”

"We’ve also found evidence of the lifts being hacked to impede us from moving between floors! Although we managed to regain contact with the security section, the guards are still sleepy. It is unknown how long it will take them to retake control."

“That aside, we were successful in finding Yamabuki, Norman and Takao, who had originally stood by Kid’s side! After opening the crate, those on the fifth floor were able to spot and retrieve the three men that were tied inside, sleeping over the elevator’s ceiling.”

"… is that so?"

A locked fortress.

No disposable vehicle.

And zero chance to build a way out.

For the three professional thieves, stubbornness had yet to burn out. Their pride covered their hiding, meanwhile, their accumulated experience kept the persistence alive.

This being the case, what would they do next?

"This building has no air vents that can be used. No hidden spots. It’s unlikely that hiding from us will pose as their long-term strategy. Against our numerical superiority, what chance would they have?” General Hakuba pondered out his thoughts as he took insight into their situation. At such critical timing, not even the bathroom stalls would be left unchecked. That meant, pulling off a three-person convincing disguise would be more likely instead. “Forget the staircases: I do not want us wasting time clearing the path to such obvious traps. Since the staircases are blocked, those who wish to move through different floors will have to do so using the lift holes along with safe equipment. Activating the fire protocol security system should prevent the lifts from moving, even when hacked. Neither Kid nor Phantom Lady are prone to endangering lives, so sabotaging the lift’s safety system would be unlikely. Then, afterwards, you can command each team to pull each other’s faces every 5 passing minutes. During which, every person will pull each and every one of their team’s faces. Understood?”

“Sir, yes sir!”

“We will proceed to do so immediately!”

“Then, go. And make sure not to neglect those under the effect of sleeping gas either. Least you’d expect is them pretending to be amongst the ones asleep.”

“Yes!! Understood!!”

From the sidelines, a certain blond witnessed the exchange happen. Dressed into an expensive attire, he waited in cue until he saw an opportunity seize out for him:

“... Dad, do you have a moment? I’d like to talk.”

“Saguru. Yes, of course. What do you need?”

There were so many things that were so rushed, Hakuba thought it wise to recapitulate.

He took Nakamori’s side. He too agreed that there were many things that did not add up and knew he’d stumble within the flow. Instead, he thought to pick up what pieces he could, to clear them up along the way. Starting by requesting further detail on Nakamori’s recent experience, or that of obtaining information from interrogating a certain court guard:

"It's concerning the female assistant caught earlier. The one reported by the court guard, and whom most seem to have forgotten. Have you heard that she’s gone missing?” Kid's presumed assistant who'd been apprehended beforehand right before this whole ordeal started. A suspicious woman who no one knew nothing about and whom they hadn’t had the chance to meet, much less interrogate. Someone who, despite being a clue to uncover the secrets that kept Kid’s identity hidden, had remained irremediably forgotten at the escape attempt that followed. “It's weird; when I went to get more information, none knew the details of what happened to her. Yet, walking back, I managed to identify the same guard. From what he told me, she managed to escape moments before the cultists appeared. That is the reason why only three of them were to be spotted before Matsumoto-keishisei; rather than four, there’s only three of them in total. The two in-disguise intruders who chose to pose as Phoenix and Spider, plus Kid himself.”

"Yes; I figured that much. Kid is too loyal to perform any escape without taking his assistant into consideration. It makes more sense for Kid to trust she’d regain her ground, and have her join them later on towards the exit.” In fact, further notice would have people realize no mention of her appearance was ever to spread around. The implication of the person captured being in disguise, making the gender ‘slip’ factor being intentional all the while having control the entire time. “Kid is cunning enough to have formulated an emergency escape plan, looong beforehand. Before the time he was captured by the cultists, even: a versatile one suited for a general setting environment. Most likely, news on her fake arrest spreading was a code to let him know following events would have his best interest in order. And playing along as a victim would have him earn a straight passage for freedom to follow.”

"Tell me the truth.” Hakuba whispered then. Taking into consideration the possibility of eavesdroppers he drew himself closer, aware the conduct of this conversation was taking place within the public domain. “Aside from the few eyewitnesses defending this stance, there’s no evidence supporting any prisoner ever being captured. What’s more, distance and time wise, it’s unthinkable to imagine how anyone could disappear and reappear from two different locations so fast. Even under the account of them faking so intentionally and moving faster than the guard; they would still need time to pull off the disguise. Which comes to point to a single truth.”

“Which is to say…?”

"No such person was ever caught, was there?”


Silence fell.

The moment Saguru had pressed to confront him had been with nothing but this intention at end.

Giving rise to much unexpected tension.

“This was all part of your doing, was it not? You knew something was going to happen. You set the pieces into action so they moved right where you wanted to. And you are sole-handedly responsible for things to be where they are now.”

“... you figured me out.” Smiled the General at last.

Saguru’s eyes widened.

Despite assuming as much, he pulled back, confused at the motives entailed.

“You admit it!” He whispered with much felt incredulity. “But to do things this way… Why?!… why did you--?!”

“He was going to escape, Saguru.”


Hakuba forced his mouth shut.

That was… his reason for it?

Kaitou Kid had planned a move against them.

His father had managed to see right through him.

And like it or not, his actions were the only reason why he'd managed to save the situation.

All premeditated without notice.

“Y-you... could not have thought of anything else…? Speaking such lies, and in a courtroom no less. It 's deception; a crime on its own. With Interpol as spectators, to make it worse. And your reason for it? Unjustifiable. It's not fair to charge people through provocation; not even criminals. Catching them on the act proves how far they were willing to go, but if you force them, you're pushing them into doing their worst. Not to mention, we were supposed to be protecting Kid, not pressing over his buttons! And under all that stress he’s been? The situation you placed him under wasn’t moral!”

“And you’re saying that his stunt was?”


Saguru bore a conflicting expression.

On the one hand, due to the truce misplacement he’d thought progress with Kid. On the other, the evident mistrust with his own father, aware of such intentions, yet silent nonetheless.

It was the General who thought to shake these feelings for him.

“During his imprisonment, I grew a theory where Kid had successfully contacted his assistant and was preparing to escape. A wild guess, really. But one to have me worry.”

The General remembered wasting hours of thought. Checking Kid’s footage. And questioning around.

He remembered retracting some steps. Revisiting the teen. And increasing the numbers of those that were to observe him.

Yet, nothing the General did seemed to bring ease to this feeling, nor backup his belief:

“I found no evidence for it. Based on speculation, all I could do was set a trigger. A countermeasure so that, were an attempt to actually happen, we’d possess the necessary strings to reset things right.” Explained his father in candour. “That’s the same reason why I didn’t tell you. Not the inspector; not the others. Bringing you into this would have reflected in your interactions; it risked Kid perceiving this and altering his plan. Not to mention, had my speculation turned out wrong, it would have hindranced your trust. I needed to prevent that. That’s the real reason why you’re mad at me, right?”

“You went so far just from that? Don't lie to me! What made you think Kid had intended to do this in the first place?! Speculation means nothing. Less when it comes from you. For you to have acted this way proves you must have noticed something. So, what is it that I’m missing? How exactly did you get there?!”

He had to have missed something.

Had a suspicious someone infiltrated the TMP? Had his father seen something that went unnoticed by every other person’s grasp?

It was obvious Kid had put some serious planning into it. Obvious how he took extra effort to not hint anything, and decided to bet it all on this one single stunt.

And yet, despite the many hours he or the fellow second division men spent alongside him, it had been his father who hardly had time to move around who’d been first to grow suspicious.

So, how exactly did his father notice?

"It happened two days ago, when I decided to visit him along with Nakamori.” Provided the General, realizing just now that more than his actions, his son was mad at himself for his lack of awareness. For being a detective incapable of perceiving clues that were 'in front of him'. “During the time I requested him to make a fake notice addressed to his assistant. And during that time, Kid made a slip, of sorts..."


Contrary to Saguru’s tense expression, his father sighed, already in possession of the truth.

Because even if Saguru were to spend the whole day overthinking, in the end, he knew no past clue would ever reach out to him. How could it, when he was not there?

"When I asked for his collaboration in my intent to bait out the cultists, Kid agreed though reluctant of the risks that would fall upon those implied with the operation. That was all fine. But what he failed to do accordingly was show that same level of reluctance towards his own assistant: a person who we knew was supposed to be at most risk of falling into this trap in the first place.

Did you know it was him who even suggested placing men into the TV Studio? Before such an opportunity, he demonstrated that he wasn't even remotely tempted with the idea of adding a secret message for his assistant. Instead, he said there was the possibility the Cult would assume he’d run over there to investigate the origin of the note. As if he already had that part covered.

The only reason I could think he’d do so was if his assistant already knew where he was, no? That raised a red flag.

That despite all our efforts, Kid had managed to communicate with his assistant and had an understanding of his situation. Worst of all, he’d done so in a way he left no evidence behind, therefore maintaining a problematic line of contact that could backfire on us at any moment.

Which led me to picture myself into their situation. I had to consider what situation would be best for me to take action, were I a criminal with intent to aid Kid. An ordinary day at the TMP… or a day where we’d all be distracted with plenty of guests to busy our minds with. A day which our security measures where predictably standard, the way it would hardly be countermeasured.”


Saguru put an end to his father’s explanation with his own disbelieving gasp.

At some point during this whole conversation, he realized his posture had fallen back.

No other human being would have ever gone that far just because of one tiny little misstep. There was no way what he said actually happened. Because for anyone to react in the way he had, they had to be truly paranoid. And yet, the immediate impression that it caused him was that of deep admiration.

Was this the level of deduction skill that he aspired to reach one day?

"I see... From then on, with so many outsiders, you deduced the assistant would take advantage and manage to sneak inside, to which you devised a defence that would prove effective no matter the escape route. The only problem was, you had no idea where the assistant would be, what he would do, or even when he would act. To solve this, you set up an act that would trigger for the events to unfold: and that was the fake announcement of the assistant being caught beforehand.” To cause a situation of desperation where Kid would assume the worst. Spread a sense of defeat that would impact on their plan, moves and thoughts, and cause direct harm into their strategy. So that their biggest disadvantage would turn around, and prove profitable in a bigscale overwhelming attack. “What I don’t understand is the part where you figured the assistant to be female. Was that a misdirection from Lady’s participance? Or did you actually figure that one out?"

“It was a bluff. To add strength to the announcement and make it seem genuine. Something no doubt indispensary to cause the desired effect.” The General took a deep breath, reflecting on the moment where he’d had to choose in between ‘a young woman’ and ‘an old man’ as his means to an end. “This is something you’ll learn if you ever decide to take psychology and criminology classes, but in summary, the human mind tends to work through the basis of correlation. When we hear a certain term, our brain instantly relates it with another closely affiliated term, thus pushing them together in a subconscious level.”

For instance, if Saguru were to hear a ‘woman’ came to pick him up, he would essentially associate her with ‘Baaya’.

Not only due his mother living overseas, but also due said woman conducting roles that had grown to be inherently associated with her.

“Interestingly, this principle is strengthened in moments of stress. So when Kid heard 'a woman' got captured, his mind forced a correlation of his own. It didn’t necessarily need to be a true fact. Because while this female could turn out to be the real assistant, even if not, it is undeniable that through the course of his personal life Kid must have met at least one woman close enough to him to dare rescue him. And that personal fear would not relinquish until he got to see said assistant in person and confirm for himself.”

Saguru shook his head.

The proposed method was rather distasteful, but seeing the bloodisome act Kid had decided to pull himself, he understood none of their teams held much of a choice. Desperate acts came in need of desperate situations. Despite it all…

… the end conclusion was that he still had much to learn.

“I still think there should have been a better way to orchestrate this. I mean, betting so much on chance? Lying before such important guests, and at Kid’s trial no less. Just what exactly were you thinking!” Had Saguru’s relationship with his father not been a good one, he would have uttered these words in disdain. Instead, all he could manage was grow concerned at the repercussions. “You could get in serious trouble if word were to get out!”

“Were Kid to escape within my watch, I’d be in a compromise anyways.” Was the General’s simple dejection.

“This isn’t just about you!” Saguru’s control kept him from raising his voice, but not from concealing his temper. “You represent the TMP as a whole. If that guard gets caught--!”

“-- then, Nao-chan would help us. Because by having contacts and taking that too into consideration, I made sure that today’s judge would partake in our session as well. An old acquaintance of mine whom I befriended after years of facing corruption together: Michiru Nao.”


Saguru’s uneasiness grew.

The General’s expression remained the same.

This was not one that could be called calculative by any means, but it was a far cry from what one would consider harmless. A defensive stance he took only while partaking in this line of work.

Was it within his responsibilities to go so far? Or was it his own, personal, sense of duty?

In any case, it was part of his job.

Everything he did consisted in taking risks. Determining who to trust, when to act, how to follow…

There were many people in this world.

Yet of them all, how many would handle said spot?

“... is this the way you truly see things?”

It was too much.

Saguru halted as he practised some well-noticed restraint.

His father’s mindset was right in the gray area, opting to break rules in order to make progress, while his own mindset hardly ever fled the black and white one.

