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Rekindle with an Angel but, Don’t Break her Heart

Pairing: Jake“Hangman” Seresin x Pilot!reader (present), Natasha“Phoenix” Trace x Pilot!reader (past) - Briefly mentioned

Characters: Pilot!reader, Jake“Hangman” Seresin, Natasha“Phoenix” Trace, Pete“Maverick” Mitchell, Penny Benjamin, Eric, Jack, and Mark (Bartenders), Delilah (reader’s little sister), Larry (main range control man),Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw,Tom "Iceman" Kazansky (briefly mentioned?), Beau "Cyclone" Simpson,Bernie "Hondo" Coleman,Robert "Bob" Floyd,Reuben "Payback" Fitch, Mickey "Fanboy" Garcia,Javy "Coyote" Machado, Neil "Omaha" Vikander, Billy "Fritz" Avalone

Warnings: Angst, fluff, cursing, Jake becoming a softy for reader, not opening up to people when its necessary, jealous pilots being dicks, reader having a past with a few pilots (platonic and not), jealous pilots hurting the reader

Word Count: 9,733

Gif is from @unicornships​

A/N:You guys have no idea how happy I am to finally be able to post this. I have had this in my doc for months... thank you for coming to my ted talk

*Was not expecting this to be this long. Definitely a surprise for me

Answers to RWAABDBHH


You could say it was a bit of a surprise when Pete called.You haven’t heard from him for a few months (after your minor disagreement) and he really needed to speak to you and calling the bar was the only way he could make sure you wouldn’t screen his call... again.

It was just about after the third ring; you pick up the phone. “Hard Deck, bartender speaking.”

He smiles. “Good to hear your voice again, Angel.”

You’re surprised, you didn’t think he’d call the landline ever.

He usually tries not to call the bar as much as possible, not wanting people to butt into your business since your coworkers know what you did before joining the Hard Deck.

You decide to be nice and put in the effort to have a conversation with him. “Finally took a break from the sky’s, did you?”

He chuckles, “you’ve still got that sense of humor. Good.”

You sigh so much for being nice. “What’re planning?”

He lets out a faux noise of offense. “Why do you assume I’m up to no good?”

You scoff through your nose, “I didn’t say that. But now that you mention it, are you?”

He says nothing.

“Goodbye, Maverick.”

“Hang on-” He sighs, staring at the phone. ‘Please don’t hate me.’ He steps back into the room. “Did you speak to her?”

“I did.”


“She’ll be here soon.” ‘Don’t hate me, Angel.’

A few hours later…

The lunch rush ends only for the midnight rush to begin, although when you think about it, it’s not actually midnight, but it sounds better than, it’s dark, drink up. And that’s when you stopped letting the other bartenders come up with names.

You turn to call for Eric or Jack to help out with drinks only to find they’re busy taking care of their sections.

Penny calls you over, “can you take care of anyone who comes over here while I go over there?”

“Yeah. Go take care of the customers over there.” You finish making the drinks, keeping the customers satisfied and willing to give a decent tip. You walk over towards Penny, “I’m gonna start cleaning up a bit. Jack’s finishing putting the latest order away in the back and Eric is getting ready to start in the kitchen. We have a few minutes to do some of the “boring” work so we’re doing it when we can.”

She nods, “got it.”


A few more show up, the crowd starting to become livelier in your section.

Penny walks over to you and helps you with cleaning the glasses and wiping down the counters after the customers move away and sit at one of the few vacant tables. “I need you to take care of that table over there.”

You nod to Penny, walking away with the drinks for the group of pilots, “be back in five, Peggy Sue.”

She shakes her head, sighing although she has a smile on her face. “Please, just once, use my name.”

You turn to look over your shoulder, whispering “never.”You walk away before she could say anything else.


“Here are your-” You happen to glance up and find one of your old friends from school, jabbing a mustached man (with a questionable fashion sense) in the gut, “f*ck.”

You hand the last beer to – one of the khakis, as you mumble to yourself, “why?”

When she turns around to grab her drink, her eyes widen at the sight of you.

“Hey, Phoxy. How’ve you been? I’d love to talk but-”

She shakes her head, getting out of her thoughts as she grabs your wrist. “You are not getting out this. We’re talking right now.”

You sigh, feeling yourself being pulled elsewhere. So much for not running into anyone from your past.

She whirls around, facing you. “Where the hell have you been?! What happened to you? You graduated early, got a job at the best pilot school and leave with little to no contact. I mean seriously, what the hell, Wings?”

You glance back at her angry face every so often unable to keep eye contact with her. “I can’t talk to you about this, Natasha.”

“Now, we’re back on a first name basis. Is that what our friendship has gone down to? I thought we were closer than that.”

You sigh, “don’t give me that attitude-”

“I’ll stop giving you attitude when you talk to me.” She finally takes notice of your expression, her’s softens, “what happened?”

You swallow the saliva that’s stuck in your throat. “I can’t talk to you about this right now.”

She opens her mouth to say something else, but you stop her, placing a hand on her forearm.

“It’s a long story and I really don’t think now is a good time to talk about this, okay?” Your hand falls off her arm before you walk away.

She sighs unsure of how to handle the situation. You obviously don’t want to talk about whatever happened and it’s throwing her off. Nothing like this ever happened before and she really doesn’t know how to help you.


Jake furrows his brows, after watching you brush her off. A smirk appears across his lips. ‘Interesting.’

Natasha stands beside Bob, absent mindlessly watching the others play pool.

“So,” Jake says, extending of the letter “O”, brings Natasha out of her thoughts.

“What do you want Bagman?”

“What was that about?” He asks, with a mix of a concerning and nosey tone.

“It’s none of your business,” she snaps.

He smiles, “I could easily make it my business, Princess Phoenix. You forget we all went to the same school.”

“I am this close,” she pinches her fingers together. “To getting drunk so I can’t hear your ass.”

“Your fingers are touching,” Bob points out.

“I know.”

Rueben sits beside her with Mickey playing pool against Jake and Bradley playing against Logan. “What do you think happened with her?” asks Reuben.

“I don’t know,” she says, shrugging. “This is the first time I’ve seen her since we were in school together.”

“So, you didn’t hear the rumors.”

