Shipping News 29 Australian ‘Roots’ Special. (2024)

Shipping News 29 Australian ‘Roots’ Special. (1)

The Deadline Report –Ben Vidgen Investigates.

Investigativejournalist author, award winning broad caster Ben Vidgen presents a 30 minute show, offering quality alternative media – backed by quality documented information, on the issues not hitting the headlines, but that shouldbe. A double shot of reality, always educational if never pretty.

The Deadline Report airs on Sundays@ 1pm & replays Friday nights@ 7pm.


Episode Playlist. March April:

The Deadline Report – Apr 07 2024 ep111 – Kez Solomon + Coping with Grief pt2

The Deadline Report – Mar 31 2024 ep110 – Kez Solomon + Coping with Grief pt1

The Deadline Report – Mar 24 2024 ep109 – First Casualty of War.

The Deadline Report – Mar 17 2024 ep108 – Michael John Wingfield from Katharticus

The Deadline Report – Mar 10 2024 ep107 – Michael Field, Pacific Correspondent pt2

The Deadline Report – Mar 03 2024 ep106 – Michael Field, Pacific Correspondent pt1


Shipping News 29 Australian ‘Roots’ Special. (2)

In 1973 many New Zealanders watched with concern as Chile’s new military dictatorship imposed widespread social and economic changes All opposition was crushed as state owned corporations were sold off multinational took over most of the countries resources, work fare and education spending was cut hospitals were privatized. Ten years later no armed force was needed when a democratically elected government began a similar program of reform in New Zealand…During the early 1980’s, a group of right-wing economists [acolyte of the Washington Consensus} quietly came to dominate policy development in the New Zealand Treasury. With the election of the Labour Party in 1984 and the appointment of Roger Douglas as minister of finance, their plans were realised with the introduction of some of the most drastic economic reforms seen in a western democracy. This feature documentary tells the story of how the new right elite took power and exercised it relentlessly to turn our country into their version of the model free market state” Source:Alister Barry· Someone Else’s Country Vanguard Films Community Media Trust 2015.

Since 2020 nearly a 1000 journalist have lost their jobs in corporate media. While independent media left, and right wing has been plagued by the emergence of alternative platforms which on closer investigation are funded by by offshore tech interest. Or they can be found to be linked to the Atlas Network and its NZ subsidiary the New Zealand Initiative (previously known as the New Zealand Business Round Table) who has in the past 35 years continued to support both Neo Conservative parties and ‘left’ wing parties as long as they support economically a neoliberal pro corporate globalist agenda.

Amid this crisis of 4th Estate MGroup has popped up and is now offering to funds “news”.
and thus Paddy Gower & Stuff become the heroes of the hour.

Never mind the conditions imposed on the beneficiary of their largess is the same set of hand cuff that Labour ‘public funding’ put on news content (What Gower calls a “brand”) so what constitutes news now gets controlled by the patron and not an independent 4th Estate free of bias or favor.

Oh and who does MGroup represent? You guessed it the WEF. An organisation that in the past decades has done fantastic job hiding it fascist credential and links to some of the biggest abuser of the planet environment and human rights via sophisticated image laundering. The ability of WEF to blind progressive liberal groups to its true economic nature as loyal only to it shareholders lie in the WEF ability to recruit some of the most powerful spin doctors on the planet who make up the WEF ‘Global media Alliance’

‘Global Alliance for Responsible Media’ through the “Forum’s Platform for Shaping the Future of Media, Entertainment and Sport” include companies such as LEGO Group, Procter & Gamble, Unilever, NBC Universal – MSNBC, Dentsu Group, WPP (through GroupM), Interpublic Group, Publicis Groupe, Omnicom Group, Facebook and Google.

GroupM New Zealand began unveiling it strategy for a total news coups during the last election when it began introducing ‘Back to News,’ an industry-first programme aimed at enabling brands to support quality journalism “by reallocating media budgets to credible news publishers”. The WEF inspired programme plans to provide New Zealand advertisers with access to high-quality, brand-safe ad environments on “vetted local, national, and international news sites”.

Unilever the firm Chris Luxton use to work for.
Omnicon 20% owned by Black Rock & Van Guard.