He understood the kind of message his father pretended to instal him, yet turned rejectful at the idea. Because being the sort of method criminals themselves would retort to, he considered there had to be another way.

“I can tell you now that I don’t agree with this line of thought. However, I will also agree that you’re the only reason why we’ve managed to prevent Kid from leaving, and even, managed to withhold the other two.”


The discussion had been prolonged for over too long.

Despite keeping a respectful distance, it was obvious four other men had already moved to cue up, waiting in turn for his father to finish.

Wanting to talk to The General, hoping to discuss a wise advance, Saguru could not afford to lose to any of them:

“Ten minutes.”


“Give me 10 minutes, and I’ll see to help you out as much as I can.” Said Saguru as he admitted defeat. “I know you’re busy and will need to take care of other people, but I refuse to stay on the sidelines! So, please. Save me time for later, and I promise you I’ll find something useful!”

“Saguru, you don’t need to--”

“Yes. In fact, this is something I must do.”

Turning around with renewed determination, Saguru fled the scene in search for some answers. Clues, chats, recollections of memories or anything that would make him feel the tiniest bit useful.

Knowing full well that least he could do is level up to his rival.

“It is my dream to become the world’s best detective, yet all I’ve managed so far is to criticise your decisions and whine.”

Staying still, doing nothing, he would never hope to aspire to anything.

“I won’t embarrass myself any further.”


There was a commotion going on floor 3.

Some were barking orders. Others were pushing through.

Yet all in all, it was something that had nothing to do with them.

The matter of concern being, to find a way to avoid detection before getting caught.

“HEY!! Watch where you’re going!!”

“Ah… oh, I’m so sorry! I’m so sorry! Are you hurt?”

“Are you kidding?! You’re a man too, you know! A man needs to be sturdier than that in a profession like… wait- Wait!! ARE YOU BY YOURSELVES?! WHERE’S THE REST OF YOU?!”

“It’s because of that commotion just now. Half our teammates rushed ahead, and...”

“... left you stranded, I see.”

A quick nod and an apologetic bow.

Chikage played carefully her role of male clumsy cop against the four pairs of wolfish eyes that made it their duty to suspect them.

And for good reason, they knew. With three spotted criminals, they needed to team up with at least four to remain inconspicuous.

And that meant, it was Akako’s turn to play:

“We’ve just finished calling our superior too. He told us to hurry and find another group fast. Doesn’t matter who.” Let Chikage do any smart talking, and she herself the brainwashing. Chikage the improvising, and she the magic. Teamwork at its finest. “I’m sure you understand we’re in big trouble if we were to walk by ourselves, so, could you help us?”

The effect was instantaneous:

A siren 's call.

A melodic voice, both graceful and disarming.

Before he knew it, the man was left salivating, his hands shaking:

“I-I…--!! W-well, miss, I’m not s-sure… I m-mean, we’re supposed t-to report any s-sign of… ah, well... unusual behaviour-- so...”

The 'offended' witch met his eyes.

Not every day she met an idiot daring to oppose her:

“You mean us?”


“Are you saying you find me suspicious?”

“WHAT??!! Not you!! NEVER!!”

“And I can vow that my teammate here is also safe.”

“Still… if we were to follow protocol… check y-your identities while p-pull off your c-cheeks, ahh--”

"What for, when we've already got things settled?"

It worked like a charm.

Each word uttered as a tempting offer.

To everyone involved. The team group of four who were close in range.

Thus leaving the gruff group of men into a spluttering mess, no sense nor direction how to act or react, entirely defenceless.

There was no challenge; no nothing. Akako already knew they'd won:

“So? Will you follow me?

“I w-would follow you a-anywhere you want...”

“It will be real quick too. Nothing to get you into any trouble.”

“Only… for a w-while…?”

“That’s right. Just until I say so. You don’t mind, do you?”

“I d-don’t...”

"Why thank you! And I can also see there's no objection by any member of your team either. You're all so kind! This makes me very happy."

"O-oh no! Haha... It's n-nothing!"

"It was s-stupid of us to doubt you in the f-first place."

"I mean, y-you can tell from j-just looking! We should have known better!"

'Well, isn't that right?'

The compliment was expected, but not for that, less gratifying.

An added boost to her already overthetop ego resulted in a very characteristic laugh escaping her lips.

"Well! In that case…

… we'll be left in your care ♡.”


“You look like you’ve realized something.”

Saguru eyed forward, to where his father had called.

Lifting his wrist, he noticed the ten minute implemented time limit had officially passed, thus, his father coming to join him. Having used his time to sort out various matters, until he once again remained free to focus his attention on him.

“A couple of things, actually. Though, when it comes to the current matter of business, I am in doubt. I ponder how helpful they might be.”

“Oh? In that case, why don’t you start? That way I’ll add some retrospective.”

"Then, if you don’t mind..."

Saguru took one deep breath to fill in his lungs. Then, he took into consideration the stunt in which Phoenix and Spider drew things into motion, and how Kid took advantage to run right under their nose:

"We know Kid's allies showed up to rescue him. We know they disguised themselves as cultists to go under our radar. What we don't know is: how they coordinated this? When did they exchange information? How did Kid pull off the plan so well, he knew exactly what to do and when?" Fortunately, questioning Nakamori had led him to an answer. It made him, in fact, realize just how far Kid had been willing to go: “To answer all this, I’ve reached to one single conclusion.”

“And that is…?”

A shift in movement.

A minor gesture.

And a serious expression:

Saguru opened his mouth to deliver his answer.

“By taking advantage of Aoko’s lunch boxes.”




Three seconds passed by.

All seriousness gone, the General’s mere reaction was to blink twice.

“... what?”

Somehow, even for him, the correlation between both topics seemed entirely nonexistent.

What was it that caught his son’s attention then?

“While you were occupied with the Lady’s affairs, I took the liberty to question the inspector more thoroughly. I found out Kid wasn’t just acting when the toy bullet pierced through, but that he literally subjected his body into a state of shock, so as to match the nonexistent wound. The kind most likely prompted by a drug.” Drug-Induced Arrhythmia was a thing in hospitals. Body checks assertions to critical situations, too. If Nakamori had been truthful... no; because Saguru knew the inspector to be honest, he understood it could only mean one thing: and that was that Kid had to have been instructed to act previous to the start of the trial. “I believe one of today’s intruders took their time to study our increased security system from these past days, and the condition Kid was held in. They then infiltrated the Nakamori house-hold and took advantage of Aoko’s goodwill, to which they proceeded to hide a tachycardia-inducing pill, and a message. All in all, resulting in today’s matter of events.”

After hearing him out, the General took on a pensive expression.

“Those two objects are tricky. I could easily imagine any of the two to pass unaverted through our scan detectors. And it would also reassure us over the fact it was not one of our men or equipment working against us. However...” And to that, the General lifted up a finger with his arm held high: “How to ascertain it would reach Kid? Nakamori’s daughter would cook for the three of them. Considering the possibility the lunchbox did indeed contain hidden content, it would still not explain how Kid ended up on the receiving end. The risk of the inspector choosing the wrong one would be too high. A 33% chance at best.”

“Make that 100%. It was revealed to us that Kid had a fish allergy, remember? For how loyal they are to each other, I’m sure the assistant would have known. That being said, he would have to wait for the day Aoko decided to cook fish; then take into consideration Kid’s lunch box to be the one without seafood traces in it.”

“Well… I suppose you can be right. Not much we can do about it now, though.” Gaining awareness of their weak spots was important. To prevent it from happening again, too. As well as intercept them for future instances were things to reverse to the way they were. ‘If’ it ever were to happen, that is. “What else do you have?”

Saguru shook his head.

“Don’t misunderstand. Proving the truth of Nakamori’s statement not only provides us with better comprehension over past mistakes, but also a better insight on current ones. Which is to say...”

“--Of course!! It would bring up a really important detail none of us realized until now!! And that is--”

“--That Kid right now would be at his most defenceless.” Saguru agreed, beating his father to it. “Also, due the state that he must be facing, that his hiding spot would be one fitting for a decent rest.”

“Which, in a building like this one, would drastically reduce the places to search for, huh?” The General smirked, an unexpected ray of light landing directly towards them. With this said, he knew he could already put himself into Kid’s shoes, to which he reached out to his pocket to reveal a basic layout on the building. “This here is the hallway where we’re standing. This chamber here; the courtroom. The restrooms, the lifts, the four main staircases... and these spots right here, the zones I requested them to start searching. From bottom to top; to take advantage of the parking lot that is already secured, so that we can narrow down the rest in a straight line.”

Hakuba looked down.

To understand the sketch with better notion, he took into account the many accurate descriptions from within, security personnel most likely being responsible for it. Those engloved from the adjacent attorney-witness conference rooms, to the restricted corridor that led to the judge's chambers; one huge floor entitled entirely for them magistrates only.

As well as the courtroom holding cells themselves.

“Before deciding, there’s one other question I’d like to point out.”

Caramel eyes leveled up once more.

After processing the many presented options, Saguru’s decision was to obscure his father’s view; reaching for the layout, then lowering it down. All the while presenting the next words with much reluctance:

“What if it weren’t the assistant?”


“The second intruder. The one actively aiding both Kid and Phantom Lady.” Saguru repeated, putting more emphasis into his words. “What if it weren’t the assistant?”

“What brought this up?”

The General furrowed his eyebrows while Saguru averted his gaze.

A memory surfaced of an intangible force then, freshly engraved in the form of the fake Spider, presenting no issue in performing illusionary magic of the same scale.

"Kid's assistant has no talent in impersonating people. He or she does not have talent in outrunning or confronting policemen either. Else, we would have known.” The experience obtained through many attended heists spoke for itself. If the assistant were capable of such performances, Kid would have made use of it before. In helping create a better escape route at their first encounter, at the Sunset Mansion, … and on so many other occasions as well. “I mean, this person that appeared today went as far as performing magic. Genuine, impressive magic, to the point it made me wonder if Spider's skill had levelled up. Think about it: have we even witnessed the assistant stepping up a major role before?”

The General did so and more. From the sidelines, a detailed evaluation from every single summary report where Kid had intervened, held in chronological order. Up to the point he had to admit his son held a valid statement.

“What are you suggesting?”

As his brows deepened, Saguru shook his head:

“I don’t know Phantom Lady. Even from the information I gained, her evasive ways make it unclear for me to determine whether she’s capable of performing magic tricks. Whether simple based, complex ones, or none.” Due to the age gap, he understood he lacked the required depth from confronting her at her prime. Even worse; the little intel obscured by her aggressive ways made it impossible to figure out. “I can accept that she’s known as the ‘Showa Era's Woman of Twenty Faces’. I can accept that, similar to Kid, her disguises and tricks came top notch. What I can’t accept is whether that would be good enough. Least of all when retired. Which would once again point the orchestrator of said magic performance towards the second intruder. And for that..."

More fuel to the flames.

Added goosebumps to the signs.

Preparing his mind to be ready, the General tensed with anticipation. Even before it happened, he could already foretell what his son would say next:

“... I actually believe it’s the original Kid whom we’re dealing with here."


Kaito leaned his head against the wall.

Back to where he was, at the ‘safe place’ behind the mirror, nothing much had changed.

Occasional voices of people entering and leaving troubled his mind. The threat of some of them approaching, an extra annoyance that was too close for comfort. But other than the resulting sharpening of senses, the reassuring steps of them leaving soon after posed the calming effect he needed, ensuring more time to rest.

That was good enough.

Kaito gave a sigh as he pressed a hand against his forehead.

Luckily for him, the headache had sufficed. The scorching heat his body had suffied had too cooled down to a stable condition. More importantly, he was now able to breath fine again, to which he regained his will and some manner of control:

“Will it take them much longer? How much has passed?”

Kaito did not know.

He’d had other things to worry about.

Being the restless guy that he was, the impression he felt was stronger. Up to a point where it made him uneasy. Where he resorted to whispering alone.

“I wonder what Hakuba is doing too. Seeing how it went, I bet he’ll be at his most insufferable. More so, after receiving Akako’s first hand magic. It’s not like he can figure out what happened anyways. Probably, that’s something that will eat his brains.”

Well… he somewhat deserved it.

For being the detective he was, and ruining his show. Bringing his mistakes to light, and spoiling the fun. A magic ‘trick’ so great, he’d never in his life be able to figure out.

What about Nakamori-keibu?

“He would strangle me for sure. There’s no doubt someone must have found Takao, Norman and Yamabuki by now. Perhaps even woken them already? If they eat something, the side effects would pass well enough to have them join the chase soon. Then, Chaki would probably ask them to split into teams, and--”



Kaito held his arm straight.

In less than a second, he had himself pointed towards an unknown target.

Who was it? Intruder or ally?

One thing was for sure, and that was they were deadly silent.

Attached to where his cardgun stood, a modified bullet card rested. This one contained just enough gas to affect a single individual, a fact that incentivated his other hand to move towards his other pocket, right where his sleep bombs hid.

*Cre… ak… crREAK-- … crck… uk...*

Petite noises of the mirror being rotated, dragged into constant rumble, creating a distinct edge against the otherwise silent prison.