“What rumors?” She turns to him with raised brows.

“One of the ones I heard was that she got in a fight and got kicked out.”

“She wouldn’t do that,” Natasha says, defending you. She knows you’re not dumb enough to do anything like that.

Two days later…

Thankfully today the bar opens a little later than usual as you decline Cyclone’s call.

The door opening gets you to pause, you don’t want it to look like you’re on your phone and sigh, tucking the item into your back pocket. Although you didn’t see it, it was only one of the bartenders who does the late shift.

Penny walks over with new rags. “You okay?”

You quickly give her a fake tight-lipped smile. “Peachy.”

“They still trying to bring you back officially.” You shrug, not entirely in the mood to talk about this, as usual.

“I know you don’t want to hear this but you’re good. You are… the only pilot that I like enough to call my friend and I know working here is making you miserable.”

You open your mouth to argue with the classic, “no. I’m happy here.”

She shakes her head, a gentle smile gracing her lips.“Don’t argue with me on this, I know you are and it’s okay. I’m not taking it to heart because being in the sky has been your dream for such a long time and you were miserable when your arm was healing, and you still are because you’re not in the air because that’s where you belong.”

You clench your jaw, the burning sensation in your nose prevents you from answering her.

“What if I’m not the same?”

She tilts her head, trying to understand what you’re saying.

“What if I’ve lost my speed or- or my quick thinking, you know. What if- what if I’m in the air and that’s when they realize that I’m not good enough to be at Top Gun anymore.”You sniff, wiping the corners of your eyes.

“They’d be stupid to let you go.”

“I know you’re just saying that but, thank you.”

She knows you don’t like it when people try to comfort you, but her maternal instincts take over and she pulls you in for a hug and letting you take your time to calm down. “Better?”

“No, you made me talk about my feelings. I’m upset.”

She chuckles, “you’ll have to put those feelings on the back burner because we still have to get ready for tonight.”

“Has anybody cleaned back here yet?” Mark asks.

“Not yet, I’m coming over to help you.” She turns back towards you. “Are you sure you’re gonna be alright?”

“Yep. Get back to work, Pegs.”

The older woman shakes her head.

Four days later...

You were surprised when he tried the Hard Deck’s landline and calling the bar is the only way he can make sure you wouldn’t screen his call... again.

It was just about after the third ring when you pick up the phone. “Hard Deck, bartender speaking.”

He chuckles, “good, you’re still there... how are you?”

“You’re clearly up to something that I’m not gonna like and with how many times Beau has called me, I’m gonna say that it involves Top Gun which I told you and him that I’m not coming back so stop calling me if you’re gonna keep asking about that.”

“I’m- I’m not-”

“Goodbye Maverick.”

You slam the phone done onto the wall receiver before walking away, shaking your head. “Oh... you’re here.” You turn around finding your boss, standing there. “Why do you have that look on your face?”

“What look?” She asks, setting her stuff down in the back office.

“The look you have when you know stuff that involves me or my past,” you pause, searching for the right word. “Job.”

“Well- I mean, there is this one thing.”

“And that thing is?”

“A group of people are coming here today.”

“A group of who people?”

“A teacher and his students.”

Children students?” You ask, hoping it’s not who youthink it is.

She shakes her head.

You groan and drop your head onto the bar top.

Two hours later...

The sound of cars scares you and sends you to “find a broom” in the storage closet.

You hope if you stay inside and hide long enough unit they’re gone so, you won’t have to deal with certain people (playboys or people you typically went to, for “guidance”). But then again, maybe it would be good to see Natasha again and her friends.

You shake your head remembering the two separate times when she was paired with Bradley and then when Mickey and Rueben were put into their little squad... the smile falls from your face when you think about your old squad.

You gulp, having a hard time swallowing the spit that built up in your mouth.

Would it be a good idea if you looked for Penny and told her you weren’t feeling good?

You know it wouldn’t end the way you’d want it to but that doesn’t mean you can’t- the clacking and snapping of flip flops and shoes has you pause.You don’t move as they all pass by.

The sounds of their voices carrying throughout the bar fills you with a mix of sadness but you bite back your tongue because there’s no one else to blame but you; you’re the one who pushed everyone away, you’re the one who didn’t tell anyone the... truth about what happened but that’s the past; all you can do is move on and live whatever life you have.

You still can’t believe you saw her.You knew it was bound to happen at some point and yet, it was still a sucker punch to the gut. And to hear that the reason they’re all here, being taught by the Maverick is for a life-threatening mission and they wanted the best of the best from your generation is still so crazy.

Once you're out of your thoughts, you realize everyone’s moved outside and it’s okay for you to exit the closet now. You don’t find anyone else but Penny, who wipes down the counter. “What’re you doing in here?” You ask, taking careful steps closer to the bar.

“Cleaning before tonight.”

“I can do that,” you offer.

She shakes her head, “no. I couldn’t leave you in here by yourself to clean. I should be doing it.”

“That’s the good thing about having someone who’s ignoring people they knew. They’re very helpful and will clean everything.”

She turns to look at you, “that’s not funny.”

“You’re right, it’s not but you always say you want me to be honest and this is it.” You continue before she could get a word in. “Nope, you deserve to finish your book and check out the eye candy. I’m sure there’s a certain old flame of yours out there that wouldn’t mind you ogling him.”


“It’s called the truth, neither of you can hide your feelings whenever either one of you glances back at the other.”

“You think so?” She asks, sounding so unsure, something you’ve never heard from her before.


A heavy sigh slips past her lips. “Are you sure?”

“I am,” you nod. “Yes. Absolutely. One hundred percent. Please leave.”

The older woman smiles, “okay, okay. I’m going.”


All you gotta say is, Pete’s lucky you’re a nice person. No one asked for you to make anyone drinks but you know they’re gonna need something and you know water ain’t gonna cut it right away.

You finish and set the drinks on a tray before heading out the back.

You scoff, watching as the line of boys fall with the playboy raising his arms up in celebration at an “obvious” win. You shake your head at the sight and conveniently, it’s like he sensed someone watching him and looks over in your direction, giving you a co*cky wave.

You groan looking away, jumping at the sight of Penny sitting there. “When did you get here?”