NBC Universal – MSNBC

Kirkbi A/S is a Danish investment management company headquartered in Billund, Denmark that serves as a family office to manage the fortune of the Kristiansen family, the current owners of The Lego Group. It owns 75% of The Lego Group and 47.5% of Merlin Entertainment.

The owner of NBC and MSNBC is Comcast. NBC’s parent company is
NBCUniversal, an umbrella company that also owns Fandango, Hulu, Universal
Pictures, and Telemundo. NBC Universal is then owned by parent company.
Comcast. Brian L. Roberts is Chairman and CEO of Comcast Corporation. Since
2013, the company has been wholly owned by Comcast, which bought GE’s
ownership stake. Three biggest shareholders: The Vanguard Group, Inc
(8.11%), Capital Research & Management Co. (4.57%), BlackRock Fund Advisors (4.26%).

Dentsu Group Japan’s biggest advertising agency along with five other companies where indicted for violating an anti-monopoly law, in a corruption scandal over allegations of bid-rigging during the Tokyo Olympics.

Interpublic Group 20% owned by Black Rock and Van Guard.

Publicis Groupe Black Rock & Vanguard own 9%

The Global Media Alliance represent the biggest propaganda platform since Gobbels and its goal is to sell the World Economic Reset which has been sold under a banner of liberal progressive values except Democracy Now, hardly a right wing source, notes “The magic words are ‘stakeholder capitalism’, a concept that WEF chairman Klaus Schwab has been hammering for decades and which occupies pride of place in the WEF’sGreat Reset planfrom June 2020. The idea is that global capitalism should be transformed so that corporations no longer focus solely on serving shareholders but become custodians of society by creating value for customers, suppliers, employees, communities and other ‘stakeholders’. The way the WEF sees stakeholder capitalism being carried out is through a range of ‘multi-stakeholder partnerships’ bringing together the private sector, governments and civil society across all areas of global governance. The idea of stakeholder capitalism and multi-stakeholder partnerships might sound warm and fuzzy, until we dig deeper and realise that this actually means giving corporationsmorepower over society, and democratic institutions less. …So even if the WEF (or Bill Gates) is not responsible for the COVID pandemic, even if the vaccines are not laced with microchips to control our thoughts, something fishy really is going on in the realm of global governance. If you value your right to public health, to privacy, to access healthy food or to democratic representation, be wary of the words ‘stakeholder capitalism’ when they pop up at the next Davos summit”.

The irony is that the Atlas backed corporate funded indy platform call WEF socialist as they drag the fringe left right. While corporate news promotes WEF as liberal even though the goal remains to centralise cash and power into the hands of the few. Both reactionary arms ultimately have the same sugar daddy a sociopathic corporate culture who is actively setting out to destabilise democracy as the two prongs (brands) of left wight extremism belong to the same BBQ fork.



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This issues MPs are not actually serving MPs but picked due to their ongoing role in local NZ politics, the current focus of global governance by “stake holders” as driven by programs including 100 cities, WEF.

Helen Clark: 1968, studies in Politics, University of Auckland anti Vietnam anti-nuclear student activist. Formerly: Lecturer in Political Studies, University of Auckland; 1971, joined Labour Party; 1975, stood for election to Parliament; 1981, Member of Parliament for Mount Albert; 1984-87, Chair, Foreign Affairs and Defence Select Committee; 1987, elected to Cabinet; held portfolios including conservation, housing, labor and health; 1989-90, Deputy Prime Minister; 1993, Leader, Labour Party; until 1999, Leader of the Opposition. 1999-2008, Prime Minister of New Zealand; also Minister of Arts, Culture and Heritage; 2009, became the Administrator of the United Nations Development Programme, the first woman to lead the organization. Hand picked communication expert Jacinda Ardern to work for Tony Blair advocating neoliberal pro privatization polices a member of the Blairs Better Business Bureau – prior to Ardern working for pro neoliberalist Phil Goff (Parliamentarian for Global Action) who gave National the number to past the TPPA legislation in 2016 prior to Ardern signing the TPPA and Goff being made mayor of Auckland Super City and advancing globalist local ‘democratic reforms’.