Kaito maintained his arm fixed; not a single waver.





-- a beam of light reached to blind him over.





To fight against a flashlight was a pointless struggle.

Kaito cursed, but with the powerful beam making it too bright to see, he dared not shoot without hope to skip back. But where whiteness had him pinned, his instinct had him fix his cardgun into reaching his trigger and--

“Relax. It’s me, Kaito.”

“... Mom?”

-- he instinctively swallowed.

Was it possible? Her silhouette made it unclear.

The disguise of a second division policeman got mixed in between the backlighting the tiny gap toward the exterior had to offer; yet her voice was unmistakable.

Chikage really was back.

“You’re alone? Where 's Akako?” Sadly, as he looked behind her, Kaito noticed the witch nowhere to be seen. Worse; his mother wasted no time in closing the gap, placing the mirror back to its original place. “Is that safe? I thought you too wouldn’t separate from each other.”

“Situations change, Kaito. I assure you, she’s doing more than a remarkable job on her own. Otherwise, I wouldn’t have come.” Chikage moved to offer him a hand, but noticing him on the floor, her smile quavered. No doubt, reconsidering her choice: “You alright? Can you get up?”

“Definitely; I’m feeling much better now, thanks.” As he followed, Kaito then pointed upwards to the floor above, this being the floor originally used at the courtroom where the vast majority were. “What about you? Did you manage to figure out their intentions? Or spot the General at all?”

“Not quite. We were able to spot him easily, but realized there is no stopping that man; not with him standing at such a protected spot, at least. Considering the situation, all we managed was to throw around some trinkets to slow them all down.” Well aware that wasn’t enough, Chikage shook her head, being the first one to be disappointed over her own avances. She then used her in-disguise clothes to pull the police cap lower, obscuring her eyes with a noticeable shadow. “I returned because this location is no longer safe. Their frustration is having them be very meticulous in inspecting every corner. We’re therefore heading for the rooftop.”

“Already? You mean to say… it’s time?”

A sparkle reached Kaito’s eyes.

Even when subtle, his mother’s smile came straight to the point.

After all, why not? The basis of plan C was none other than that; have Jii do his part, so as to wait for the right moment to go.

“YES! WE CAN FINALLY SAY GOODBYE TO THIS PLACE!” A punch through the air expressed that it was damn well about time. Despite all occurrences, a fast way out of this mess. “How should we go? The hallways must be crazy by now. And the lifts? Probably impossible to use without Akako. What did you see? Did you face many obstacles? If we can at least avoid Hakuba’s direction, we should save ourselves trouble. His father too; they’re such a pain. Did you find out what they are up to? What kind of trap they might pull nex--?”

“It 's okay~♡. Mom’s figured it all out. So, Kaito...”

Chikage caressed his cheek, then had his own cap fall onto his vision.

Another disguise hat; the same one he’d previously used to hide off his features, blend with his bangs and cover the shade of his eyes.

To help hide and protect him.

“Why don’t you follow my lead?”


Footsteps to the right.

And footsteps to the left.

Turned into a loop, it was the tension-relief getaway of one empathetic Arai Kosuke, an older second division member that was well respected among his colleagues:

“What should we do, inspector? Young Hakuba and the General haven’t returned yet. If things carry on like this, we might regret it later.”

“Go search for them if you want. If it’s permission you seek to form a group of four, I’ll grant it. In the end, there’s no doubt they’ll contact us when they need to.”

“It’s not that I doubt them or anything, sir. It’s just that with these last-minute rumours going on--”

"NOT rumours, Kosuke. It was an official statement. Only, one to yet reach the majority's ears."

A sudden stop.

A curious glance to his side.

And, in the end, a sigh:

“That is precisely what worries me, Daichi. That with everything that’s going on, Kid will fall into an even greater mess without him even suspecting it. I mean, this is--”

“-- hush. I think I finally got it!”


The men surrounding Nakamori stepped back as the man suddenly rose.

Having sat down for long over an half hour, it had been his intention to think matters while developing a theory of his own, the Kid’s next move being something not even the Hakuba pair would figure out fast.

“We all saw that trick where Saguru got pulled up, right? Then consider this: if the fake Spider’s magic had an effect on Hakuba, then it can definitely work on them. Meaning, they can reuse whatever trick they pulled, and use it to fly down to lower floors.” Experience made it all. Nakamori too would have a say in this chase; if not for being the most stubborn, due being the most determined to catch him. “Kid only chose the parking lot to evade his most typical escape route. However, whether it be Lady or his assistant, it has become clear that this particular teammate has gained the ability to move people with ease. You can imagine what that means, right?”

“... yes!! It makes sense!!”

It was a simple deduction, yet one they could all agree on.

More importantly, even: one that made for a plausible Kid plan were they to imagine themselves running in his shoes.

"Kosuke! Stay to inform the others!" 'Others' being the second division members left scattered around the search parties, the Chaki and General being logically first. "Whether they agree with us or not, I believe at least that by going and staying there, we'll increase our odds. As for the rest of us, ..."

Eight in total, him included.

Younger generation, older generation, and some from the middle as well.

All glaring with the same exact same intent to catch the teen, demand an explanation, and stop him from performing his most idiotic act yet.

"We're going straight up."


“This is it...”

The sun appeared sparkling.

The wind, blowing from the far east.

Such were the gentle conditions Kaito and Chikage came across first thing when exiting the building. A sharp contrast to the glamorous moon that always seemed to accompany them phantom thieves along their line of work.

“We made it!”

Far up, on the rooftop from one of the highest floors, the isolated heliport conveyed exactly as in the sketch.

In one architectural mess that mixed ups with downs, the systematic fortress presented an additional layer of defence presented in it’s extravagant layout. Thus, replicating in real format the blueprints Kaito had only seen in paper. In full precision, too.

“One city landscape; one complete victory just ahead! I almost feel stupid for worrying so much.” Kaito stretched his arms to replenish on said sight. FBI? Interpol? Detectives? 2nd & 1rst division, and court personnel as well. How could they expect to compete against their awesome selves? “Now, all that’s left is to wait for Akako to come. Do you think she’ll take the stairs too? While not flexible enough to dodge all the wires, I can totally imagine her burning every obstacle ahead. Heh; it would most certainly be interesting to watch!”

“What are you talking about?”

Against Chikage’s exasperation, Kaito failed entirely to detect the undermeaning of her tone:

“Mm? Oh, you’re probably right; the lift’s more her style. After all, what’s to protect them against her ‘undeniable charm’? She’d seduce them all at once. Or something along those lines…” Kaito rolled his eyes, the forward attempts the witch used to perform being of no effect on him, therefore, something he wouldn’t know. “Still, I pity her. I can only hope the targets of her affection would be 30 year olds top. Otherwise, that would be gross.”

“Kaito, focus! We can’t stay here! See?! There aren’t helicopters around!” Drawing him back to Earth, Chikage pointed out the flaw of their surroundings. Certainly, something she had not expected to find. “It’s a DEAD END! We need to LEAVE. FAST!”

“Wha--??” A very familiar padlock was then shoved into his hands. Thick. Standard looking. But undeniably complex under an unsuspecting guise. Such as the one undeniably recognizable for being the one he’d picked just moments ago. “... oh.”

Chikage met his eyes but was soon disheartened to notice his gaze pass right through her.

Over their surroundings. Again, back to her. Deflatedly, fixed onto the far distance.

A slow reaction which added an extra incentive against his mother’s own.


She didn’t blame him.

Against everything that happened, how could she?

Rather, she moved to call gently for him:

“Here.” With no time to waste, Chikage pulled onto his sleeve, catching his hand and pulling it aside. “Follow me, yes?”

A slow nod where, despite it all, Kaito refused to bulge.

Urgentness and all, a situation where he saw no need.

Because in his eyes, he held a more urgent matter in mind.

“Hey, Kaito… if it’s Akako you’re worried about, then there’s no need. You know she can handle herself.”

“Akako-chan. Not Akako.”


She tried pulling him once more.

This time, Kaito did respond. Only, with an iron grip held firm against her wrists.

“... who are you?”


He immobilized her some more. Adding strength; pressing harder.

Causing her to grow rigid under his touch.

“Haven’t you heard me?” Kaito slapped the hand away to make sure he grabbed mends of ‘her’ instead. “I SAID: WHO THE f*ck ARE YOU?!

“What are you sayi--…?”


The parking lot route was the whole reason for that.

The discarding of plan A’s standard helicopter goal for plan B, the wheel track.

This person was not his mother.

“My mother. The woman you’ve so diligently portrayed so well. She took the trouble to come earlier to supervise the surroundings precisely to avoid stuff like this! To which she already told me the helicopters had left, and thus was the reason we moved down in the first place!” And yet, despite all, her surprise had been all genuine. Chikage, his mother, his supposed primary source of trust… acting forgetful, straight to neglectful, right before his eyes. So, what did that mean? “WHO THE f*ck ARE YOU?! WHAT HAVE YOU COME FOR?! AND HOW DO YOU KNOW ME AND MY MOTHER SO WELL??!!

“... ha… ha.”

Stiff cheeks reddened from shame.

His acute ears, distinctly ignoring surroundings once more.

Not from stress or the previous self induced drug, yet solely produced by newfound unmeasurable anger.

“Hahaha… haha.”

The confrontation did not turn out as expected, however.

More so, when a distinct femenine chuckle reached out to his ears. Followed by increased chuckles of unsarcastic laughs.

"You haven't changed a bit, little one. That honest gaze of yours still remains the same. Even after so long."


Kaito's vision clouded.

At the same instance, his hands softened.

That ‘little one’ expression? He recognized it. Somewhere in the distant past.

From an undefined beauty wielding poisonous lips. Sharp eyes. As well as golden unparalleled locks.

Together with another undeniable beauty. Two formidable women lucky enough to have been accepted as apprentices to undergo the disguise teachings of the so-long gone genius, Kuroba Toichi himself.



“I actually believe we've got the original Kid dealing with here.”

Two British relatives. One hallway. Zero bystanders.

And no ties to hold them back.

“Pffft-- HAHAHAHAHOHO *Snort*!!”


One second Saguru was watchful, the next, instantly thrown off.

Against all the certainty he’d put on his statement, his father had wasted no time to deny his most calculated thoughts.

At such an inconsiderate dismissal, the already embarrassed Saguru became instantly baffled:

“The pieces match! The clues are all there!”

“Well… I suppose they do. If you were to keep pushing them up to a certain direction, that is~.”

“Stop joking around! Why would I be wrong?

“For starters? I would say the disguise choices. Not his style. Kid's character is based on Lupin's classy persona and would have resorted to another method. Him risking Lady’s exposure would be another factor; whatever relationship the two of them had going on, the moment she vanished it was practically established he’d take the spotlight from her. And on top of that… there's the timing." People could act very differently after they went missing for many long years. After less than a decade when never caught? Not so much. "Put another way: why wait until now? Our current Kid had been ‘almost’ caught a number of times. There’d have been plenty of other times for him to show up.”

“The same could be said on Phantom Lady, no? Why now, years after her retirement?” Both perspectives suffered on the same end. But while one could argue on Lady’s involvement back to Ryoma’s case, in the end, he hardly made it count. "You’re circling my question. My point is: no Spider imitator should be good enough to lift me up, with such accurate technique. Not, salve perhaps, if it were to be performed by the very best. So answer me this: do you think Phantom Lady and the assistant, on their own, are good enough to rival Spider's magic?"

“...” Did he? Truthfully said, it was hard to tell. What exactly could Lady have been up to in all these many years? He could not deny the possibility of the Original teaching her some of his tricks, nor he could deny her expanding her contact list to meet fellow troublesome tricksters. In such conditions, how could he hope to envision the truth? “... I admit, it’s a difficult situation. Were you to be on the right however, wouldn’t that make things worse?

Because, were Lady to indeed be accompanied by someone who isn’t Kid’s assistant, then--

Where would the assistant be now?

Inside the building? Unlikely.

Providing reinforcement from the outside, then?

It was a worrisome thought. And one neither had an answer to.

The fact that forcing teams to have 4 members wouldn’t guarantee their trust. Or exactly how much could be going around them without any of them knowing.

“There’s one positive note we can make of this assumption, though, and that would be a hint to our criminals next move.”

“You mean it?!”

“Sure~! I mean, it’s not like they have many options in the first place. And just like you said, the assistant’s M.O. is well known to us. Surely, we would be able to predict a strategy they’d use.”

“It’s guaranteed that the assistant knows how to fly a helicopter.” Whispered Saguru as he subconsciously agreed with his father’s line of thought. “Will they perform an air escape? Is that what you mean? But, you also said you took care of the exits. Surely, you’ve taken care of the rooftop as well.”

“That is indeed the case. The helicopters in question have all been moved far away from the area. With the air police keeping watch in various strategic points around these whole surrounding neighborhoods, it will be close to impossible for anyone to come close. Much less, hijack them. Not to mention, the fact you said yourself the assistant lacks the ability to confront any of our members on their own.”


“Our three criminals here may not necessarily know of this. The same way they failed to realize my intentions with the underground parking. Thus, leading them to cling to one of the few options they believe may still be intact.”

