Victorian sponge cake with strawberry jam recipe (2024)

I’m most excited about posting this recipe for a classic Victorian sponge cake because It’s a cake I have wanted to perfect for years. Cake is my favourite food group and a craving for a simple but very well-made cake such as this often strikes with such vigorous force, I become obsessed. I tested this recipe 3 times and realized whilst it really is a very simple cake, some technique plays a part. I’m going to walk you through all the steps that are important when making this cake.

I was approached by Bonne Maman to do a recipe featuring their product. As you will probably know they are a dreamy French jam & preserve manufacturer, and I couldn’t think of a baked recipe that showcases jam as well as a Victorian sponge. I chose strawberry, which is very classic, but you could use absolutely any jam flavour of your choice. This cake is all about a beautiful cake with a dense and moist crumb, a very thick layer of berry jam, and buttercream icing.

Fresh cream is often used to sandwich a Victoria sponge cake together along with the jam and I love this too. However, this buttercream frosting with a hint of vanilla is my preferred choice.

How to make a Victorian sponge cake:

There are various methods to make cake. You can do it in a food processor, or you can use an electric mixer to cream the butter, sugar, and eggs as I have done. Baking is a science and there are reasons why the butter and sugar and then the eggs are creamed together. When you add eggs to a butter mixture (a fat) you are essentially making an emulsion. The fat from the butter emulsifies with the protein & water in the egg. You want to add the eggs one at a time and ensure they are incorporated before adding the next egg. I always employ this basic technique when making a butter-based sponge cake.

Make sure you use medium eggs. Large eggs can cause this cake to drop in the middle when baked. The eggs must be at room temperature. Cold eggs can prevent an emulsion from happening.

To recap: add eggs slowly, use room temperature medium eggs only.

Once the butter, sugar and eggs are very nicely creamed and emulsified (I find using a stand mixer with the balloon whisk attachment the best), add the flour and milk in two parts and whisk very briefly to incorporate. Never overmix after the flour has been added. I always sift the flour and baking powder twice before. If you are going to the effort to sift in once you may as well sift it twice.

Vanilla is not traditional in a classic Victorian sponge recipe, but I love to add a teaspoon to the batter and half a teaspoon to the frosting.

Try not to open the oven while it is baking and try not to overbake this cake as it could dry out. If you do get a slight dip in the center after it’s been baked this is common and can just be filled with jam, frosting, or cream.

What kind of pan do you bake a Victorian sponge cake in?

I tested this recipe putting all the mixture in one cake tin with the intent to cut it in half later and it didn’t rise as well in the middle. I found the best way to ensure an even rise was to split the batter between 2 x 20cm (8 inch) loose-bottomed springform cake tins. I always line the bottom and sides with baking paper.

How to store the Victorian sponge cake:

Store your cake in an air-tight container to prevent it from drying out. If you are using fresh cream, store it in an air-tight container in the fridge

Tips & substitutions:

You can fill a Victorian sponge with any Bonne Maman preserve of your choice.

Use fresh whipped cream instead of the vanilla buttercream if you prefer, just take care not to over-whip, stopping as the cream forms soft peaks. Add 1 tablespoon of icing sugar & ½ teaspoon vanilla to 125ml (1/2 cup) of whipped double cream to make Chantilly cream.

Top with slices of fresh strawberries or any berries you prefer.

Victorian sponge cake with strawberry jam recipe (12)Bonne Maman® is exclusively available in South Africa at Woolworths

Makes 1 cake – 8 -10

A classic and delicious Victorian sponge cake recipe with strawberry jam and buttercream along with loads of how-to tips and tricks.

Print Recipe

Victorian sponge cake with strawberry jam recipe (13)

Prep Time:20 minutes mins

Cook Time:25 minutes mins



  • 225 gm butter
  • 225 gm caster sugar
  • 4 medium free-range eggs
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • 225 gm self-raising flour
  • 1 ½ tsp baking powder
  • 100 ml milk

Icing/frosting filling:

  • 100 gms butter softened
  • 140 gms icing sugar sifted
  • ½ tsp vanilla extract
  • 1 – 2tsp milk
  • Approx. – 160gms Bonne Maman Strawberry preserve
  • Icing sugar for dusting


  • Preheat the oven to 190C/375F and line two 20cm springform baking tins with baking paper.

  • Using an electric mixer, beat the butter and caster sugar until pale and fluffy, about 3 minutes.

  • Add each egg one at a time, ensuring it's well incorporated before adding the next one. Add the vanilla extract.

  • Sift the flour and baking powder twice and then add that to the cake batter while mixing on low. Add the milk and briefly whisk to combine. Do not over mix.

  • Scrape down the bowl of the mixer and divide the batter evenly between the 2 cake tins. Even the top out with a spatula.