Chaired, United Nations Development Group, a committee consisting of the heads of all UN funds, program and departments working on development issues. Helped Saudi Arabia and the UAE initiate Vision 2030 which rather than be a vehicle for progressive politics was revealed as a vehicle for consolidating tyranny by Jamal Khashoggis — prior to his brutal murder by Saudi hitmen. Served as Team Emirate global ambassador. Member of Parliamentarian for Parliamentary Global Action (originally Parliamentarians for A New World Order a UN action group advocating world governance active member of the World Economic Forum. Supporter of the Christchurch Call as sponsored by Face Book the UAE and Saudi Arabia. Back in 2003, Helen Clark’s Labour Government initiated a freshwater reform program which like the 2004 Forec shore Act was sold as empowering Māori sovereignty but has ultimately turned out to be a vehicle by which private ‘stake holders: can control New Zealand natural resources.

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Since 2017, active participant in public discourse on issues related to life’s work and serves on public goods advisory boards and commissions. Chairs the boards of the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative and the Partnership for Maternal, Newborn, and Child Health, and the Advisory Board of the Global Education Monitoring Report hosted by UNESCO. Patron of The Helen Clark Foundation, an institute established to support evidence-based public policy debate. Co-Chaired the Independent Panel for Pandemic Preparedness and Response mandated by the World Health Assembly, 2020-2021. Handpicked Peter Daznak the CEO of Eco Health Alliance, who was found to have created the fraudulent letter denouncing covid as having originated in a laboratory — the current accepted narrative following Daznak dismissal from the 1. Also table the TPPA in 2008 and under administration the failed district health board have successfully advanced privatisation and the lobby powering of big pharma. Currently advocating NZ enter the second tier of AUK the US led pro nuclear military alliance.

1*National Library of Medicine — Clin Chim Acta.2020 Nov; 510: 475–482. Published online 2020 Aug 14.doi:10.1016/j.cca.2020.08.019 PMCID:PMC7426219 PMID:32798514 Laboratory findings in COVID-19 diagnosis and prognosis Atieh Pourbagheri-Sigaroodi,a,1Davood Bashash,a,⁎,1Fatemeh Fateh,bandHassan Abolghasemic

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Jacqueline Isobel Dean(néeHay, born 13 May 1957) is a New Zealand politician. She was amember of parliamentfor theWaitaki electorate, where she represented theNational Party for Waitaki; Dean was born in Palmerston North. She has worked in several roles, including professional acting. She hostedPlay School, a children’s television program.

She has also acted on stage, been a radio announcer, and worked in the education sector. Early in Dean’s political career, she served on theWaitakiDistrict Council, representing theOamaruward. Anti marijuana pro tobacco and alcohol. In August 2007, as a result of emails fromACT on Campusmembers based loosely around the well-knowndihydrogen monoxide hoax, she sent a letter to Associate Health Minister Jim Anderton, asking if there were any plans to ban “dihydrogen monoxide“, apparently not realising that it is the chemical name ofwater. She also unsuccessfully contested the mayoralty. In September 2007, she referred to the members ofACT on Campusas “left-wingers”. Dean campaigned on water issues, saying in her maiden speech to parliament that she believed water to be the “single most important issue facing New Zealand today” supported national goals to privatize water. In addition to supporting moves that would fast track resource management consent and do away with public consultation and give greater control to local government bodies who free of ministerial control and bank rolled by private interest seek to undermine the voting power of local voters.

Dean is also a member of the Parliamentarian for Global Action a WEF precursor for corporate dominated Global governance. In May 2022, Dean confirmed that she would not be contesting the2023 New Zealand general electionand would retire at the end of the 2020–2023 parliamentary term and focus on local governance issues.

The Moon Light Diaries March 10:

Shipping News 29 Australian ‘Roots’ Special. (6)

Alice Vidgen was born a Jardine the daughter of Sana Jardine, daughter of the King of Samoa, who married Major Herbert Vidgen “Boy”. Herbert was the son of Kent England Postmaster General James Vidgen.

James being the first of my ancestors who migrated to Australia after the Australian government decided convicts and squatter made lousy colonist. Or more precisely they needed families who would populate Australia. Never mind the million plus Aboriginals who already lived here.

I knew of the Jardine connection but not the Samoan lineage which is new to me.

The colonies of Fiji and New Zealand were originally part of this process, but they decided not to join the federation. When the Constitution of Australia came into force, on 1 January 1901, the colonies collectively became states of the Commonwealth of Australia.