As an answer, Saguru took out his golden pocket watch.

12:23 a.m.

Just over two hours ever since the start of the trial, and a little less since the other two as cultists, had dared make their appearances.

“... We’re late. Kid’s body condition may already be better by now. He’s not stupid enough to swallow something that would handicap him on the long run... not while knowlingly throwing himself into a chase, at least.” Should they go for this later deduction, then? The building was being ‘swept’ as they talked, taking priority over the lower floors while leaving the top ones for last. “I think it’s worth a shot. Should I gather the team? Tell them to--”

“GENERAL, SIR!! WHY WEREN’T YOU PICKING UP?!” It was then that a new team decided to join them, the sudden arrival sped up at the pace of their feet. “It's IMPORTANT! We’ve got PROBLEMS to discuss!!”

“You were calling me? That’s weird… I wonder what happened?" Despite the newcomers' rush, the General's phone never seemed to catch the 'urgency' of the problem, thus hinting the existence of a hidden jammer that was well spotted enough to evade the collective search. As well as, bad luck on their part for standing close by it. “What is it you need?”

“The situation has changed. There are no clues to point to the whereabouts of where the intruders may be hiding. However, we were unfortunate enough to spot a corpse in the eastern area. Specifically, inside one of the bathroom stalls from the eastern Jury Deliberation Suite. The corpse of one of our guests corresponding to the italian faction: Interpol investigator, Gian Giamatti."

"So? Wake them up. See if you can get some answers.” Too much attention brought into a single area would dissuade their attention from others. Just like the 'murdered men' that previously sat back at the last row of the courtroom, who were already used to dividing their forces. “In the case you can’t wake them up, make sure to at least check their identities. The important thing is to keep calm. Afterwards--"

"Sir, I think... you might not have understood me." Interrupted the man again, his clarification right forward. "I'm talking about… an actual corpse, sir. They have found him with a gunshot wound right in between his eyebr--- SIIIIRRRR??!!”

No face mask.

No impostor, nor clever trick to distract them all.

Just the swollen face of a confused man having his cheek stretched, withholding his grimace in front of the three remaining members of his team.

“That’s impossible! A gunshot?! Kid would never--!!”

“Don’t lose focus, Saguru; we’re heading top. As for you four...”

The general receded his hand back.

He could tell that the team was ready for some action. And considering things, it would seem like they’d joined them exactly at the right time, about to change floors:

“Care to join us?”



It was an hesitant call.

The weight of his voice playing a significant change of emotions enfolded.

A prevalent being… hope.

"Is that... really you?"

“I’m more surprised than you are. I always knew you wished to follow your father’s steps; only, not quite to this extent.” No reservation. No attempt to deny anything, nor deflect it. “What brought you back?”

“Can't you guess?" Kid showed a reaction this time. Held back with the suppression of a growl that was prompted with the desire to move on. “The need to set things right.”

“Leaving was wise. Didn’t I tell you? Tokyo is dangerous. Somewhere far. Somewhere safe. Never to return--”

“--; Never to forget. Which is, may I say, easier said than done.” He had no idea what her intentions were. But knew she already had him figured out. Everything that came with his earlier background, at least: “Back then, I was a kid. There was nothing I could do even if I had wanted to. But now… things are different. I’m not defenceless. Not the same that I was. Not anymore.”

“And yet, you still managed to stir trouble.”

“What? This? Is nothing but a light inconvenience at b--"

"No: I'm talking about the kind of trouble my 'bothering to show up' means."

At the seriousness of her gaze, Kaito instantly palled.

'No way.'

"You mean THEM?! You're STILL working for them?!"


More foes to the table?! Great. Just great. Exactly what he needed.

Turning around, he felt the chillness of invisible claws laying down on him. Only, this time, the kind he should be really bothered about. Life threatening ones.

"Why me?! Why now?! Can’t they see I focus mainly on gems?!"

"I can't tell what the Boss thinks, but if I were to voice my opinion then it'd be the fact you're a potential risk on the loose. Someone who is aware of their existence. And someone who, at the hands of the police, could evolve into a potential threat."

If that was the only reason, then Kaito could almost sigh in relief. If only because the number of sent agents would be minor, and also because his condition would turn to 'safety' the moment the chase was over.

He then shook his head.

“Ver. Not that I want to sound ungrateful or anything, but… you do realize I’m not alone, right?” Saving him was very nice, yes. Especially from the villainous creepy BO guys. To disguise herself as his mother and still pretend things were ‘ok’ however… that was putting them all at risk. And something entirely unacceptable. “What were you thinking?! To run away just the two of us and leave my mom alone?! My friend too?!”

"Chikage-san is strong enough to take care of herself. As for this 'Akako' you speak of, I can only imagine how remarkable she is. Given the high hopes you've laid on her..." A girl who found out about his identity and still agreed to help? A girl capable of taking care of herself while seducing the cops on her path? Fascinating indeed. "The point is, they aren't the ones assigned to be shot on sight. If Toichi were here, I'm sure--"

"DON'T put my FATHER into this!" Rejected Kaito, guarding his memory in a very protective manner. "I'm talking about both my mom, and someone I hold very dear. She's my best friend, for speaking out loud! If Dad were here, he'd leave neither of them behind. Don't you dare suggest otherwise."

"And yet, his plans didn’t all end well, did they?" It was a low blow. And one Kaito instantly met with a grimace. “Be reasonable. 'Leaving without his teammates is not the sort of behaviour Kid is known to pull off.' Common sense would trick them into thinking us all gone. And when separated, it would add safety to their positions as well. It is the safest option.”

“NO. Not this time, Ver. You can’t decide for us. And look; this thoughtless stunt of yours now managed to get us into a really bad position. See? To come here at the rooftop was actually a plan of ours. But only at an appointed time. And now? We're ahead for who knows how long! Still, it’s not too late…” He reached for the communication device his mother gave him, then placed it over his ear. Surely, the fact it hadn’t gone ringing meant they hadn’t noticed him missing. “Listen: right now, you're right on the fact that this place is way too open for us not to call any attention if we stay like this. However, it doesn't need to stay that way. Tactically, the missing helicopters aren’t a lost cause. As I said, we built a plan that has high chances to work. If I contact my mother now and explain the situation, then-- !!!


And everything spiraled down.


Nakamori Ginzo.

Along Takao, Yamaguchi, Yasuo, Yamabuki, Aoyagi, Hoshinomiya and Yamada.

Stepping out all at once.

Pushing the door to face them.

Taking instant notice of their suspicious selves.

Eyes wide. Mouths open. With remnants of trap wires and deflected boobtraps from the last flight of stairs among their clothes. (2)

And with the obvious signs of them trying their hardest to reach him before anybody else.


“All alone, off limits, free from any contraptions caused by the boobytrapped course… NO DOUBT ABOUT IT!”






"-- tskkk!!"

What terrible timing.

Right then, right there, Kaito had to force himself to turn his head to avoid their way, the need to avoid eye contact overbearing solely due to the tasteless act of his previous behaviour. That said, behaving in a way that was essentially considered, flipping them all off.


From the corner of his sight, Kaito had to -half curse half sigh in relief-, at the realization it was inspector Nakamori and trusted members from his team who got to join them at the rooftop rather than anyone worse.

More so, when presented with the actual SIGHT of Vermouth as his latest companion…

… currently drawing her own gun towards the lot of them.

"H-HEY! Put that DOWN! What do you think you're DOING?!"

'The HELL?!'

Without a moment's doubt, Kaito threw himself into her line of vision, a finger onto the gun's safety ensuring she wouldn't dare to injure him, not any of the men up front either.


It's one thing to fire a gun with the purpose of saving a life, and another very different to just shoot for the sake of convenience.

There was no proof of this being the end for them. No excuse to excuse her bloodthirsty behaviour.

These people right here:

They weren't 'strangers' at all. Not 'enemies' either.

Not to him.

They were honest hardworking people who had spent real time and effort to help him. To follow their job in failed attempts to reveal his identity? Sure; that too. But all in all, to do so while maintaining themselves honest to the cause. Equally just and lawful. To build the required trust to show him a way out of his mess while sharing along smiles.

All in all… walking the extra mile to befriend him.

"Put it down, Ver. If not for you, then for me." The order was hissed through half clenched teeth, his voice begrudgingly low. The grip he held on the gun was firm and proper; secure enough to jolt with it while still carrying on with a most ominous threat: "Else, I swear to you, I'll NEVER forgive you!"

It wasn’t over yet. The stakes were too high, for either of them.

Vermouth wasn’t going to let herself be caught; he saw it in her eyes. But same as her, neither was he; he made sure to the woman up front he held no intention to give up yet.

The police weren’t so trusting… and neither patient:


A single warning shot was all it took for both of them to turn and glare, the bullet in question being one that had been cleverly aimed at a determining spot that would do them dirty. Not only due the threat of being harmed, but also due the slap of trapping them into a corner.

Because that single shot was all it took to reveal Vermouth’s golden locks.




It was shown in slow motion. The constraining cop cap no longer concealing, the bullet hole driving it back until falling onto the ground behind. Thus revealing it all:

Her blond base.

Unmistakably long, voluminous and stunning.

With feminine curls fluttering around all the way down to her hips.

“Playtime is over, Kid. This time you are to do what I say. And that is to step away from that woman at once!” The distinguished voice and defensive mannerism to protect them from gun’s harm were both obvious indicators they’d crossed paths with the real Kid. A chase leading to its end, with the most important figure being cornered up a path’s end. “You hear me?! Get away from her! Raise your hands! Come over here and… --??”

His first instinct? None of that.

To take out his cap, then tossed it to her. Worried as he was, to have Vermouth’s face seen.

There was no point in pretending they’d seen nothing. No point either in concealing her flocks now. But by covering her eyes and without the use of her lipstick, at the very least, they’d be able to brush off a sense of ‘casualness’ over her new appearance.

Because although the second division were fine and good, no potentially approaching BO members needed to suspect her connection to him; not even by chance.

"It's good to see that you at least have the decency to show your face to us, Kid… but my instructions remain clear. You are to surrender yourself while we are to take care of her. And throw away that earpiece while you’re at it! We all saw you reach for it the moment we arrived!” Kid turned back yet said nothing, the group of men circling them while protecting the only door out. The odds truly were against them; this time for good. “Come on, what are you waiting for?! The earpiece!! On the floor!! Now!!”

Kid took it out and dropped it on the floor, stepping on it as instructed. Then, he proceeded to raise both hands slowly; working a way to get them out.

How to contact his mother; how to figure a way to fix this entire mess.

“Spare us the glare, Kid: you’re lucky we made it in time! You already know the cultists are fixated on you. Who knows what would have happened to you had we taken a minute longer!”

“Wait, what?!” It took Kid a moment to realize Nakamori had raised his handgun again. And another, to figure the whole team was pointing towards the same direction. Not at him. But at her. ONLY her. “Leave her alone!!

“Don’t pretend you haven’t noticed anything odd, Kid. About this companion of yours. Her ‘unusual’ behavior? Or was the prospect of getting away from us too good for you to notice?” Nakamori was onto something Kid didn’t understand. For once in his life, it was Kid and not him that seemed confused on the other’s behalf. And that sudden naivety of his, not expected, was what drove the inspector instantly mad: “She’s NOT your ally, dumbass. She’s a PRETENDER! Someone waiting in line to offer her hand, just to stab you in the back; She’s one of those deceiving cultists, I bet!” Kid’s silent response only made the inspector angrier, to which he continued his ramblings: “What did she say to win you over? Did she suggest being a friend of your assistant? Or perhaps being hired into rescuing you? Then think again. This is a strategy to trick you into a false sense of safety!! Taking advantage of the situation to fool us both!!”

Kid bore wide eyes along a conflicting expression.

And yet, with him and her fighting, they had just proved it.

Or would anyone within the second division actually believe an ally of Kids would face no contempt to kill them in cold blood?

"... she is not a cultist, Keibu; she is someone I know. If anything, she’s someone that holds obvious dislike at being gun pointed from afar. And for good reason.” Where had he gotten such nonsense from? Not only had he as Kid never seen her approach the other group, but also, as code-agent Vermouth, she was already in a position where she was too busy handling affairs of her own. Exactly the kind of problems that being stuck with the BO would entail. “Listen: I just spoke to her. She won’t shoot anyone. No one needs to get hurt. So, please. Drop your weapons. And… put the safety back on."

“You… YOU ‘KNOW’ HER?!” That was even worse. To the inspectors' ears, that meant the Kid had truly gone mad. “Haven’t you HEARD?! There’s been a MURDER downstairs! An Interpol agent by the name of Giamatti! You mean to TELL ME that YOU SIDE WITH MURDERERS NOW?!”

“What?! A murder?! What do y-you--?!”


What did he mean by that?!

It was all news for him. The realization of someone or a group of people being pronounced dead, without his knowledge.

Seeking understanding, it was but a side glance to Vermouth what it took for Kid to instantly curse:

‘Damnit Vermouth! What have you done now?!’

She and him were going to have a chat after this. For sure. As soon as everything was over.