  • Bake for 20 – 25 minutes until golden brown and springy to the touch. The cake is done when you insert a sharp knife into the middle and it comes out clean. If necessary and to prevent over-browning, loosely cover the cakes from about 10 minutes into the baking time.

  • Cool on a rack.

  • Make the icing by whisking all the ingredients until pale and fluffy.

  • Assemble the cake starting with a layer of icing then a layer of Bonne Maman jam. Place the second layer on top and dust with icing sugar.

Servings: 1 cake

Author: Sam Linsell

*This post is proudly sponsored by Bonne Maman

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Victorian sponge cake with strawberry jam recipe (2024)


Do you put jam or cream on a Victoria sponge first? ›

Select the best looking sponge for the top layer and then lay the other one, top side down on your serving dish. Spread the jam over the bottom layer, and then whip the cream to soft peaks and spread over the jam. Place the other layer on top and dust with icing or caster sugar when serving.

What is the secret to a good Victoria sponge? ›

The key to a good sponge is a thorough beating. The aim is to get as much air in as possible to create a light and airy sponge.

How do you keep jam from soaking in a sponge cake? ›

You can also put a very thin layer of butter cream on the sponge before putting the jam on. The butter cream will prevent the jam seeping into the sponge, you can then add the remaining butter cream and sandwich as normal.

What is the difference between a sponge cake and a Victoria sponge? ›

Victoria sponge cakes are two-layer cakes, served with strawberry jam and whipped cream in between the layers and dusted with granulated sugar. On the other hand, a classic sponge cake is much more versatile.

Why isn t my Victoria sponge light and fluffy? ›

Make sure that all of the ingredients are at room temperature so that they combine easily. Cold ingredients can lead to a dense and heavy cake.

Does jam go on the top or bottom of a cake? ›

Once your cake has cooled completely; warm your jam for about 20 seconds in a microwave (this isn't essential but it does make it easier to spread). Spread your jam over the top of your cake, being careful to get right into the corners and edges.

How do you stop jam from bleeding in a sponge? ›

Remove from the tins and fill with raspberry jam when cold to avoid jam bleeding into the cake. A light dusting of caster sugar on the top will finish it. If you use butter remove from the fridge to soften. To reduce the cost of the cake and increase the volume you could use half butter and half-soft margarine.

What went wrong with my Victoria Sponge? ›

Too flat/didn't rise

Also, check your raising agents are in date as out-of-date ones won't have the same oomph. It could also be a symptom of it not being cooked enough, in which case, pop it back in the oven for a few more minutes. It could also be that the tin is too big so the sponge has spread too thinly.

Can you use store-bought strawberry jam for cake filling? ›

Ever wondered what the best strawberry jam for cake filling is? Based on our first hand experience, GOOD GOOD's strawberry jam is the best store bought jam to layer your homemade cakes with. This is because it contains real berries and doesn't have any added sugar.

Does a cake with jam filling need to be refrigerated? ›

It's best to keep the cake refrigerated until a few hours before serving and should not be left unrefrigerated longer than 4 hours. It also freezes beautifully!

What is sponge cake called in America? ›

Sponge cake comes in many forms, with angel food cake being the most well-known in America. Basically, a sponge is a cake made very light by whipping the egg and carefully folding in the flour mixture. The two types of sponge cake that appear most often on the show are Victoria and Genoise.

Did the Queen like Victoria sponge cake? ›

Queen Victoria and the Victoria Sponge

Food historian Alysa Levene reported in her 2016 bookCake: A Slice of Historythat the Queen was in fact particularly fond of this simple yet delicious sponge cake and enjoyed having a slice with her afternoon tea.

Which is better, Genoise or Victoria Sponge? ›

Both the Genoise and the Victoria can be made by various tweaks to their individual methods but the real difference is very simple. Genoise sponges are made without fat. Consequently, the Genoise has a much shorter shelf life due to the lack of fat.

Which comes first jam or cream? ›

According to research, what's widely known as the “Devon method” is putting your clotted cream on first and covering that up with jam whereas the “Cornish method” involves spreading your scone with strawberry jam and then topping that layer with clotted cream.

Do you put jam or icing on a cake first? ›

Carefully pipe or spread half of your buttercream onto the first cake, and then top with some jam. Add the second sponge on, and then spread the rest of the buttercream on top.

Does the Queen do jam then cream? ›

Well, according to Darren McGrady, a former chef who worked for the Royal Family for over 10 years, the Queen prefered jam first. He tweeted: “The Queen always had home-made Balmoral jam first with clotted cream on top at Buckingham Palace garden parties in the royal tea tent and all royal tea parties.”


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Introduction: My name is Clemencia Bogisich Ret, I am a super, outstanding, graceful, friendly, vast, comfortable, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.