The Jardines were one of the English East Companies big wigs and after the companies demise the HSCB. The East India Company itself was formally dissolved by Act of Parliament in 1874.

Hong Kong may no longer be British, but the Jardines have not been asked to leave. And their fortune remains tied up with the HSBC as far as I can see.

Families who made their fortunes trading opium. They pretty much ran Hong Kong or at least they thought they did.

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An attitude which later led to the origins of the ‘Jardines Noonday Gun’.

The tradition originated over an incident in the 1860s. Jardines’ main offices were located at East Point, and its private militia would fire a gun salute to welcome a Jardine tai-pan’s arrival by sea.

On one occasion, a senior British naval officer became annoyed by the Jardine’s hubris. As the practice
was normally reserved only for government officials and senior officers of the armed services.

Because the crown official was new to Hong Kong and did not know of such a tradition (or more importantly understood the Jardine’s clout) he made a formal complaint. As a result, the Jardines where ordered, as “a penalty”, to fire a gun every day at noon, in perpetuity.

Others maintain the Jardine’s went along with this slap on the wrist (with a wet paper bag), as it was a nice way of reminding the Crown who actually ran the place.

Again, the Crown’s gone, booted out by China, yet the Jardines and their gun remain.

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The Jardine’s were immensely powerful and part of the ‘Scottish’ banking cartel associated with the Hong Kong Shanghai Bank of Credit (HSBC), whose fortune in turn intwine deeply with the fate of Scotland. And the purge of Highland families like the Moonlights from St Vigeons in Moon Lucht home of the Bards who kept the Irish giants out of Scotland.*1/2

*1 Picts from Ireland, whose ancestors from Mesopotamia may very well have seemed like giants to the malnourished Scots – judging by the stone homesteads barely reached 5′ 5″ for the most part. Back then kings were living breathing deities, and the size and reputation of gods grew and shrank as tribes swallowed other tribes or were swallowed in turn.

*2 Saint Vigeon was one of the shock troops of Romes Scottish invasion which succeeded by using Christianity preached by the legendary poet monk warriors of what would become the Holy Roman Empire to take out first the Scots
Druid Kings of North Scotland Black Isles, where the Moonlight originated and then having forged the war Scottish thanes into confederacy used to take out the Picts and then bring Christianity to the rest of Britain by sword diplomacy and or marriage. And occasionally all three when the situation needed it.

The Highlanders were driven first from their beloved Highlands and the Northern Isles by the English by end of the 1200s.

Those lines not slain or breed out by Droit du seigneur[a] (‘right of the lord’), also known as jus primae noctis[b] (‘right of the first night’) or prima nocta, ended up following the Jacob uprising of 1600s as indentured servants. They were forced into exile and made to work the plantations of the New World. Or they migrated voluntarily in the 1600s. Many of their ancestors come from both waves of migration could be found standing in the front row of the American Revolution as skilled frontiersmen.

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This is after they had, back home been routed again. This time from their new careers as costal fishermen of herrings.

The herring boom lasted from the 1700s. Before crashing not long before the Californian gold fields rush of 1849. At it peak it was used to feed first indentured workers and then the African slaves in the newly formed USA.

The slaves replacing indentured labor once the “natives” gained their liberty from King George. Cheap labor cheaply fed builds mighty dragon hoards.

This all occurring as the East Indie banking families collapsed Scotland’s thriving textile industry. Which until then had been the backbone of Scotland’s booming economy of artisans and skilled technicians. A preindustrial Silicon Valley, except it was tapestry print and fabrics, which drove the growth of middle-class Scottish affluence, not microchips.

Basically, the British East Indies did to Scotland middle class what the kiwi banker, whose Nugan Hand/ Panama Paper/Wine Box, mates I was hired to investigate (by another London investment group), did to NZ’s local print transport and construction in the years between 1990 and 2010.

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These carpet baggers, the bastard children of Rodger and Ruthonomics, were backed by JP Morgan* NY, Citi Bank, HSCB* Credit Suisse, Ing of the Netherlands, the Royal Bank of Scotland, ANZ, BNZ,West Pac and last but not least Fay Richwhite as their ask no question bankers.