“I’m sure there’s... an explanation for that too.”

“So an ‘explanation’ but not a ‘misunderstanding’, is it? No way! Don't tell me this sh*tbag is your assistant, afterall!” Audible curses. High signs of disgust. A sentence soon followed by a very Nakamori-ish way of blanter: “You’re kidding! This whole time?! A rotten scumbag capable of underlying the value of life?! I thought many things about you today Kid; but this?! Not even once that I believe you’d sink this low.”

Nakamori’s words marked the resemblance of a beating.

Harsh and fast, it was as if every single one of them had the potential to strike twice.

And yet… he felt like he owed the man some sort of explanation.

"She’s not my assistant, no. And neither is she someone deserving of your insults. Whatever things she might have done, her actions, it is... a bit more complicated than that."

“As if! This right here?! Is you pulling excuses.” Nakamori refused to lower his gun. So did his team. They had been played as fools far too many times; and this here was a situation where the line was drawn. “Tch!! I’m disappointed in you, Kid. All this, for what?! Did you truly think things would magically become better if you managed to go back ‘home’?! To return to the way things were?! Same with Interpol. Do you think your actions won’t have consequences, at all?! You can’t be that blind! Everything we’ve done will be for NOTHING, damn it!!!”

“Everyone has their reasons. It’s just a matter of deciding our own choices; difficult as they are.” Vermouth had her reasons. Akako too. For having lived a living hell, and pressed down to a point where a button pushed; for having killed people despite it being morally wrong. “If you want to know my reasons, then it’s that I have a job to finish. People to protect. As well as, a dream for a better life. Staying here might accomplish the first... but not the second. Not in the long run. And that… scares me more than anything else.”

“Hah! And that includes today’s victim?”

Yes. No.

Who even was this supposed person that died?

Now wasn’t a good time to confront Vermouth about it.

He knew Death held no qualms. Of it being a one way ticket only. A no return passage for the victims involved.

And yet, if the person recently killed truly had anything to do with the BO, then no matter how much it perturbed it or thought against it, he could no longer deny it was a path that could be used to save others.

“I… don’t know.”

“So, what is it? If there were a reason for it, then you mean to say this person was a cultist in disguise?”

“I... believe not.”

“No motive. You admit it. And still, you take sides with her?”

“I do.”

He noticed it wasn’t just Vermouth that was pointed with a gun, then.

Somewhere along the course, the others had taken to considering him an equal threat.

They no longer ‘trusted’ him. Why would they? When he’d lied to their faces. Plotted an escape that seemed almost successful. Left to seek refuge among fellow criminals who held no qualm.

Back to square one.

“I don’t agree with murder. Neither I’m saying that I agree with her actions. You know me well enough to understand that it goes against everything I believe in! But if you keep insisting on pressing warning shots at her, I will step ahead. I will defend her. Precisely, because I hate the concept of death.”

“-- GINZO.”

Six more people appeared to join the chase.

Both Hakuba’s up on league, due their own deductions, yet still second for the end result. The four that had moved to join them, following suit from behind.

“I’m impressed! You managed to get here first? It’s no wonder you’re assigned to Kid’s case, hohoho~!” The General laughed with good humour, yet the tension was easily palpable. And how could it not? The inspector too was aware of the stakes. “What have we missed?”

“This is… Phantom Lady?”

Hakuba however didn’t address him for he was far more interested in the spectacle up front. Kid, with no disguise other than police clothes, and a person with a golden mane wearing a matching outfit.

“I've only seen her in photos. But the blond... it’s certainly similar to the tone she held beneath her bandages. Does this mean she let her hair grow?”

“That depends. Does the Phantom Lady kill? Because I was under the presumption she did not.” Nakamori snorted loudly, her identity less and less interesting the further the conversation went. “The Lady. The assistant. Or someone new. However this is, I don’t know other than she’s a murderer. And yet, an ally of Kid’s. Isn’t that right, Kid?!”

Saguru noticed his glare, then met his eyes.

Fake or not, the scene of Kid being ‘hurt’ had been sour enough to leave an imprint; stubborn and mad as he was now, it was still a good enough sight to make Saguru appreciate his health.

So when Kid decided to avert his eyes from him, he too decided to return his attention instead:

“Why are there only two of them, Inspector? Did you manage to spot them like this? Or witnessed one get away?” Nakamori motioned for the first option, the earpiece sighted upon arrival indicative enough that others would most likely approach with given time. “I see. So they separated, then failed to regroup as intended. Should we continue with the arrest of these two, then? Or wait in hopes to see someone else join them?”

“Arrest them, of course! What?! You say they won’t show up just because we caught the two of them?! Nonsense! However, we’ll all need to keep an eye on trickeries! Them flying Spider-style would risk the chance of them reaching the ground.”

“Oh~!! Is that why you came here? Really smart Ginzo, really smart!! Hohoho~.” The General applauded the inspector as he raised his chin, the humor in his expression never quite reaching his eyes. “Do not worry about them escaping through cheap tricks, though. When I said it was impossible to escape this building, I meant for the perimeter as well. The pavement is met with Matsumoto’s 1rst division officers taking orders; as for the skies, any helicopter rescue would too prove futile. Thanks to our air force, they know to spread the word the moment one of them were to break formation. Were any suspicious character to deviate from their group, we would notice right away.”

“We proceed to arrest them, then?” Saguru’s words met no remorse. A noticeable twitch on the thief’s part that got rips of tension slipping through: “Since he’s made contact, it’s possible his arsenal has been replenished. Still, with the only door being blocked and more officers to come, it would make little sense for them to dive there. Neither use a hang glider, since there are to be two of them. And Spider’s magic wouldn’t be a problem either. His style allows him to camouflage in darkness, meaning, further imitation to his illusions should have no effect at day. Or at least, I believe it highly unlikely while here, in the open.”

“That is exactly so.”

Caramel orbs searched for Indigo’s.

Teeth. Face. Posture. The three simultaneously tense on the thief’s side.

All signs of a worn out poker face, excededly used and burned, already at its limit.

Strained to an exasperating point.


They didn’t bulge.

They didn’t intend to. Had no need to.

The criminals were cornered and separated from the rest of the group.

*Step. Step.*

“N-no… w-wait!!!”

But they didn’t.

The two of them were just ahead of them, and out of luck.

A glint of multiple handcuffs representing on it so.

*Step. Step. Step.*

“I said wait!!! Listen to me!!!

He was a threat. And an unpredictable one so.

Associated with criminals of questionable morals. Obsessed over a goal that went over their comprehension.

“She’s not Phantom Lady!! Not my assistant!! Not a bad person either!! But if you arrest her, there’ll be terrible consequences that we’ll all end up paying for!!” Kid panicked. Vermouth’s situation was such a complicated one, the second division here wouldn’t even imagine. Such a dark and twisted one, such a secretive one too, even he from what he knew, could not remotely grasp it; “I’ll make a deal with you!! If you let her go, then I’ll agree to it!!” Not one of them was receding, not even one bit. His mind began to move faster. His voice, louder. “I’ll give you everything you want!!! You want me to talk??? I’ll talk!!! Take part in your disguises??? I’ll do it!!! In exchange, just please let her go!!!”

sh*t. sh*t. sh*t.

It’d been many years back, yet still today, he owed Vermouth too much to let her down.

Right until now, he’d only been able to survive so long because of the uncorrupted hearts the second division held.

But if Vermouth was caught, just for being a killer, things wouldn’t go the same for her. Another division would first get involved. And then, associated with the BO, and such a close figure to the boss nonetheless, the backfire would prove immense. Impossible to predict.

Not to mention, this escape attempt had already cost him the amount of trust he’d earned. With Interpol being involved, being deployed to another country was already a possibility in rise. If he convinced them now, then being separated would increase her chances of Vermouth finding his mother. Thus, Akako respectively too for the three to escape. And through them, warn Jii as well.

But no. His cardgun was just a toy. His magic tricks? A limited source. Sleeping gas? Smoke bombs? Nothing: useless without a clear escape route. Any fighting skills he could have learned would prove futile against these many numbers. And last resort detaching limbs or dummies… nothing effective in the present. So--



Kaito took a sharp turn to his right.

By his side, Vermouth flipped forward, a change in the air that caused him to freeze.

Threatening and resourceful, she took on the upper step of reaching the others first, selected a target, then pinned him all the way back. Her idea being to select a hostage to keep the other’s at bay.

The most important one yet:

Of General Hakuba himself.

“Move, and he dies.”




She was moments away from pulling the trigger.

Ready to harm. Ready to kill.

Anxious to demonstrate just how serious she was.

“MOVE AWAY!!" She instantly held her aim on the General’s temple, her voice professionally modified to protect her. While to Kid, all her tone suggested was this to be their only way out of here. “YOU HEAR ME?! NOW, MOVE!!

“I SAID NO!!!” Kid shouted, Saguru’s paling expression won him over, being the one to flip over. The ghost of his dead father, a reminder too of bad situations turning to their worst. "DROP IT. DON’T MAKE US APPEAR LIKE SOMETHING WE’RE NOT."

Yet of course, grabbing a hostage already created a situation similar to the one with movies.

Listen, they did. And step back they went, up to recede behind an invisible line. But with the police too holding onto their guns at her. For Kid, interjecting both path’s seemed like the only remaining choice.

To which he fueled his anger and stood in the middle, arms wide apart.

“What’s this? She’s lost her mind, so now you’re going to shoot me?! WAKE UP!!” Kid took a look back and frowned at the sight behold. First from his front, with Vermouth… then from his back, from the second division. “What is WRONG with YOU!! Have you BOTH gone INSANE??!! Do you seriously have so LITTLE REGARD towards HUMAN LIVES??!!”

All guns were lethal. They were meant for killing. Maiming. And causing serious pain.

They weren’t toys. Certainly not, meant to be pointed at the faces from people he cared about.

Neither side of them.

“Drop them now!! Both of you!! Put them-- Gghahhh--!!”


Kid fell.

--rather, was pushed from the back.

Another figure pressed on top of him as they crashed together, a crash resulting from a sprint in which both of them clashed into a roll.

“TCHH-- WHAT IS IT NOW?!” A shiver proceeded to run all over, worried this was an attempt to get him out of the way. “VER, I SWEAR, IF YOU DO ANYTHING TO HURT THEM, I’LL--... ah--!!”

It wasn’t Vermouth.

Smoke arose from the ground from the spot he was just a second ago, while closer inspection gave away the impact of a bullet cracking the tile.

A rapid shot failing to hit its target.

Followed by the rapid notion, that the bullet shot had been aimed right at him.


Distressed followed the second division the same way it followed him. Because exactly as it’d surprised him, the second division as a whole failed to point out the shooter, all of them holding guns with no calibre ever falling from place.

“It wasn’t us!! No sound from here, sir!!”

“Then WHO THE F*CK is the one responsible??!!”

Just like that, Kid’s apprehension deepened.

Even more so, as he noticed Vermouth cursing towards an open window from a different tier floor.

But if she hadn’t been the one who’d pushed him, then who was it then that broke formation, had saved him and laid on the ground?

“... Mom?”

Stretching his head back, he caught her silhouette through a glimpse. Of a blond scalp similar to Phantom Lady’s hidden blond wig. And a reassurance reserved to him and him alone.

Only, this time, he heard it the way he felt it.

A ‘BANG’ half-muffled from a silencer, nonetheless strong as it resonated from a far away window.

Right before two powerful arms got to embrace him from behind.


Kaito's eyes widened.

Frigid horror circulled his veins.

‘She’s not wearing any Kevlar.’


In the background, Vermouth took control. Pointing the General’s head with a second gun, she first ensured her safety. Then, right arm aiming at the long-distance BO killer, she followed by ending them with a shot of her own.

The sound of the shooting proved more attention to the rooftop.

Soon, more people would arrive.

Not that it mattered anything at this point.

Kid was already trembling.


A bottomless pit formed where his heart should be.

A thousand needles, piercing his skin to preserve this feeling intact.

And somehow, at the same time… crumbling whatever sanity remained into pieces.

“Oi, oi, OI! Is he for real…? That person lying there… is Kid’s mother?!”

“Short blond hair… the real Phantom Lady?!”

“Phantom Lady has a son?!”

“Then, the real reason she came to rescue him is--??!!”

“Do you think we're idiots, Kid??!!” Nakamori recovered first, quickly receiving support against the heartbreaking sight: “We know your third accomplice is still on the loose!! We might fall on it once, but not twice!! This act here is utter nonsense!!”

“T-that’s right!! This is a trick too!!”

“You want us to help?! Then hand her over!!”

“If she really needs treatment and you’re not faking, then--!!”

SHUT UP!!!!!” He could hear it. The surprised gasps of these people who knew nothing of him getting startled, because of the mother-and-son relationship discovery they’d made. Of the scene he was making. Over experiencing a close-up of him truly losing his poker face for the first time ever. “SHUTUPSHUTUPSHUTUUUP!!!!!



“H-he’s… for real?!”

He was hyperventilating.

He was losing his composure.

He was crying, shouting and screwing things up.