“You’re the one who told me to come out here.”

You give her a suspicious look.

“What were you doing out here?”

You throw an arm out, gesturing to the scene in front of you, "watching as they get sand in places sand shouldn't be. I feel bad for them honestly."

She covers her mouth, hiding her laughter, "that's what you're worried about?"

You wrap your arm around her shoulder, leaning your head on hers, "sand is no joke, Peggy Sue."

She shakes her head, "still not my name."

"And, yet you respond to it." You start taking the drinks off the tray, setting them a few inches away from her book, not wanting it to get wet. The last cup, you set down in front of her. "Make sure they drink something."

"Okay, mom.”

"Hey, hey. Dehydration is no joke. Neither is-"

She cuts you off, finishing your sentence, "getting sand in places it shouldn't be."

You nod, "exactly." You take one last look at the group, the happiness you shared with Penny vanishes when you remember the different life you had a year ago.You sigh, shaking your head as you head back inside.

Penny frowns, knowing you miss being a part of the pilot life, even if you don’t want to admit it.


You clean a few glasses you missed earlier, preparing for the “midnight” shift. After cleaning the inside of the now, clean glasses you set them up so, they’re ready to go for later. You set the rag down on the bar top, reaching for the phone in your back pocket, annoyed at the person who keeps calling you.

The Godfather Accept □ Decline □

You click the answer button. "I’ve told you once and I’ll tell you again. No. I won’t be in the air anytime soon. Stop calling." You hang up before Beau could say anything else.

“How the hell could he have known to call now?” You groan, realizing what happened, “Maverick. Oh, you son of a-”

The door slams open, putting Penny on high alert.


"Mitchell! Hey, Mitchell!" You shout at the man sitting in the stupid lawn chair you just want to- You shove his chest before pointing your finger at him, “you are an absolute idiot! Do you know that?”

“Hey, there’s no need for name calling, Angel.”

“Do NOT use that name with me right now.” You stand a few inches away from him with a clenched jaw. “I told you and everyone else there, I’m done. I’m not going back in the air. I can’t.”

He knows you’re hurting but you can’t keep pushing yourself away from what you’re good at. “You can, you’re just choosing not to.”

“You don’t know what happened and you never will. So, stop trying to force me into coming back.”

“I would but, you’re one of the good ones and anyone would be lucky to have you up in the air with them.”

No one notices the blow up going on in the back as they continue with their game, well, except for Bob who happens to see everything going on.

You bite your tongue, taking a step back. “You don’t get too sweet talk to me into coming back. If I feel I’m ready, you’ll see me in the air.”

“But what if he’s right,” a deep voice says, walking closer to you.

You glance back at your godfather and whirl around to face Maverick once more. “You called him?!”

Now is when he struggles to give you an answer. “I didn’t- this isn’t how I wanted this to happen.”

“But you made it happen.”

“He didn’t.” Beau stands beside you. “I did. You know you’re good, and being in the air is where you belong. You know it, I know it, your parents knew it when you kept asking me about my job when you were seven.”

You turn around, facing him. “If you wanted me to come back so bad, why didn’t you come to me yourself?”

“I did-”

You shake your head, “no, calling is completely different than you coming to me and talking to me.”

“It’s hard to do that when one of you won’t talk about what happened.”


A young girl runs out the back door.

You turn at the sound of a child calling screaming your name, just in time as the short body tumbles into you. “Hey kiddo.” You pull back, bending down Delilah doesn’t have to stare up at you.

“Hi,” she says, giving you a wide smile with her gap in her front bottom teeth that always gets you to smile.

“How was school?”

“Boring but, I did good on my spelling test.”

You give her a high five, “awesome. See all that studying does pay off.”

She groans, “I know. Can we go swimming now?”

You nod, “I gotta change but I’ll be quick, okay?”

She nods.

You glance over your shoulder, talking to Pete, “and don’t break her heart again. She’s good for you and your, sort of, good for her.”

He nods.

“Come on, Del. We gotta get ready for some fun!” You bend down, lifting her over your shoulder.

Delilah squeals, giggling while you walk back towards the table.

Penny looks up from her book, “you want me to watch her while you change?”

You nod, “please?”

“Of course, but you gotta put her down first.”

You set Delilah on the edge of the table, helping her hop down so she can sit beside Penny. You stare at the sand while walking back, the phantom pain in your shoulder returns.

You hold your arm against your stomach, using your non dominant hand to open the door.


Beau watches as you walk away, noticing how you’ve closed yourself off like you did when your parents died.


“What was that about?” Bob asks Natasha when she sits down beside him at the table, reaching for one of the glasses. She shrugs, “I don’t know. Maybe we should-”

“That’s not a good idea,” Penny interrupts.

“Why?” Natasha asks.

“She’s-” she glances down at a distracted Delilah, “uh- she's still working through some things.”

The younger woman doesn’t say much after that.


You stand in front of the bathroom mirror, staring at your shoulder.

You still remember what the asshole did to you, you may not remember the sounds, but you certainly remember the hand hitting your ribs, forcing you off the ladder.

You slam onto the ground. The pain radiating in your shoulder, you couldn’t move it and you knew for a fact, it wasn’t good.

The ladder fell on your calf, fracturing your tibia. And to top it all off, the asshole had the audacity to laugh as he knelt beside your head; his hand clamped on your chin, forcing you took look at him.

You don’t remember how you got out of there.

You don’t realize you’re hyperventilating until your body forces you to take quick, unsteady breaths.

Jake walks in with a smirk, expecting to find you around somewhere, hoping to talk to you (partly to piss off Natasha and to see what’s got you so frazzled, you’ve never acted like this before).

All and any humor fall from his face when he realizes you’re crying.He stands beside you, placing a hand on your arm.

You jerk back, tripping over your foot.

He’s quick to hold onto you, forcing you to stand up before you could fall.

You can feel his hand on your cheek and know he’s asking you questions but you can’t get enough air into your system to reply.

Jake wraps his arms around you, pressing you against him; he wraps one of your arms around his neck, the other flush against your waist. He hugs you. “It’s okay. It’s okay.”

You close your eyes, trying to calm down. The tears roll down your cheeks faster than you would like but, Jake says nothing about it and continues to comfort you.