Today HSCB, Citibank and JP, are also the owners of Fletchers. The Lion Paw of the once powerful Fletchers family of Dunedin. A conglomerate who posts buyout tried to buy up Ihumatao and Christchurch (And whom I suspect lie behind Shelly Bay buy out) by sending pet Rangatira’s, members of the Atlas Network- NZ Initiative, to try and swindle the land off the wider Hapu and Whanau of the wider iwi. A deed assisted by using the corrupted Maori Land Courts to write whanau off the land deeds.

Courts that under Key’s National and Ardern’s Labour, now serve the same role as Native Minister Don McClean fraudulent land purchase inquiry. An inquiry held in pubs with names like Prince Albert, Prince Edward, or The Masonic Hotel occurring under the colonial reign of Governor Grey in the 1840s.

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An inquiry which on many occasion paid off selected chief to endorse earlier land rip offs.

A situation that inevitably funded future fortunes which in turn help fund a number of private schools. Such as Iona girls college (named after the home of the Druid Island conquered by St Columbus, which began Romes second invasion of England). Institutions used togroom young men and women so as to ensure wealth acquired was not squandered by inappropriate frivolous marriages outside ofthe gentried social classes. And of course, it also meant McClean and his squatter mates got fine houses — In the same vein the Vidgens and Jardines inherited Sommerset House on the back of indentured native pearl divers. Divers who worked as virtual slaves for the owners of the pearl diving boats in highly treacherous conditions.

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The ancestors of such colonial land acquisitions went onto control the transport and food production of New Zealand. Or they did until the 1980s when NZ decided to start taking its economic advice from the same Boston families which sold us the lie of Chicago School of Economics and Public Private Partnerships.

A history quickly forgotten. As dissenting voices are silenced as NZ national media goes the same way as NZ local print and the Scottish fishing fleets of Moonlight’s era.

Likewise the East Indies companies (English & Dutch), the father of modern banking, used narco dollars and the stolen natural resources of developing nations of the new world.

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Here in NZ the dirty money of that cartel brought up and then broke up local printeries. It would drive print prices sky high, wiping out local newspapers. Much in the same way the owners of NZ national papers (increasingly owned by Black Rock, Van Guard, Citi Bank HSCB, JP Morgan) are currently wiping out national media and forcing editors to fire journalist here in NZ.

A strategy which occurs as mining companies, deeply connected to the Atlas network and NZ Initiative old boys’ families, prepare to invade and exploit Aotearoa. By first killing all other economic possibilities.

In Scotland they screwed the newly upwardly mobile Scots, starting as early as the 1700s, by pumping England with cheap textile snapped up in the Far East for a song. The Scots could not compete and went broke.

Meanwhile something odd was going on with the fishing fleets too. Probably the result of the revolutionary war, which would have placed New Foundlands fishing stocks out of the reaches of Crown (as local fisheries dried up). But not necessarily out of reach of the Admiralty Lords who ran migrant ports like New Plymouth and Boston as personal fiefdoms. *3

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*3 Where the Moonlights left England and began their American chapters before George and his Cousin Thomas Moonlight headed down under) .

The mariners, envious of the companies, had their own dreams of Empires. Ambition which lies at the essence of the Quelch gold pirate intrigue which occurred prior to Palliser governorship of New Foundland. The incident however underscores how the admiral lords were playing both sides of the street.

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An affair which saw John Quelch executed not so much for piracy but more because Quelch simply knew too much of the Admiralty Lords collusion with the wealthy Boston financiers.

Quelch’s boat had held a license for piracy granted by the Crown And the boat had been openly built by Boston ship builders. Built specifically as a Privateer raider. With each licensed granted the Lords built up their private holdings as they took a cut of prizes seized as a kickback. Quelch’s real crime was knowing about the two-face treachery of the Admiral Lords.

Powerful men who came from the same social order as Captain James Cook’s boss and mentor Admiral Hugh Palliser. It was Palliser who sent Cook to the Pacific. Not to follow the transit of Venus, his official crown business, but to do as Able Tasman (a Dutch East Indies man) had done just under 100 years earlier.

Cook’s private orders from Palliser was all about looking for land rich with gold. Gold with which a man may become his own king.

Palliser had been the governor of New Foundland. Which is where Cook had surveyed New Foundland’s fishing stock before his more famous Pacific ventures. His governorship came after the Quelch affair. Yet his goals where the same as the other senior admiralty officers. Men who later helped stitch up the privateers (having first got rich off their piracy) to create a commercial powerhouse. One comparable to the riches that the East Indies firms had built on the back of the new world natural resources.Palliser’s own ambitions as a fishing baron titan however got defaulted as a result of a feud with a rival which saw his naval and political career cut short.