He knew it. He understood it all perfectly. And still… and still… even while knowing this...

What did it matter? She was not responding.

His mom... his mom was--!!




“WHAT THE--??!!”


Stuck deep into the depths of his inner turmoil, Kid was the only one left unaffected at the new happening that caused to distract them.

This time in the form of not an illusion, nor a magic trick. Yet of an actual physical element:

That of FIRE.


“Hot hot HOT!!”

“A line of fire?! WHY IS IT HERE??!! WHERE DID IT COME FROM??!!”


Not everyone was perturbed at the line of sight, however.

Kid remained fixed as he glued over his mother’s form.

Crying. Panicking. And trembling.

Seeing all black.

His family breaking.

Their old photo tearing.

Until eventually--

“............ mom?”

--He was driven off of that spell.





Camouflaged in between the policemen she’d arrived with, Akako took to observe the spectacle around. The police on her side, and her allies on the other; some suspicious blonde indistinguishable behind her flames, the General supposedly apprehended by her.

Far gone were the signs of the shooter; most likely, the blonde had managed to shoot him dead, therefore proving herself an ally of their cause. Kaito on the other hand appeared devastated against his mother right before her intervention, his fear of losing her taking over his rational mind.

Akako already knew the truth however, and that was that Chikage-san would turn out to be fine. A clean shot that landed itself right in between her shoulder blades? A guarantee for her survival. Or at least, for Akako who’d been running alongside her, that alone was enough to convince her.

That didn’t mean Chikage wouldn’t need time to recover, though. And to push Kaito away from that state, even more so.

The task to protect them would therefore have to rely on her.

Until their safe form of transport was to come.

Until the moment Jii-san was to arrive.

It would have to be just her.




I’m going to have to stop you there.


Akako gained distance.

Using the same type of ‘flight magic’ as she’d used on that Saguru guy, she too used it against herself to jump all the way up, both of her feet landing at a flat concrete floor that was at the border of an adjacent roof.

Where she proceeded to get rid of her garments and greet them with her real self. The revealing clothing that characterized her as a witch.

“Rather than waste your efforts on them, why don’t you focus them on me? That way, we will have a greater time.

“WHAT THE--?!”


“SHE FLEW??!!”





Akako smiled… and quite co*ckily at that.

Acting as a watchdog, she caught an easy sight of them all.

The high grounds ensured they would take proper notice of her.

As well as ensured, she would take proper notice of them.

She alone was their sole focus of attention:

Her skin. Eyes. Lips. Curves. Cleavage. Entire body. And even perfume. Everything was exposed.

These soldiers were already her slaves.

Whether they realized it or not.

Heh~. It’s true. I was the one disguised as Spider ~♡.” Taking pride in herself, Akako curved forward, exposing more of her beautiful self for all to see. “So, what did you think? Was my magic to your liking?




“Are you guys serious?! What kind of reactions are those?!”

Saguru’s mouth opened, his reaction one of full astonishment.

His mind was still in shock for all the events that had happened; his dad being in danger. The Phantom Lady being shot; Kid’s mother being a legendary criminal. And Kid himself associating with a murderer, joining forces, in hopes to escape.

But now everyone around him cared more about this stranger.

Everyone around him, be it from the second team division or Interpol agents, were reacting as if they’d suddenly lost their minds. As if some kind of brainwashing had taken place where they were all acting all like a bunch of fan-boys in the presence of their idol. Where even Superintendent Chaki, whom he knew was married, would suffer the same effects.

It was utter nonsense.

Was this too, some kind of Spider-like hypnotism, where he’d have to use water on them to fix the problem?

Visibly annoyed, Saguru cleared his path forward, pushing his way around the many men so he could get a better view. At the very least, for the purpose of meeting the mysterious ‘ally’. The one to rival Spider’s skills. As well as, one he’d previously thought as talented as both the original and current Kid.

Thus, taking more steps forward, he managed to scarce enough of the buff men to look in between them.

Up until he faced a chill rise.

“O-oh, WOW!”

Saguru felt himself blush.

Just like that, the detective suddenly became just as entranced as the rest of them, having witnessed someone that could only be described as seemingly out of this world.

And how could he not? This woman… girl… Queen. Was indeed a one of a kind beauty that was mesmerizing to the eye. Carrying eyelashes long and dark as of a moonless night. Silkish hair as soft as a rose’s petals. And skin white as porcelain. She was like the personification of a person’s dream----



Was it possible? He who had never been shy, was experiencing a newfound anxiety where he couldn’t even talk!!

Up from her body down, he became enticed by her very existence. Her exuberating allure. Her passion-enticing smell!

He himself was becoming more and more entranced despite the urging fact that he knew this was a distraction to keep them from the other side. From Kid. From his father. From the woman holding him at gunpoint. As well as--.

“Is that so? I’m glad to hear that. Your compliments make me very happy ~♡.”

-- screw it.

“PLEASE!! C-can you tell us your n-name??!!”

Saguru joined them.

Falling for her too, he decided to ignore all forms of coherent thought, to call out for her.

Even though he knew she was way out of his league. Even though he was another face in an endless cue. Yes, even so: he dared to hope for an opportunity at all. Craved to make a scene where he could make this all work. A future where the two of them would be romantically involved with each other. Inseperable. And free.




Their reward in the form of her angelic voice:

“My name? Oh~. Curious, are you?” Sadly, grasping that surreal future was not important right now. Not to her, who wished not to attain fame: “You can call me whatever. I have no intention of reappearing again.”





The mysterious beauty fondled her hair as she considered the question, giving out a sigh as she shook off her shoulders.

Before such greedy pigs, they would never hope to gain her heart.

Not really. I’m just here because I want to. Isn’t that enough?





Hakuba had heard enough.

He had already declared this person to be the woman of his dreams.

“I love her.”

He really did, didn’t he?

He listened to her voice as he pulled his tongue back, and crackled a laugh he had never heard himself perform before.

He was disconnected from reality itself. The back of his mind, whatever logical part that remained, fought hard against his insides to make the truth of her statement, up to no avail.

Only to succumb even further under the effects of her sinful nature:

“Oh, no, she’s perfect! What should I do? She’s completely out of my league…”


Fortunately, the sound of double rotor blades approaching their rooftop was good enough for him to --somewhat-- wake up from his stance. Not at all escape from her spell, per say, but good enough for him to gain consciousness of the side lines. For a single span of attention, focus his eyes upwards. Foremost, gain awareness of the military-grade monster which just happened to surprise them whole.

Far above the horizon, yet closing distance fast.

Approaching them. It’s destination: the thieves below.

“MOTHER OF---!!”



Akako paid them no mind.

Tinted in black; it was a copter-like-aircraft gained by using some of the many combined winnings Chikage had gambled in Las Vegas. A massive ‘gift’ she had worked hard on to acquire ‘legal ownership’ of, and managed to purchase for herself.

The sole purpose being, for emergencies like this.




Not yet finished with them, Akako smirked:


The vehicle they called upon was an elite class unit that was as expensive as rare. One listed at the top of the market for being, in fact, the fastest there was.

As well as the direct aim of plan C.

Their last resort: the magical escape route.

Say Hello to our dear ‘Osprey’.” (3)


Kid trembled, cried, and lost his overall composure.

Until eventually--

“............ mom?”

--He was driven off of that spell.

“Breath in…”

“MOM!! Thank goodness!! Thank goodness!!

“... and breathe out. Slowly. In and out. Exactly 10 seconds apart. Exactly as the good doctor said. Remember how we used to do it? All those times we practised?”

“Mom!! Please!! Don’t t-talk!! Don’t move!! Y-you’ll... you’ll just make it w-worse!!” She needed to save up as much energy as she could. In fact, basic first aid required him to shut up, and convince said person laying down that they were stable, in safe hands, and with emergency services ready to arrive soon. “Don’t move and let m-me carry you!! If you c-can just--”

“Shhhh… It’s okay. I’m fine. Keep focusing on your breathing, all right?”

A gentle hand came to caress his cheek. Strong. Firm. Much stronger than he’d expected. Sweet talking him into trusting her.

“The force of the shot did indeed manage to knock me out for a bit... but that’s nothing for you to worry about.” She said in that soothing tone of hers. “Not at all, for you to get worried that way.”

“You mean ‘blunt force trauma’? Then-- How?! When??!!

“You weren’t with us collecting information, so you wouldn’t know. But a murder took place at the floor Akako-chan and I were. We heard the chatting of having us blamed, and assume the consequences of a new priority of restraint. So, the moment things halted to go south… you could say I decided to go for a 'change of clothes'. ”

“You STOLE a VEST???!!!”

Of course she did. She was his mother. She was the Phantom Lady.

He too had sometimes improvised the placing of a metal plaque underneath his clothes, so why not she?

More perceptive, more experienced, more talented than he was; she was able to sense the perill seconds after the incident occured, already three steps ahead in a way to formulate a plan to counter arrest the worst place scenario.

“You… You SCARED me! I didn’t KNOW! I didn’t KNOW!”

“It’s okay. I’m fine now”

“You WEREN’T MOVING either! More than that, you WEREN’T even RESPONDING!”

“Shhh… you’re not breathing as I told you.”

“If only I knew...! I thought for a moment there that, that--!!”

“Relax. We’re together now. Isn’t that enough?”

Kaito felt no control over his own tears.

Even as he kept wiping, even as he kept adjusting his breath; they still fell the same.

“S-sorry, I’m sorry… I’m so sorry!” Shame kept building as he shook his head, afraid to afront the rest. “I messed up! I panicked… And because of that… they were able to hear it. Our kinship. Our secret… The fact that you’re my mother. And now, because of my lack of self control, Akako is also depleting her magic too. She’s exposing herself so she's able to save us! If we don’t manage to get out of this because of me, I don’t know what I’ll--!!”

Chikage clasped her hand against his cheek, then moved them to wipe off his tears, asking him to calm down while at the same time close up his mouth.

She didn’t want him to keep talking.

Not when she had been the one to lose consciousness; consequently, lose track of what was happening.

Not when Kaito was this level of distressed, when the General was closeby, and when there was another person in disguise situated alongside them. Relatively safe? A mysterious someone who kept her distance from them, yet failed to appear friendly with a hostage at hand.

Exactly how much he'd revealed, she'd ask again later. There were other more urgent things to focus on first.

“You did nothing wrong. Nothing at all. So what if they know? It means nothing to us. Nothing that will harm us in any direct way. Understand?” Akako had protected them, Chikage realized. She had orchestrated an impenetrable defence to have the police focus on her, have the shooter lose sight of them, and have them recover. Becoming their best asset. “Kaito. I’m going to need you to lower your voice, okay? Do you know what happened to the one that shot me? Or if he managed to flee the area?”

“The shooter…? I… I-I don’t know…!” Kaito felt his fear return, the loss of his surrounding taking a deep impact in his composure, having failed to ensure their safety. “There was another gunshot, b-but... it didn’t reach you. Didn’t reach me e-either... Then the fire followed. And Akako… Akako. You think she’s in trouble?! She could be in danger if the shooter is there?! -- no, NO! I’m NOT thinking! Ver. That’s right, Ver. Dad’s friend. Remember her? She’s here, mom!”

“Ver? You mean… Vermouth?”

Whatever surprise she felt, Chikage didn’t show it.

Rather than make it worse for them in agraving his impulses, she focused on the facts, it being necessary for one of them to keep their mind cool.

“Why is she here?”

“She told me... a pair of BO agents came to k-kill me. A minor mission? Something about preventing me from saying unnecessary things. What, I’m not sure… but, that s-shooter from just now? It was one of them. Ver… she came searching for me. She made the connection t-that I had assumed my father’s role. She came to warn me… and she seems to have t-taken care of them too.” A pair? Was it really? At least, Kaito thought it was. Whatever knowledge he had of the BO, it was his understanding that the men always worked in pairs. Save for ‘greater missions’, it was something that characterized their operations. “She came to warn me… and all I did was get mad! Seriously, I’m hopeless... and I don’t know. I think I even slipped out her name too! I can’t remember properly! I--!”

Chikage raised an eyebrow, then landed her eyes on the ‘mysterious blonde’ for a second time.

It sounded like her.

Coming here alone? Taking care of her son? All the more so.

After all, it wasn’t the first time.

That meant they were safe, after all?

Chikage’s eyes landed on the in disguise assassin once more.

Vermouth appeared relaxed enough to emit the feeling of safety. To Chikage, it pretty much reassured them of the BO agents being dead. And in regard to the fire covering them up or the General being held hostage, it too made it seem as if the odds were in their favor.

This would shed some light on what, Chikage hoped, would be their last stumbling stone.

“Mom! She needs to come with us!”


Chikage stood up.

She pressed an hesitant hand in between her shoulder blades, then checked the sky.

Squinting over the horizon. Checking in between buildings and cranes. She caught sight of it.

The one vehicle that was secured to pick them. The only copter that Jii would be able to fly towards them, carry their numbers, and get them all out of this mess.

As well as their plan C’s entire base; approaching in to save them.

“There are too many of them! Ver won’t be able to get away on her own!”


Chikage realized that Akako had noticed it too. Even more; she was getting ready to board them.