You move your arm off you, wrapping it around his lower back, clenching his shirt in your shaky fist. You’ve calmed down enough to realize, Jake, the infamous flirty playboy is whispering comforting things in your ear.

Your head rests two inches from the crook of his neck.

“How are you feeling?”

You sniff, “fine.”

“You okay enough to let go of my shirt?”

There it is. You give him one last squeeze before pulling away from him. You look up, wiping your cheeks, “how’s it feel?”

“How does what feel?” He asks, pulling a paper towel out of the dispenser, wetting it in the sink.

“Not being the reason, a woman cries.”

“What makes you say that?” He cups the back of your neck, wiping your cheeks to get rid of the wet mascara streaks.

“You say you bring all your hookups to tears.”

The corner of his lips tugs upwards. “I knew you were listening to me.”

Your roll your eyes, “yeah, because you take up half of my section.”

“Maybe it’s because I want your eyes on me.”

You shake your head, taking it out of his hand; pushing past him to throw away the wet, black stained paper towel. You reach for another, making sure to get rid of any evidence that you were crying. “Why’re you in here?”

“It’s a bathroom,” he shrugs.

“Then go.”

“I’d rather not.”

“We all use a bathroom.”

He chuckles, “it’s not that.”


He shakes his head, “no, not really my scene anymore.”

“Is it because of the mission?”


You throw away the paper towel, turning back towards the sink; turning on the faucet to cup cold water in your hands and splash your face. You need a little more energy if you’re going to have a day at the beach with your favorite little girl.

The sink turns off, you assume it was Jake.

You open your eyes, staring down at the drain. Your chest heaves with every breath you take. You shake your hands, reaching up to wipe away the droplets on your chin. “You know,” you start, “I figured while you were here, you’d be waiting until later for some- uh- stress relief.”

“You offering?” He leans against the wall with his arms crossed.

“Yeah,” you look up, staring at him with no emotion.

His smirks drops and he squints his eyes, trying to decipher whether you’re lying. “Really?”

“No.” You snatch a paper towel and pat your face dry. “Seriously, thank you for helping me but- uh- could you not mention this to anyone else?”

“It’s not my place to talk about it. You know that.”

“Still, thank you. You’re oddly good at giving really good hugs.”

He shakes his head, “I can honestly say, no one except you has been the one to tell me that.”

“I’m happy to be the first.”

Your phone buzzes again, you groan, yanking it of your pocket. You don’t even need to see the number before you press the power button, shutting your phone off. “Looks like I have to go back out there.”

“Save my spot?”

“Can’t promise you anything? Does it look like I’ve been crying?”

He steps on front of you, staring into your eyes for a minute.

You’re worried he’s seeing something you don’t see; his stare makes you nervous, butterflies in your belly, the whole nine yards... which worries you because you only ever feel this way when you like someone.Oh crap. You thought those were gone.

He shakes his head, getting out of his thoughts “no, you’re good.”

“You sure?”

“I wouldn’t lie to you.”

You weren’t expecting him to say that. “Okay.”You exit the bathroom, heading for the bar.


“You alright? You looked upset back there?” Penny asks.

You nod with a tight lip smile, “I’m good, Peggy Sue.”

“Why don’t you take the night off? You know spend the rest of the day with Delilah.”

“You need help behind here later.”

“I’ve got it, besides Mary, Travis, and Jamie work tonight.”

“Are you sure?”

“You haven’t stopped working since I hired you. Take the night off. You deserve it.”

“Are you really-”

“Yes, I’m sure. You deserve to take the night off.”


“You gonna play game with us or not?” Natasha asks, stepping away from the others.

“I mean I could, if it’s alright with you and the others.”

“After we swim though, right?”

You tilt your head at your little sister who holds onto one Mickey’s shoulders. “You’re gonna have to climb off Mick in order for that to happen sweetie.”

“Let me down. Let me down. If I don’t do it now, she won’t go out with me.”

You scoff, “that’s not true.”

“You did it last time.”

“Because you were napping.”

“I was... resting my eyes.”

“Well, then lets’ go before you need to rest your eyes again.”

“Can I come?”

You glance back at the man with a buzzcut. “You want to go back outside? Aren’t you hot?”

“Did someone call me hot?” Jake asks, placing his hand on your lower back, letting you know he’s right behind you.

“No one did, Bagman,” Natasha chimes in.

“I wasn’t talking to you, Princess Phoenix.”

“You’re so nice,” you mumble.”

“Only when it counts, sweetheart. You know that,” he whispers in your ear.

You jerk your arm back, elbowing him in the stomach.

“There’s that spark.” He wheezes out. “I knew you remembered.”

“That’s payback for leaving me out to dry.”

“It was one time.”

“It was four times and each time I wound up saving your ass.”

“We’re going swimming now,” Delilah interrupts, dragging Mickey behind her as Rueben laughs his ass off at the sight of a child dragging his grown friend outside, matching the same pace as her.

“If you two can stop with the flirting, then I can talk to my friend.”

“Not before I do.”

“I thought you left, Maverick,” you say with a curt tone.

“Just let me say what I need to say then I’ll stop trying to explain myself.”

“Fine.” You huff, “follow me.”


Natasha glances back at Jake with raised brows. “What?”

“You know what? It didn’t work out the first time. What makes you think it would work again?”

He doesn’t say anything because she’s right, if it didn’t work out the first time, why would anything be different now. “Nothing.”

She takes note of his sad demeanor. “Wait- Jake.”

He walks out before she could apologize.


“What do you want, Maverick?”

“You to not call me that.”

He sees the little response he gets out of you and decides not to push it. “Okay, I’m gonna cut to the chase-”

“You’d be wise to.”

He purses his lips at the comment. “Cyclone wants you back because he thinks you’d be able to help show everyone that this mission is possible.”

“No, he doesn’t.”

“Okay, fine. Cyclone wants you back and I think you’d be the better candidate to help me show everyone its possible. I can’t tell you anything about it but, let me finish, I see the look you’re giving me. You can match the speed required for this mission. I know you can. This will be a walk in the park for you.”

“As much as I enjoy you trying to kiss my ass. I’m gonna have to pass.”