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Regardless the outcome was the same. The Crown would lose its American colonies not to revolutionaries but to the Boston Yale Harvard families and their banking buddies. What Walter McIntosh, a retired CIA agent (who today lives in Bluff NZ), called the Whigs.

As Walter explained it; the wealthy Whigs (large slavery plantation owners), funded the revolution and made it all possible to begin with. And the Whigs ensured that its new constitution would be written in a manner that made sure that its fortunes would always be secure. That never again would the ‘Company’ loose its fortune when it became too large. As happened first to the Dutch East Indies and then the English East Indies Company later on. on.

Professor Carey Nederman, my Political Science lecture, once effectively said the same thing. That the US Senate (America’s equivalent of the House of Lords) did not include a single Senator who was not a descendent of the May Flower fleet which brought the first families to America. And this aspect shaped America’s electoral colleges and insured America’s wealth would remain within the colonial first families’ control.

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This along with West Point’s obsession that the Chief Joints of Staff, the USA senior ranking military officers, would only be made up of personnel who could claim tectonic aristocratic ancestry (as pointed out in the book Buffalo Solider), meant power would remain in the hands of the few.

Walter was not a man with very romantic ideas about George Washington or Albert Pike.

Many a musket brought with opium gold would slip past Her Majesties blockade. A blockade made ineffectual by half of Her Majesty men being in the pocket of the Boston Whigs.

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The working-class revolutionaries may have won the battle and routed the red coats. But the multi nationals trading families won the war. And they still are winning it. As the spectacular growth of Black Rock/Vanguard proves this. It can even be argued that having won the war the Whigs would spend the next 300 years consolidating their position.

Examples of this are the 1954 New York Accords (which redefined the inalienable rights of human – according to how those rights where first defined by NY founders The Dutch East Indies Company), post war industrialism, automation and convenance. Factors which shape the embryo of our current 4th Industrial Revolution. A techno orientated kleptocracy which seeks to put free people back in shackles. The ultimate bow on the box for the coming corporate controlled technocracy

Which no doubt, having been built on the back of finite natural resources, will inevitably end up sharing the same fate as the pearl diving, Spice, Tulip and Herring, booms that ended in busts.

Musical chairs on the Titanic. As each booms leaves a few less rats in control of a bigger sewer. So regardless of who ends up winning the rat race the Titanic still sinking. And I doubt if any of the dreams of the Big Banking and their new allies the Admiralty Lord of Technology of a space-based version of New World continent of riches will emerge.

Which no doubt the aborigines on Venus, or wherever has space gold, will be glad to know. Especially if they were able to review what the likes of Tasman Cook Jardine and the Vidgens (and or any of the other agents of the organic AI called colonial globalism) has resulted in here on earth.

Though to be fair the Vidgens, at first glance, seem to have been comparatively benign overseers of land and people. At least when compared to their in-laws the opium pushing genocidal Jardines. Perhaps that why my generation are only 1%s and not .1%s instead.

Moon Light Diaries March 26

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Its raining as I drink a Coffee watching long beaked Chicken Beans in a cafe called the Protein Shake, next to a tattoo parlor, while I wait for the courts to open.

Its gym Bunny central. Spanish with a South American twist is apparently the dominant language in this saloon.

Regardless the uniform is Lycra short and singlets. The men have ‘guns’ the size of Welsh Bowmen and the woman ponytails and skimpy short designed to show case butts that you could crack walnuts on. The cult of beautiful young people dominates the high street.

I am opposite Griffith Street in Coolingata Men at Work Plays like a cliche on the sound system. I COME FROM A LAND DOWN UNDER.

I don’t really know Grand’s branch of my family that well. Other than we were supposedly in laws to CIA mob banker Frank Nugan. Nugan was an immigrant Italian clan who like the Griffiths were involved in the sugar cane traders.

Aside from dealing in the legal narcotic of sugar Griffiths started Fiji First paper. Not to give power to the people but so we could bully the Crown into letting us buy land from indigenous tribes (never mind the land belonged to rival tribes). Everyone these days is dressing GC gangster chic – tattoos and bling. Sigh no one wants to be the good guy anymore.