First by taking awareness of the looming shadow that formed towards them. Second, by listening to the warning message that she too received, being ensued by Jii to inform them all over the intercom.

Third and lastly, the surprised gaps of multiple agents who’d been taken off guard.

“I know that it’s rash, Mom. Also, that it’s been years since we last saw each other. Still I-I… aaghah---WWWAAAAGGGHHHHH???!!!” (5)


Kaito’s entire body flew off the ground.

He who had paid zero attention was engulfed by it. Suspended by invisible wings, a sudden feeling of weight loss; that of the air around him daring to defy gravity itself.

And one fueled with the power to push him upwards, up towards the vehicle above.

Kaito’s body. But not hers:

“Not yet, Akako-chan. There’s a favour to return…”

Chikage refused to let herself summit to the same fate.

Getting rid of her indisguise police uniform, her Phantom Lady suit came over while handy. With it, the many mummy-like bandages surrounding her skin and clothing.

An anchor in the form of a white line to keep her in place:

RED!!!” (4)


Up on the rooftop.

Focused on her flight magic.

Akako answered her call while eyeing her right back.


What? A fourth one…?

Meanwhile, Akako watched all with an irritated demeanor.

‘Was that blonde coming too?’

Both her crimson orbs turned to face the others. First Vermouth, and then to the unlucky fool held captive at her hand. A presence which the girl entailed nothing but extra luggage.

“Make that a fifth too. He’s not leaving her side. And I refuse to stay here any longer...”

Any other complication to form up, and she’d probably repent too.

She crossed both arms right in front of her, then shut both eyes.

Enforcing the spell towards the unwavering firewall to return to its original void.


No fire, no heat, no nothing.

Commanding it to disappear would save her the rest of her mana.

And in return, this mana she would now use to affect the additional targets at hand, adding them on cue, forcing them to join the trip that would lead them out.


Kid had already made it to the aircraft.

She no longer had to focus her magic on him.

With it’s slide doors now open, Jii stabilizing the craft, and her powers flowing, circ*mstances had improved so it would make it easier for her to pin the rest to follow.

Akako saving herself for last.


“Come, Belle. For old time’s sake. (6)” Meanwhile, Phantom Lady secured her grab on her safety line. Sensing the countdown, she offered a hand to Vermouth, and asked her to reach out her hand; let go of the gun, and ignore the General as well. Not to resist the weird magic trickery that would soon take over. “Let’s not keep them waiting.”

Needless to say, there weren’t many other options for Vermouth to reach out for. A reassuring smile offered to the likes of her, was more than enough to convince her to join hands.

“And… up we go.”

More flight magic succeeded.

The policemen could not comprehend what they were watching as, one by one, they witnessed the rest of them follow. The group of criminals ‘falling backwards’ by the looks of it, and into the sky; straight towards the aircraft.

Right on their heads above.





The police had no idea the concept of real magic existed, and thus would never be able to process it, much less counter attack it.

With Kid being a talented magician, arguably one of the best worldwide, this just seemed to fuel the fact that they’d come across another candidate; an insanely talented girl whose magic skills focused on producing fire, flight puppets, and a seductive hypnotism of sorts.

Ending her debut with this last mesmerizing performance.




“Senior Superintendent Matsumoto, sir!! With the General being abducted, I believe it is you who holds the highest command!! Of us Japanese units, we’d like you to take over. How should we proceed?”

“Rather than outrun them, the only point in our favour would be our numbers. Thus, we’ll approach them from every angle from our numerous strategic points. Forcing them to land.”

“And about the General, sir? Two of the Interpol members are already confirmed dead. If they were to make any demands taking advantage over the fact he’s been apprehended, then there’s a high chance they will pull the trigger. If they see we don’t plan to cooperate...”

“The origins of those threats rest solely on the blonde. As long as those threats don’t become the voice of all of them, he should be fine. It would be a matter to consider, only then.”

Of the few foreign Interpol units who’d made it to the top, none thought to object to it. They too had witnessed the flying miracle happen; even more so, understood the restrictions of their movements in the country. Not to assist them on the purchase by air; not in the capture of any of the thieves either. Having no other option but to let the Japanese forces take over.

Close to them, Hakuba held similar disheartening thoughts.

Not only could he not comprehend it; he had just watched all happen right in front of him, while doing nothing to stop it. Neither even attempt it.




“Welcome, young master!! Welcome aboard!!”

Jii-chan!! It really is you!! I’ve missed you so much!!”

Hugging couldn’t be made possible when behind the control stick; yet dear old Jii didn’t attempt much to conceal his tears of joy, his heart finally pardoned for the promise he made to take care of him.

“I’m so glad, young master!! Really, really glad!! Please, make yourself comfortable; I can see you’ve fought hard. As soon as Madam and Akako-san arrive, I’ll make sure to drive this model to the best of it’s potential.”

“The fight isn’t over, Jii. The amount of cops congregating here is ridiculous! We weren’t able to dismiss them as planned...”

“Yes… I realized that the moment I saw it was impossible to land. And I assume the fire is Akako-san’s doing?” Jii shook his face, saddened at the over-exerting effort that must have cost them to even get there. “It must’ve been hard, I’m sure. Please take it easy for the rest of the ride.”

“Not yet, Jii-chan. You must know Akako has been using magic for a while. I have no idea how it works, but it was within our intentions to have her save up for this moment. Preserve whatever energy she has, to aid us out.” With an unknown number of helicopters against them, it would not be wise to just circumvent them. Underestimating them would cost them lots. And because they didn’t know how far they would go to stop them, they would need to take serious consideration of the others’ luring them into a trap, and make up for it with the strategy they’d planned. “Whatever time she needs, you’ll have to make sure to give it to her. Will you be able to do it? Maneuver this huge thing?”

“That is fine, young master; I’m here for you to depend on. Madam was able to purchase the best of the best, and I too wish to help. No matter how big of a responsibility, you can leave the rest to me!”

“Reliable as ever Jii-chan~! Good to see some things never change!”

Jii smiled, then bowed his head.

He too was happy to confirm his young master remained the same.

A blur in the back, as well as some thuds from more weights informed them of new passengers arriving. The rest of the team stepping in, to join them:



“Mom! Ver! You’re both here!!” Kaito parted away from Jii’s side, then made it to the sliding door, offering his hand to stabilize their footing. Easily rejected, against the proud women. “And I see you’ve made it safe, too. All that’s left is to wait for Ak--”

“HUSH!! Watch out your mouths!! Both of you!! We’ve got a guest.” Warned Phantom Lady as she surveyed the interior, then pushed in their hostage, her caution rising by the second. “Also, make sure our driver stays out of his line of view, and stays with his helmet on; this one’s a sharp one.”

“Wha-- a guest…? H-Ha-Hakuba’s father?! You brought him here too??!!” At the General’s presence, Kaito’s mood changed from confused, to shocked, to horrified. Jii too, raising his eyebrows as acknowledgement for it. “Why?? You didn’t need to do that!! We already established nothing to get anyone hurt!!”

“What’s done, is done. Let’s just tag along with it for now.”

Chikage wasted no time in convincing Vermouth to step off of the sliding door too; making room for Akako, who would soon appear to board last.

Meanwhile, Vermouth shrugged.

“No point to blame it on me, little one. Actually, this one’s on him. He held a pretty tight grip on me before your friend... ‘dropped us’ here. Which, by the way, is something I’d love to know more about. Ah; at another time, of course~.” Vermouth’s grip tightened on the older man; the distance separating them, closing, ever so slowly. And still, Vermouth’s paranoia was able to keep her out of his sight: her cop hat and lack of makeup, ensuring he wouldn’t gain a distinct image of her, so long she remained by his back. Her voice of course, altered too: “I’m not complaining, but… isn’t he an interesting one? We could even ask him: why don't you tell us why you wanted to come along?”

“Me? Hohoho~! Oh, no; I’m afraid you’re dead wrong! After all, how long does it take Stockholm syndrome to develop? I’m sure it should take at least 24 hours.”

“Could it be that you wanted to take advantage of the fact these three aren’t killers?” Vermouth wasn’t stupid. She recognized a fox when she saw one. And this one was one of the cunniest she’d ever seen. One sharp enough to seize an opportunity that would harvest clues. “Mm~. Did you think that would make you stay safe? Or perhaps--?”

“I’M HERE!! Let’s get out of here!! NOW!!” Akako interrupted her as she entered the vehicle. Last at the stage; first at commands. “The ones closest to us are already on our tail! And there will be more to follow soon. I’m going to get ready for the next phase of the plan, now… with absolute privacy, if you don’t mind.”

“Understandable, Red. Thanks again for the hard work.”

A quick nod from Phantom Lady confirmed nothing to be missing; no person left stranded, no reason for the witch to stay there.

That left Vermouth to shut the door for them and signal the driver, who not only was confused to see her, but also understood she was a character they would have to put up with.

Rather than him however, it was the red-head who held her attention; her last phrase, a command that was clearly intended for her to keep distance.

She liked her.

Vermouth grew aware that this so-called ‘Red’ was suspicious of her presence, and applauded her wisdom for doing so while facing a stranger like her. Furthermore, her ‘magic’ had impressed her. How would it not? After all, it wasn’t everyday when one literally got sucked off the ground and pushed into a helicopter. In an improvised manner too, without noticing any cables to support them. Not to mention...

… she had quite an interesting taste in fashion.

“I think you are going a bit far, Mom.”

Kaito crossed his arms as he observed his mother successfully tie up the General, body-check him top to bottom, then take out two mobiles; a work phone, and a personal one. Both of which, she proceeded to get rid of the battery so they wouldn’t track them.

“Better safe than sorry.” Proceeded the Lady as she ripped off one of her bandages next: a fine piece of clothing that would blind off his eyes, the purpose being, severely limiting the amount of clues the perceptive man would win on them, it being a risk if any of them were to lower their guards. “The problem is we don’t have any proper headphones to cover his hearing. I’d use a cloth, but I wouldn’t be sure it’d prove sufficient.”

“Apologies, General. It was never our intention to take you along.” Sighed Kaito as he guided him to sit down. The General being, aside from a good person, the father of a ‘friend’. “We’ll neither use you for ransom, nor to risk your life. As soon as we can confirm our safety, we’ll let you go.”

He was most sympathetic due to the recent circ*mstances where he too had been held captive. Of course that in his case, it was a story of an entirely different level, while caught within an organization whose members included a rampaging monster, whose sad*stic personality had been solely responsible for killing his own father.

Nonetheless, the disgust remained.

He would have to think of it as the same with his other heists; only, instead of abandoning a man in one of the bathroom stalls, carrying him, to secure their chances.

“No need to worry about me, but… are you sure of this, Kid? By following this path, you won’t be able to return.” Kaito could almost feel the man’s eyes resting on him, his tone genuinely empathetic despite his form. “Your problems have already outmatched you once. By retaking those steps, you risk that situation repeating itself again. Or in fact, become all the much worse.”

“I understand what you’re saying… but I believe my decision has already been made.”

“I see.” Kid wouldn’t give up his goal, would he? Once started, no matter what, he’d carry on his path until he saw it achieved. “Well, it’s good to know you have such a reliable family, at least. Were you need support, do keep in mind you can always come back.”


The General was joking, right?

Kaito couldn’t really understand what this man was thinking. And while he had never in fact, managed to get into his mind, today of all days, he made it specifically hard.

*BBbrrr brr BBRRrr*

“W-woah, careful there--!!” Kid had to force himself to grab onto something so not to fall down, the stability of the floor waning. “Any problems we should be aware of, d-driver-san…?”

“Apologies, young master. They came closer than I thought.” Jii coughed to cover his voice, make it sound different from his usual tone, in an amateurish way that was far from great. Around them, he could describe the situation as a bunch of hawks taking notice of them; circling around them, then enforcing their teamwork to reclaim their position as main predator of the area. “In broad daylight, our aircraft is easy to spot and likely to corner. It incentivates their approach in a 360º angle; has them foresee good spots to confront us. Seems like our ride will start to become turbulent from now on. Should I keep taking a stroll like the way we planned, or...?”

“Yes. Just make sure to not lose sight of the skyscrapers. The police will no doubt assume it easier to corner us here until we give up and head for the upper skies, where it would be easier to outrun them. Only, that won’t be the case.” Satellite tracking, radar flight tracking, or any other high-tech system that would have them pinpointed would make it difficult for them to escape, no matter the location nor distance gained. Tokyo held the advantage in that, where the moment they would land, they would have the highest number of civilians to hide within. “The key to escaping resides in the amount of time we have to flee, versus the amount of time they have to surround us. Landing this aircraft in said city means landing on a skyscraper big enough to hold us. And putting that building on lockdown, so to trap us inside, start the whole process again. Eventually, tire us out; have the aircraft consume its fuel.”

“And to prevent that, that’s where Ak-ah… we’ll surprise them out, right?”

Kaito nodded, his eyes shifting towards Akako. Rather, the direction in the back where the witch was last seen going; getting away from Vermouth to summon her magic for today’s last time.