You spin around, slamming the door open; your foot hadn’t touched the floor when he asked, “so, you’ll be there tomorrow.”

You step into the doorway, eyes wandering around the bar. ‘Is it really time for me to leave to leave this place?’ “I expect you to keep up with me.”

He lets out a victory chuckle.


You shake your head, biting your lip to keep you from smiling. “Pen?”

“You’re covered forever. Let me know when you want to give in your two weeks.”

“Wow! You sound excited to get rid of me.”

“I am because you’re going back to do what you were born to do.”

“Whatever,” you roll your eyes. “I have a current little problem who is probably trying to drown grown men right now.”

“Yeah, please save them before you lose your friends.”

“Not my friends.”

“Fine, your squad!”

You shake your head and smile as you walk out the back door.



“Oh, hush.” You smile, lifting her in your arms.

“Look who joined the party.”

“Oh, Bagman. You joined us.”

He smirks, one eyebrow rising about the frame of his sunglasses.“Who said you could use that nickname?”

“No one but it’s better than anything I could come up with.”

“And she admits it.”

You scoff, setting Delilah back on the ground, letting her run back into the ocean so she and Mickey can have a splash fight.

“Admit it, you’ve missed this.”

You scoff, “I’ve missed nothing about you.”

“See that’s where we beg to differ.”

Natasha groans and drags you away from him, forcing you to sit beside her and Bob. “What’s got you so happy?”

You shrug, “nothing.”

She narrows her eyes at you before her eyes widen and jaw drops to the floor. “Are you- are you coming back?”

“What? No.”

“Yes, you are! You have your pre-flight glow.”

“I plead the fifth.”

“Fine, I’ll pretend like I don’t know you’re coming back,” she says and then throws herself onto you, hugging you tightly.

You chuckle, patting the arm she has wrapped across your chest.

“I’m so happy you’re coming back,” she whispers into your shoulder.

“I know you are,” you lean back into her.“I am too.”

Delilah calls out for her.

“Aunt Nat duty calls. Get up.”

You groan, giving her enough room to move out of the way. “You’re no fun.”

“I am fun!”

You enjoy the warmth filling your heart as you watch Natasha, Mickey, and Reuben playing with her as Jake observes.

“How are you?”

“What?” The one with glasses asks.

“How are you?”

“Me? You’re talking to me?”

“There’s no one else here and you seem less likely to annoy me.”

“Oh? I don’t know if I’m supposed to say thank you or not.”

“It’s not necessary but you’re welcome,” you nudge his arm with your elbow.

“I think they’d be mad if I tried to talk to you without them here,” he mumbles.

You furrow your brows trying to figure out what he’s talking about. “I don’t know who they are, but I know they would, and they can suck it up.” You scoot closer to him, who holds his snack of choice to you, silently offering you some. “Not now, person who’s name I still don’t know. Thank you though.”

He nods. “Oh, I’m Bob.” He quickly wipes his hand on his shorts before holding it out for you to shake.

“Well, Bob, it’s nice to meet you. It’s always good to know the people watching out for your friends.”

“Uh- oh- I’m not-”

“I know,” you give him a small smile, so he knows not to worry. “You’re not a pilot but a back seater and I hear the way I said it hut I promise I mean nothing bad about it, I’m just making an observation. I’ve known a few good back seaters in my day. Do you have a call sign Bob?”

He shakes his head, “ah, no. It’s Bob just- just Bob. Although the blond one with the sunglasses, he came up with an acronym for Bob.”

“Of course, he did. What’d he say?”

“Baby on board.”

You groan. “That’s terrible.”

“I know.”

“I mean the acronym. Don’t get me wrong he shouldn’t be saying this to his fellow teammates but that was just, terrible. He did not put any effort into it.”

“I guess not.”

“I’m gonna give you a makeshift call sign, something special just for you... Bound outta buoyancy.” You shake your head, “that doesn’t work.” You mumble other potential words in your head. “Okay all I’m coming up with is something that ends in buoyancy, and I mean like no other word besides that one.”


“I don’t know.”

“No, I mean- why are you trying to come up with a call sign for me?”

“You should have one that isn’t a shorter version of your name, even though Bob is a cute nickname.”

“Oh... thanks.” He pushes his glasses up, “Natasha mentioned you were nice but, I didn’t expect you to be this nice.”

You turn, staring at him with your head tilted. “She talks about me?”

He nods, “yeah- I mean, not all the time though. Just- every- a little.” He grabs a handful of his snack and tosses it into his mouth.

Now you know the perfect nickname for him and it’s most definitely not going to be an acronym. “Muchies?”


A quiet chuckle escapes you; you find it funny how he doesn’t realize what you called him. “What has she told you?”

“You two went out a couple times.”

You weren’t expecting her to tell him that. She must really like this kid. “And?”

“She was surprised to see you here that’s for sure and misses you… so does Jake.”

You nearly choke on your spit. “What?”

He freezes, realizing he’s said the wrong. “Nothing- nothing. It's- people say the weirdest things to me.” He lets out a nervous chuckle, reminding you of a certain mother on “That 70’s Show”.

“Bob, have Jake and Natasha talked about me before?”

“Uh- no?”

“Are you lying?”

“No,” he nods his head yes.

“I didn’t think Jake talked to you like you were friends.”

“He mentioned you two went out.”

“Nothing nice like Natasha, right?”

“No, but she did say that you two agreed you were better as friends, and she doesn’t want you to get hurt because of something stupid he does.”

“You sit quietly and learn all the gossip, don’t you?”

“I don’t mean to.”

“It’s okay.” You pat his back, “I believe you.”

“It kind of feels like you don’t.”


A shriek escapes you as your little sister crawls into your lap. “Lilah, you’re wet.”

“That’s what happens when you’ve been in the water.”

“Okay, smarty pants. How are you? You tired?”

“No, I just-” She yawns. “I just need a break.”

“Sounds like they’ve tired you out.”

“More like she tired me out. We had to do two hundred push-ups during training, and she was worse than that,” Natasha tells you as she sits beside Bob.

Mickey sits in front of you, playing hand games like slide as Jake settles beside you with Rueben trying to steal Bob’s snacks while simultaneously trying to mess up their game.