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I am not sure, but I think Griffith Street is named after.
Sir Samuel Walker Griffith GCMG PC KC (21 June 1845 – 9 August 1920) an Australian judge and politician who served as the inaugural Chief Justice of Australia, in office from 1903 to 1919. He also served a term as Chief Justice of Queensland and two terms as Premier of Queensland. His biggest claim to fame is he played a key role in the drafting of the Australian Constitution.

Which like America professed democracy as its core motivator. In reality the fine print entrenches the status quo.

Griffith was a staunch Federationalist

The Federation of Australia being the process by which the six separate British self-governing colonies of Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria, Tasmania, South Australia (which also governed what is now the Northern Territory), and Western Australia. The states agreeing to unite and form the Commonwealth of Australia, establishing a system of federalism in Australia.

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The Federation was sold as a means of stopping Chinese immigration. And it was accepted by a public who failed to consider how they were permitting power to be centralized in the hands of a few. Squatter families who by way of wealth and social position where assured dominance in the chief legislative and judiciary bodies.

I consider this while reviewing the line from Guy Ritchies Gentleman series.

Do you know what I love about the British aristocracy? Because they’re the original gangsters. The reason they own 75% of this country is because they stole it”.

As the Duke of Grosvenor, the UK largest landowner, explained the secret of success is ‘having an ancestor who was the king’s chief bruiser at the Battle of Hastings’. As true in England so it would be true in the colonies.

Banks like the BNZ and ANZ would be foundered by syndicates like the Sydney Group where old money helped underwrite the ‘new’ firm as subsidiaries to bigger and older sharks.

*1 whose founder Jimmy Jones first outright brought the Southland after arming a North Island before then having his captains marry their way in as Jardines did in Samoa.

The issue of a land grab percolates through my mind, as I review the findings of my first book, the work of my London clients in exploding Credit Suisse and my work for them in helping expose the lack of auditing of those linked to the fraud.

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And last but not least the role played in todays world by Hong Kong Boston Opium Gold Anglophiles aka Opium Inc. Be it my own family, via the Jardines Griffith legacy, or JP Morgan NY ( Epstein’s bank of choice), HSCB, Citibank NY — which emerged in the post Nugan/ Gang of 20 pre Paradise Wine Box Papers connections — The Royal Bank of Scotland and it Dutch East Indies hang over the ING – who laundered drug dollars to the Russians and Mexican cartels.

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Then there is the Queenstown’s Millbrook gated community.

Where today NZ’s old money, like the gold field pioneers the Mace clan, mix with bolt hole tech billionaires’ new money, Boston hedge fund manager’s old money, Texan oil men and their Spooky buddies (from the Indo American Air America days), plus Chinese Oligarchs.

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All of the above in turn reoccurring actors in US Chinese relations/ scandals like the Food For Oil affair with its banking ties to Russian Oil, Mexican cartel co*ke and Chinese Belt Road dosh.

A cast of characters Guy Richie wished he dreamed of. Such as the forementioned old boy, UN special envoy and Hong Kong accountant, the late David Mace Grand Master of NZ Masonic Lodge (Scottish Rites). Or Richard V Allen the Catholic zealot and former Yukos Russian Oil share holder an anticommunist Ronald Regan who lives in Queenstown part time. Allen was part of the Iran Contra inner circle of hardliners – who helped advise the NZ end of the Atlas network support for John Key successful bid to be Prime Minister in 2008.

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In addition Allen made sure Regan kept to the one China policy. Which is the backbone of the US Chinese Relation forged on Oil for Wheat by Nixon Special Envoy George W Bush back when the CIA where investigating Allen for his connection to donations made to Nixon from Bejing. Bush having also being a regular visitor to Millbrook predecessor Nugget Point.

On the way over, to my father’s accountant, I pass the Currumin Wildlife Sanctuary established by Great Uncle Dr Alex Griffith. This is also a story about land. But one with better karma.

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Great Uncle Alex. Conservationist Dr Alex Griffiths gifted the Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary, then known as the Currumbin Bird Sanctuary, to National Trust in 1976.

Originally a bee and flower keeper, Alex Griffiths first opened Currumbin Bird Sanctuary in 1947, as a lorikeet feeding display, protecting his prized blooms from the birds. He was passionate about wildlife and conservation right up until the day he passed away in 1998.