If Akako’s fire related magic were to be applied directly on the air that was present, the steam that would build would in turn help them create a wide and dense fog that would be indispensable for their escape. A means to surround the aircraft, engulf the whole neighborhood, then hide them all in while guaranteeing them not being followed at the same time.

It was the same principle as him using his smoke bombs to block the naked eye; cover the sky around them with an eye-obscuring veil, their only means to escape being to land down the aircraft, without the police to see where.

They would take advantage of the fact only they knew the ‘fog’ was deliberate, to navigate throughout the surrounding buildings to prevent them crashing. A group of buildings previously equipped by warning lights in between the edges; to cover up the fact they already had a landing spot marked up with lights to guide them. At the same time, an area where only a madman would fly into without proper sight, for those who wouldn’t know of the trick.

The police would find themselves unable to follow to prevent them from crashing; they would have no idea how to navigate around the fog, and assume they were pretending to land to scare them. Their cluelessness thus, have them foresee this as a tactic, and wait for them to reappear.

All in all, a plan to have them save time and distance from the others.

Exclusively designed, with Jii’s piloting skills in mind.

“Aren’t you going to fill me in?”

Kid’s eyes trailed towards the assertive hostage.

Saguru’s father, the all-powerful General, as well as the man mostly responsible for today's wreck of events. Talking while curious about his future outcome; all smiles within tight ropes.

He shook off his head.

“Not this time, General. Just like with your son who is in constant need to foil off my heists, I’m going to ask you to be patient. Otherwise, you’ll end up missing the fun.”

“But, wouldn’t that be boring? Having no challengers means lacking the excitement. With no critique to confront your game, you would miss out the thrill.”

“That’s where you got it wrong, General.”

Kaito extended his arms.

Despite the General being folded, despite there being no public to please; he did it all the same.

All while enjoying the view that the surrounding windows had to offer, early signs of thick vaporous steam already forming to help them:

“It would not be called magic if we were to reveal the trick.”


Sudden fog would later take over the Shinjuku district.

Troubled cop pilots within flying helicopters would exchange words about how they feared to further partake in the blind chase.

The problematic aircraft would ridicule them all by taking cover in a place that was deemed impossible to land; and during this time, the rest of their helicopters would take advantage of their naivety to circle around the area, to wait for them to come out. Later to become shocked the moment these layers were to disperse.

Police would later locate the abandoned aircraft laying on top of Ohkubo hospital, deserted from any criminals to be found.

The General would remain on sight while awaiting them within tied ropes; his subordinates to release him, and his son to reunite with minutes after.

An urgent patrol would then deploy to attempt discover suspicious bystanders along with useful footage. Confirmation of the General admitting to have heard the criminals change into new disguises would have them lose their remaining hope.

The rest of the day would then succeed slow to the rest of them. Contrasting sharply with the action of the morning; their low spirits to match.

Though not spoken out loud, it turned official then and there a new piece of history had taken place.

Just ten days after facing official arrest, it became the day where the elusive criminal 1412, Phantom Thief Kaitou Kid, had managed to escape for the first time since his single official capture, with all odds pointing against him.

Obtaining an undisputable victory that would be forever remembered.


*Moments after the aircraft’s escape. Two blocks across the Palace of Justice.*

Japan Arts Council - National Engei Hall.

“I. Have. Found. You.”

Up in the sky, at the last floor of a skyscraper, a lonely figure stood while taking in the distant scenery.

A man situated in his young twenties. Body toned, sun-blessed skin, and long ravenish hair tied within a braid; his hands currently in possession of high-tech binoculars.

Over the left bicep, covering his deltoid, the tattoo of the egyptian eye of horus took over the center. Served as a talisman, with black lines and swirls all interconnecting with each other, three straight lines marched to unify them. Proving them balanced as they all complemented each other into a well contained pyramid form.

“[What did you think? Did you see what you were looking for?]”

The intercom spoke just now; an earpiece located over his earlobe. The focus of his operation being: the high-scale persecution that had just taken place.

The culprit was an obtrusive cultist that knew no patience nor brains to comprehend the fact he’d just stepped right over his boundaries. Along with the fact he had no manners either, a sign of no interest would deter him from improving either.

A realization which the tonned man did not care of himself:

“I did. And from what it seems, I was right all along. Were I to sum them all, it would appear Kid has none other than four allies working alongside him. A pretty interesting bunch at that.”

“[Wait.. four??!! Are you sure?! That is… certainly more than we were expecting!]” Noises from the other side. Steps. And multiple rants. “[And you think Pandora is with one of them?]”

“Of course, that may change now that the Kid's free… but still, I would say the result is satisfiable. Being that we both were able to obtain what we wanted.” For them on the other side of the line, that would be obtaining another step closer towards their gem and goal, Pandora. The matter of importance they gained with Kid being captured, not just the prospect of finding his real name, but the value that came with identifying his allies. The number of them, abilities, or even weaknesses to their latest formation. “As for me? I was able to confirm my part too. Go make sure to inform the Leader, will you?”

“[It’s t-true, then?! He had one with him, a-all this time?! That means… were you really able to c-confirm it?! Just from looking?!]”

“Oh, yes. I’m sure of it. Kid has nothing less but an actual Witch working alongside him. A Red one, to be exact.”

In fact, that was the only explanation he could reason on how Kid managed to get ahold of Pandora, given the case it had been magically protected as it was.

Either by Kid being a wizard himself, or by being led by another.

“But don’t worry; it won’t affect any of you. So long as that Leader of yours keeps hold of his word, I’ll get her off of your way. You with your gem, and me with that witch. I believe it’s a fair deal?”

The tonned man then opened his mouth, to let his vapour out.

Accumulated over the glass’s surface, a thin layout of frost displayed. The heat of the outside steam reverting, this one generated absentmindedly the instant he went to lay a hand.

The source being, the fruit of the magical abilities he owned himself.

“[Understood. If that is all, then I’ll end the call now. Let us stay in touch...]”

The surface’s crystal cleared with emerald eyes reflected on it.

Hard and focused. Void of one’s signature youth.

“[... Sphinx.]”


(1) Yup. I wrote this right. Right now, Akako showed up while appearing to have tanned skin. This is intentional, and a subtle hint that would definitely serve more impact on an animation display.

(2) The point of the wires on the stairs is to prevent most of using them, because both Chikage and Kaito have a body that is flexible enough to climb upwards (just like the heist where Phantom Lady dodges lasers) and Akako would be able to fly her way around said wires too. However, due Chikage placing them too fast (she and Akako needing to appear at the trial ahead of schedule) the boobytraps would be sort of lame, and not as effective as Kid’s standard level to gain time.

(3) Full technical name, Bell-Boeing V-22 Osprey. Basically, I wanted to take advantage of the fact Chikage is in Las Vegas, cares not for playing dirty, and is a renowned thief too, to use that money to purchase something big. A helicopter seemed useful since, if police were to keep track of their own, they would never expect another one. And being something she’d bother to buy, I thought it reasonable she’d go for the fastest one in the market. I guess it would be a Batman-like entrance.

(4) Gosho has a tendency of naming characters through colors. Aoko = ‘blue’. Ginzo = ‘gray’. Akako = ‘red’. To be precise, it’s ‘Aka’ that means Red, so that makes ‘Red’ a matching name that will prevent others from blowing out her cover.

(5) Picture Kid flying up, similar to Magic Kaito 1412 episode 5, minute 13:08. Difference being, since he is aware of Akako’s magic plus her being there to help him, he would regain composure faster. Perhaps elegance speaking, an air display similar to Howl’s first appearance from Ghibli’s HMC.

(6) Chikage is covering for Kaito’s mess-up, by taking advantage of the fact that in japanese the R is pronounced while mixing the L. Therefore, protecting her identity by shifting it to a safer codename while using a term that is suited to her beauty. Belle meaning beauty in french.

Here's a sketch to moreless show the layout that I had in mind:

Lights out - Chapter 12 - 00Midnight00 - 名探偵コナン | Detective Conan (1)


Arc 1 is officially complete! And that means ⅓ of the story is done. Is there anything more satisfactory to a writer? *Procedes to dance*

I'm very, very thankful to all of you who have helped me get this far. To those of you who spent a bit of time leaving a review or PM me, I'm sending you a hug. It means a lot!

Thoughts on this chapter:

BOOM~! Kid played you all. As you can see, that ending from the last chapter was an act, served for the purpose of creating suspense. Kid’s wound was a part of Phantom’s Lady shooting some sort of blood-encapsulated bullet, in case I did not make it clear, due to her tools all being tampered to display sickenish wounds.

Last chapter I noticed the issue that writing the trial in Kaito’s POV would have an influence on you noticing whether things were going into plan or not, thus spoiling the excitement. Yet, at the same time, me avoiding it made it obvious I was intentionally leading you to feel concern in a fakish way. Thus, I decided to go for a third option: having the General intervene. I hope that doesn’t make him look like a total ass?

To be described in a simple manner, the General (who is finally referred to in this chapter in full name, Hakuba Rainer -- yay~!) is a greedy man. He knows information means power, and that power is needed to maintain order, so he wants everything: the truth to Kid’s secrets, the original Kid’s secrets, Phantom Lady’s, the assistant’s, the FBI’s, the Cult’s AND whomever else is to come as well. No matter what, Kid escaping would never serve him well within any goal. Any action led to prevent that from happening, and to further help fill up his knowledge, was a necessity meant to an end.

Back to Kaito: -- Kid’s character is that of a genius trickster and an escape artist. I figured, if he's going to escape, he might as well do it on his first attempt. It adds to his reputation. Proves how awesome he is. And is a punch right through their guts! How thrilling is that? Plus, doing it this way adds to the intrigue that they really know nothing of him: not his family, friends, circ*mstances... nothing. And that’s one other thing I wanted to do in this chapter: have Kid lose his poker face in front of them to demonstrate all the hardships he’s going through. An unimaginable weight, those that don’t know him wouldn’t comprehend. At the same time, give the police a clue of one reason he is so secretive of himself (how could he reveal anything if talking means exposing his mother to jail?). Give the poor guy a break!

I’d like to also give further insight into the 2nd division’s POV in this chapter. They can’t exactly feel ‘betrayed’ at Kid escaping because, well, he’s Kid and they better than anyone know how experienced he is in escaping. However, they feel used nonetheless. Then, at a certain point, it is revealed to them that someone has been murdered, and unanimously agree that neither Kid nor the assistant are responsible for it; Phantom Lady neither. Thus, they assume a reasonable theory in which the other enemies here, AKA the cultists, would be likely responsible for this. Then rush to make sure he doesn’t get killed by them, only to discover said murderer to be Kid’s ally all along. To crash against the reality that they truly do not know anything about Kid at all. I find it poetic, really. How cruel truth can be.

How did Vermouth know Kid would be hiding there? Or that this Kid is Kaito when I already hinted that Yukiko thought them all dead? Well, once again, I am hinting that Vermouth and the Kurobas have a deeper connection here than in canon. Vermouth took a risk, and used what knowledge she had on them to guide her. Was able to confirm her suspicion; decided to stay put until the very end.

About the ending, nothing much to say. Akako is waaay too overpowered, with her time-stop magic circles, voodoo dolls and all. At first I considered a weakness where it affected only women, but I discarded it over being sexist; in this sense, I think OP’s Boa Hanco*ck’s approach would be more fitting. Instead, I considered the cultists having a wizard would balance the game.

As for the fog escape, I think it came out pretty lame when written, but I genuinely pictured it as an interesting way to escape as an animated chase. To add a curiosity here: the fog Jodie encountered on chapter 10 was the result of Akako practicing for this night too. I realized this by chance when writing Akako’s part in that chapter, which made me laugh at the fact Conan’s bad luck would affect him in a way that would have the FBI’s drones lose track of him, even when he worked his brains off to have everything planned.

So, what’s next?

The story so far had been inspired by the simple idea of what Kid being trapped with the second division would look like. A Kid with no Aoko restricting his night movements, nor day ones while pretending to be a normal friend. Thus, these first 1-12 chapters apply just that, and set a good introduction for the rest of the story. BUT: Kid is no longer trapped. That concept is gone. What does that mean? In short, that the storyline can go back to focus on the main DC/MK plot that is to take down both organizations. Only, in a way where everyone has been introduced, and their roles have been established. Over what kind of setup the next arc will focus on, you'll figure it out by the very end of chapter 14.

That's right. I said 14, not 13. I won't immediately start with the second arc.

Next chapter will be a Special. A heist that happened some time before the start of the story and that will also give a bit of a break from all these events. Should be, at least, unless I dislike the result and decide to discard it. Because yes, I admit this chapter already took me a long time to write. And that no, I don’t know what date I’ll update next.

Anyways, we'll see how it goes.


Lights out - Chapter 12 - 00Midnight00 - 名探偵コナン | Detective Conan (2024)


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Name: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

Birthday: 1992-08-21

Address: Apt. 237 662 Haag Mills, East Verenaport, MO 57071-5493

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Job: District Real-Estate Architect

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Introduction: My name is Saturnina Altenwerth DVM, I am a witty, perfect, combative, beautiful, determined, fancy, determined person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.