The next day…

“I thought you weren’t scheduled until next Tuesday,” Larry says.

You ignore Pete and Bernie’s looks. An awkward cough escapes you. “Yeah, I was.”

“You finally coming back?”

“We’ll see.”

“It’d be nice to have you back here.”

You nod before walking ahead of the two.


“I knew you were BGA. I told you.”

“Shut up, Bernie.”

“No, your godfather owes me ten bucks.”

You whirl around to face the two. “You made a bet on me?”

He sees the look in your eyes and quickly back tracks, correcting himself. “No, we all knew you’ve been coming here but your alias was the question we’d all been asking.”

You start to walk away, not wanting to listen to them anymore. “You guys’ suck.”

“Not when I know I have ten bucks waiting for me.”

“Actually, that goes to me,” Pete corrects him.

“Dammit Mav.”

You shake your head and continue ditching the two as Bernie tries bargaining with the man.


“You realize your putting your career on the line right.”

“I could say the same thing to you.” You tell him, not looking up as you fiddle with the straps of your helmet.

“I’m serious,” he says, adding your name so you understand the seriousness of the situation.

“I fully understand what I’m about to do, Pete.”

“And you’re not afraid of missing your chance to come back? Even if Cyclone is your godfather, which would have been nice to know beforehand.”

You shrug, “you never asked.”

“I didn’t think I had to.”

“Hurry up, Pete. Or else I’ll take off without you.”


During this time, your dearest godfather is informing the students about Pete no longer being their instructor.

The monitor beeps, Beau turns around. “Who the hell is that?”

Another beeping sound comes from the monitor, further confusing the admiral.

“Maverick to range control. Entering point Alpha. Confirm green range.”

“Uh, Maverick, range control, uh, green range is confirmed. I don’t see an event scheduled for you, sir,” Range control tells him. “We’re already aware of your partner but your name is not on our schedule.”

“Well, I’m going anyway,” says Pete.

“It’s a beautiful day to be in the sky.”

“You say that every time, Angel.”

Natasha, Mickey, Rueben, and Bob push themselves to the edge of their seat at the sound of your call sign.

Jake uses his fist cover his mouth, hiding his smile.

“And I will continue to do so.”

“Nice,” Natasha mutters.

“Setting time to target: Two minutes 15 seconds.”

“2:15? That’s impossible,” Rueben says to himself.

“Final attack point. Maverick’s inbound.”

A hearty chuckle escapes you before you could stop it, getting the man to smile. “Let’s light ‘em up.” You maneuver yourself beside him, “if you can keep up.”

“I think it’s the other way around. I’ve been doing this a lot longer than you.”

“We’ll see.”

“Popping in three, two, one,” he says.

You follow his lead. You two try and wait until your target is locked but your’s isn’t quite there. “Gotta go in blind,” you mutter. “Do it, Mav.”

“Bombs away.”

Jake mutters to himself, “damn.”

“Bull’s-eye! Holy sh*t! Holy sh*t! Mav!” You pull up beside him, taking off your mask, showing him how pumped you are that you were able to do this. “Aw sh*t.”

“What?” He huffs.

“You know what.”

“Oh, that. We’ll be fine.”

“I will blame everything on you.”

“I see why you’re Angel now. You know just how to comfort someone.”

“Don’t make me kick your ass.”

“I’d like to see you try.”


Once you're on the ground, you head over towards the class, with Pete slowly walking beside you. “He won’t do anything. He now sees what the other old man saw in you,” you tell him.

“I don’t know.”

“No,” you shake your head. “Goddaughter knows best. Believe me.”

“I’ll believe when I walk out of here without being discharged.”

“You know why they call me Angel.”

He shakes his head.

“I tell prophecies and you being discharged is not one of them. Coming back to Penny is the one I see.”

He chuckles until it falls when he realizes how close he is to standing before his students.


You pause in the wide doorway when you hear you call sign being called by a voice you never wanted to hear again.

You slowly turn, face void of emotion as you stare at him.

“Look at you all dresses up. You really think you can come back, and everything will be fine?” He stares at you waiting for a response.

You blink once. “Are you done?”

That throws him off. “What?”

“Are you done because this whole douche persona is not working and honestly right now, you’re ruining the adrenaline high I have right now so if you could just go that’d be great.” You spin around, aiming to stand beside Pete.

“How’s that shoulder of yours?” He grabs the shoulder you fell on because of him and quickly spin around, grabbing his hand, twisting so he feels nothing but pain and cries out as if he’s afraid you’ll break it.

“This is getting pathetic. You have two choices, stop being a prick and harassing me.”

He groans. “What’s the second choice?”

“There’s a lot to think of but the first one would be ideal.” You barely move him, and he immediately agrees. “Good. Now, go away.”

He gets up, cradling his arm to his chest. “You deserved it!”

You shake your head at his idiotic and hot-headed behavior. “What was that?”

He’s gonna get what’s coming to him if he keeps going. “You should be lucky all I did was push you off that ladder. It was great without you here.”

You glance over Beau, “you get that.”

He nods and calls for the jerk and Pete to follow him to his office.


You’re then bombarded by people.

“I told you. I told you,” she repeats hugging you.

You smile, hugging her back. “Shut up.”

She pulls back, shaking her head. “How are you not shaking or get stuck in G-Lock?”

You don’t answer her.

“You- you’ve been practicing?!”

“Just because I wasn’t here doesn’t mean I shouldn’t have practiced and make sure I don’t lose my skills.”

Mickey and Reuben push past her, giving you side hugs and shoulder pats.

“You have balls,” the taller one of the two tells you.

A chuckle exits your nose, “thanks.”

“No, I mean it. You and Maverick did that with sixteen seconds to spare.”


He nods.

“I was hoping for twenty,” you sigh. “Oh well.”

Bob moves forward aiming to give you a high five. “That was... something.”

“Thank you, Munchies.”

“That’s my nickname?”

“Yep.” For some reason you look over his shoulder and find Jake staring at you. You can the corners of your lips tugging upwards and the longer you look at him, the more you smile.

Bob glances over his shoulder, catching sight of the blond. He leans in, whispering in your ear, “go over and talk to him.”