Griffiths founded the 26 hectare Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary on his family property at Currumbin, Queensland in 1947. Alex started feeding the local wild lorikeets to distract them from damaging his flowers. An initiative that grew into a major tourist attraction.

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Each day, at 4.30pm crowds of people would visit to hold the plates of bread and honey for the birds to gather around. While the spectacle of the birds feeding had featured in a number of magazines, the October 1956 edition of The National Geographic Magazine included an article entitled “The Honey Eaters Currumbin” brought international awareness of the sanctuary and visitor numbers vastly increased.

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Originally called the Currumbin Bird Sanctuary in 1976, Griffiths donated the property to the people of Queensland, to be managed by the National Trust of Queensland. It now holds one of the largest collections of Australian wildlife in the world and has cared for injured wildlife since approximately 1949. In 2023 its hospital treated 13,000 animals.

In addition to his work with native animals, Griffiths was active in trying to protect the natural habitat and local environment. He lobbied to stop sand mining on land adjoining the sanctuary, raised concerns regarding the impact of gravel mining on waterways and was involved in efforts to place restrictions on the trapping of native wildlife and birds in Australia.

In 1996 Alex brought the 4-hectare (10-acre) rain forested property that is now the Currumbin Valley Reserve and donated it to the Wildlife Preservation Society of Queensland. In his will he expressed a wish for Bush Heritage Australia (BHA) to take over ownership and care of the land, and the transfer to BHA took place in 1999.

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The sanctuary has made a point to
acknowledge the Kombumerri families of the greater Yugambeh language group as the traditional custodians of the country on which Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary and Hospital are situated today. The Kombumerri host a cultural exhibition to help educate visitors to the Sanctuary on their history and customs.

The sanctuary, in the spirit of not making thing broken right but rather simply acknowledging the truth of Australia’s history and recognising the Kombumerri ancient connections to the land, waters and wildlife, seeks to pays homage to celebrate Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures. And thus, pay respect to Elders past, present and emerging.

Family myth once said the land the sanctuary was on was meant to have actually being my uncle Marks and my father Len’s inheritance. Yet Alex went and built a bird sanctuary on it instead. I once asked Lenny if there was any truth to this tale and why if that was true, he didn’t contest the will as the land is now worth tens of millions. today.

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Lenny’s reply was very humbling, “It was never our land to begin with”.

Len, the man known in certain circles as ‘Conan the wild barbarian businessman’ who in commercetook no prisoners and always used “two guns not just one gun”, who always began all his calls to me with the cringing “have you made a buck had a f*ck yet son”, the ultimate Queenslander hard ass, saw Alex mission as however far more important than chasing gold. Oh, Lenny you’re a complicated fellah.

Len, who loved the Mountains and loved the ocean as much as he loved making deals, racing fast cars and chasing beautiful women, stars in the sanctuaries, new 75th Exhibition film. In it he tells the story of where his love of envirobment came fro. growing up watching his uncle feed the lorikeets, and witnessed the sanctuary transform into what it is today, right before his eyes. “To begin with we used to feed a few birds out of the kitchen window.”

In it he tells the story of how he grew up watching his uncle feed the lorikeets, and witnessed the sanctuary transform into what it is today, right before his eyes. “To begin with we used to feed a few birds out of the kitchen window.”

Naturualist Jane Goodall once said “it is vital children get to experience nature first hand. For if they have not had that experience they can not understand it. And if they dont understand they wont love it. And if they dont love it they wont fight for it”.

I am very grateful that my father had such a great mentor as Dr Alex Griffith (Uncle Alex), who taught Len this essential lesson. Evolution begins with the souls who have the courage to forge a newdirection. One that stops repeating the tired revolutions of toxic habitual behavior.


Shipping News 29 Australian ‘Roots’ Special. (2024)


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Name: Francesca Jacobs Ret

Birthday: 1996-12-09

Address: Apt. 141 1406 Mitch Summit, New Teganshire, UT 82655-0699

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Hobby: Snowboarding, Scouting, Foreign language learning, Dowsing, Baton twirling, Sculpting, Cabaret

Introduction: My name is Francesca Jacobs Ret, I am a innocent, super, beautiful, charming, lucky, gentle, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.