You furrow your brows, “what are you-”

“Just trust me.” He walks away, neither of you take the first step that is, until Javy’s had enough and shoves him in your direction.

“So- uh,” Jake scratches the back of his neck.

“You intimidated?”

He scoffs, “yeah, right.”

“Seems like you can finally have that rematch,” you tell him, reminding him of your first day in class together.

“I can, can’t I? But I think that’ll have to wait until after I buy you a drink.”


“Yeah, plus I owe your sister a piggyback ride.”

You quietly groan to yourself. “You don’t have to, Jake. I know she asks everyone but you-”

“I want to.” He looks like he says he wants to say something else and is holding it back.

“Something on your mind.”

He chuckles through his nose. “I know why they call you Angel.”

“Oh, yeah? Why?”

“There’s this glow you have when you’re in the air and on the ground.”

“Is that a line you say to every pretty girl you see?”

“No- no,” he stutters, struggling to give you a proper response.

Warlock announces with everything that’s happened, it’s time for everyone to head to the locker rooms and rest until the mission.

You pat his arm before walking away and all he can do his stare at your back, wondering what you’ve done to make him struggle with talking to you.

Three weeks later... (after the mission)

You’re happy Penny lets you come in once a week for a shift, it’s good for you. Being at the hard deck gives you time to clear your head and keeps you occupied when you’re not at Top Gun.

Plus, your shift is usually right around the time when the crew comes by.

It’s been a few weeks since you’ve seen them and you guy’s plan on hanging out for most of the night since Delilah’s spending the night at her friends place for a sleepover.

A few of them stopped by at the beginning of your shift, you glance over at the pool tables, watching as Mickey and Billy play against one another while Neil and Rueben count their cash, clearly placing bets.


After a couple of hours, Natasha comes in and grabs a round before heading towards the back where the others are.She was the only to notice when Bagman came in and how he hadn’t left his chair to come over and sit by you as you chat with the others.

It’s been half an hour and she watches the way he’s staring at you, surprised that he hasn’t walked over to you yet. So far, she’s counted six lingering glances, two long sighs, and one-half drunken beer.

She can’t handle this anymore and heads over towards him. “If you’re trying to get back together with her, don’t break her heart.”

He spins to face Natasha. “What?”

She groans, taking a minute to think about her next course of action and jams her finger into his chest, “don’t act the same way you did before. You and I both know she deserves someone who’s...”

“Not me and not a douche, right?”

She sucks in a quick breath, pinching the bridge of her nose. “Although most of that is true and I’m not going to say what is and what isn’t. You- you've changed.”

He furrows his brows. “I have?”

“Yeah. When you’re around her, you act like a civil guy and not like Bagman.”

“I mean, I don’t-”

“Please shut up and just go walk over there. It’s pathetic.”

“Says the one who couldn’t keep her.”

She rolls her eyes, “you are not allowed to be near Bob anymore.”

“He was just being a good guy and answering my question.”

“She’s definitely got a hold on you, you’re saying Bob’s a good guy,” Natasha jokes.

“I’m not even gonna respond to that.”He pushes himself out of the chair. “Wish me luck, Princess Phoenix.”

She groans, shoving him in your direction. Once he’s at the steps just a few feet from you, she downs the rest of the beer he left behind.

Penny raises a brow.

“Add it to his tab.”


“Look who finally decided to show his face around here,” Javy jokes as his friend tries to make a move on you.

“Don’t you have a bet to lose, Coyote.”

His buddy only offers a sly smile. “Nope.”

“Yes, you do. Come on,” Natasha and Bob pull him away from you two.


You turn to him. “You know what that was about?”

Jake shrugs, “not a clue.” But he knows and knows that everyone else, but you know.

“How’s it feel?”

“How’s what feel?” He asks, giving you his full attention.

“Having two kills in your belt. You know, being a hero and all.”

He chuckles, suddenly feeling bashful. “I- uh- it’s- its fine.”

“Really? You’re not bragging about it like you’d been doing since you saved Rooster and Maverick. What’s with the sudden change?”

He shrugs because he can’t even tell what’s going on with him when he's around you anymore.

“Do you wanna go for a walk outside?”

He nods. Maybe fresh air is what he needs right now.


You two close the doors just as Bradley heads for the piano. “Are you sure you’re, okay?”

He rests his forearms on the railing. “Yeah. The more you ask, the more it sounds like you’re concerned about me, sweetheart.”

You roll your eyes, feeling a little happier now that he’s starting to act like his old self. “You wish, Seresin.”

“Maybe I do.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“Huh?” His head slowly turns in your direction, barely moving up from his arms.

“What do you mean?”

The two of you don’t say anything for a few minutes and continue staring at one another, you try to figure out the meaning behind what he said, and he realizes that he’s been an idiot ever since you two broke up before you two were shipped off to different places.

You furrow your brows. “Are you trying to tell me that you like me because, I don’t know if you remember, but we tried this,” you point to the two of you. “Before and it didn’t work out.”

“I can’t help what I’m feeling and honestly even if I could, I wouldn’t want to.”

“Okay,” you gulp down all and any spit that’s built up in your mouth. “If you want to give this one more shot, I’m gonna need you to be a big boy and put on your big boy boxers.”

His head drops, he’s fighting the urge to smile but you take it as he can’t tell you what he feels.

You’re not gonna stand around and wait for him to tell you no so you this opportunity to walk away.

He grabs your wrist pulling you into him. “I am not letting you go again.” His other hand brushes away the strands of hair that come flying into your face as the wind picks up. “Do you hear me?”

You switch between his two eyes, seeing if he’s being serious or not.

“I think the first time I was too scared to let you in even though I already had, and I thought breaking up was better than us trying to make it work because I missed out on a lot of things,” his voice slowly becoming lower and lower towards the end.

You can’t fight the urge to hide your runny nose or your tears, but you could care less to wipe away the tears trickling down your cheeks and sniffle. “Yeah, you did.”

“I wasn’t there for you, and you needed me.”

“I didn’t need you-”

“That’s my fault, you’re right. You didn’t need me, but I think we both know it would have been easier if I was there to help. I mean, I wouldn’t have been much help, but I could have definitely taken Lilah out for ice cream after school or something.”

“Oh, yeah. Load her up either sugar. Grade A parenting, Jake.”

His lips tug upwards into his soft, boyish smile that he only reserves for you. “I want to be there for you. Anything and everything, all of it.”


He shushes you. “Just kiss me, please?”

You roll your eyes, “I was going to say when did you become such a sappy guy, but you ruined it.”

He leans forward pressing his forehead against yours. His breath hitting your skin as a chuckle slips past his toothy grin. “You love it when I beg you.”

“I don’t know. My tastes have changed,” you shrug.

“Bullsh*t they have.”

“My, my. You’ve got quite the potty mouth on you-”

“Just shut up and kiss already.”

Your heads snap over at the door, seeing Natasha’s head sticking out of the doorway.

You groan, hiding your head into his chest.

“I swear if two don’t- no, let go- no-”

“She’s gonna take a five-minute break,” Bob tells you before closing the door.

“And you said, I ruined the mood.”

“Oh, shut up,” you giggle, enjoying the warmth emanating from him.

“You know you never told me, yes or no.”

“To what?”

“To me.”

You pull back, leaving enough space so when either one of you leans in, the other isn’t too far. “Oh, I didn’t.”

He narrows his eyes. “No, you didn’t, and you know that.”

“I guess you’re right.” You tilt your chin up, waiting to see his next move.

“Hey guys.”

“Why are you out here, Chicken?” Jake asks, keeping his gaze on you.

“Oh, you know, just enjoying the... scenery. Have either of you ever watched the way the moon just reflects off the water.”

Neither of you turn your heads.

“Because you should.”

You two do as he suggests, not realizing that he moves closer.

You turn back to look at Bradley with furrowed brows. “That wasn’t much different than other nights.”

He shrugs, “guess you’re right.”

Jake moves back to his previous position.

Before either of you two can understand what’s happening, you’re kissing Jake and you start chuckling when you hear the mustached man whine for the others to let him in.

“You find that funny, sweetheart.”

“Little bit.”

“Maybe I can do this to distract you.”

“Are you jealous?” You mumble against his lips.

He pulls back, resting his chin on top of your head, enjoying this moment. “As I’ve I’d ever be jealous of Chicken. He doesn’t have what I have.”

“And what’s that?”

“The best thing I could have asked for.”

You groan into his shoulder, trying to hold it together.

“What’s that sound for?”

You unwrap your arms from his waist to hold his cheeks. “Why are you so cute?”

“I’m not cute,” he pouts.

“Yes, you are.” A mischievous grin spreads across your lips. “You’re my cutie pie.”

He shakes his head, “no. Get off me.”

“You know I’m joking. Don’t be mean.”

“I’m not mean.”

“Well, you’re not being very good.”

“You’re lying. I’m good, I’m very good and we both know it.”

“You’re not making this moment any sweeter.”

“I’m making it so sweet; Baby on Board is gonna get his firs cavity.”

“Why are you still being so competitive? You’ve got me.”

“This is just something you’re gonna have to get used to, sweetheart.”

You let out a fake deep sigh, “guess I am.”

He grins, pecking your lips. “I win.”

“Moment ruined.” You shove him away from you only to be pulled back into his embrace.

“Not so fast.”


“Can you two tease each other later and come back in to play pool?” Natasha asks, pulling you away from Jake.

You glance back over your shoulder, giggling back at him.

He stands behind you as you wait for Mickey to take his shot. “You know what I realized,” he whispers in your ear.


“You’re the future Mrs. Bagman.”

“What makes you think I’d be the one taking your callsign?”

“Sweetheart, do I seem like the type people would call angel?”

“Yes.” You spin around, placing a hand on his chest keeping yourself from losing your balance.

“Really? Who?”

“Me. You’re my little angel baby.”

The corner of is lips tugs upwards, you still remember your guys’ song, and the one that just so happens to be playing at this exact moment.

“And, we’d have to be engaged for that to happen but before that comes boyfriend and girlfriend.”

“Did that confession and kiss out there make you think I wanted to be your best friend or something?”

“You didn’t ask me.”

“Oh, sweetheart, there’s no one else I’m kissing tonight or any other night but you.”

You squint your eyes at him.

“I see the looks you’re giving me and I’m gonna confess another one of my truths to you,” he leans down, his lips a mere few centimeters from your ear, his breath hitting your skin causes goosebumps to rise on your skin. “When we were together officially and unofficially the first time, you were the only one I ever kissed.”

“I was?”

“Yep. It’s your turn.”

You don’t know how you one the game after hearing that but when you shot the last ball into the corner pocket and looked up, you realized how you did and you don’t hold back the smile that stretches your lips wide from corner to corner as you look at Jake, who walks towards you, a sense of pride in his eyes.

His hand cups your cheek as he pulls you in for a deep, long kiss, earning sounds whooping and hollering combined with the sounds of fake disgust.

Neither of you cared what was going on around you as you enjoyed the others embrace.

When he pulls away to catch his breath, you tell him, “guess I’m good too.”

He smirks, “finally, I get someone worthy enough to be called my competition.”

“Don’t get cheeky with me, Hangman.”

“Say it again.”

You peck his lips, “keep it in your pants, Jake. It’s your turn to play now,” you hold the pool cue out for him to take.

He shakes his head as he takes it, heading over towards the table Bradley is playing at.


“I can’t believe you’re with Bagman.”

You grin at her, taking a sip of Jake’s drink. “I know.”

“But I’m happy for you.”

“Thank you. You spot the brunette eyeing you in the corner by the jukebox?”

“No, thanks for the heads up. Don’t wait for me.”

“Oh, believe me. I know the way you work, and I won’t, Phoxy.”

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Author: Francesca Jacobs Ret

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Views: 5918

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Author information

Name: Francesca Jacobs Ret

Birthday: 1996-12-09

Address: Apt. 141 1406 Mitch Summit, New Teganshire, UT 82655-0699

Phone: +2296092334654

Job: Technology Architect

Hobby: Snowboarding, Scouting, Foreign language learning, Dowsing, Baton twirling, Sculpting, Cabaret

Introduction: My name is Francesca Jacobs Ret, I am a innocent, super, beautiful, charming, lucky, gentle, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.